Big Damned Heroes: C4
Gideon Winters
Character Quote

Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

Profession Distinction - Registered Companion - Opens doors that might otherwise be closed.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Background Distinction - Border Born and Bred - Knows the struggles of the Border firsthand, tries to hide it.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Quirk Distinction - Cunning Linguist - A smooth talker in more than one language.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Signature Assets
Contact Sedative - Worn in a hidden patch on the Companion's fingers, to administer to a client who becomes violent or breaks the rules.
Fancy Wardrobe - Outfits and accessories befitting a Companion.
Gideon was born in an obscure town on Shadow. Although the family was of good standing there was very little in the way of prospects, other than farming. When he was fourteen the family encountered a Companion who suggested he might have the aptitide for Companion training, and so that's where he was sent.
Trainees from the Core have a head start, in education, social status, and training - they begin at twelve. Gideon worked hard to catch up and keep up, until eventually he was indistinguishable from his peers. The plan was always to return home when he finished his schooling, before training on the physical arts began. Then the Unification War started. Gideon stayed with the Companions, and by the time the war was done he'd earned his registration and there was no home left to return to.
While many Companions maintain a fixed base in the height of society, he prefers to travel. Less time spent that way steeped in the life of the Core. Plus it's cheaper - other than what he needs to maintain the lifestyle, much of what he earns secretly makes its way to charitable endeavours in support of those left destitute.