Big Damned Heroes: Captain Nat
Nadezhda Moroz
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Character Quote

Big Damned Hero SFX: Once per scene, step up or double an Attribute. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

Ship's Captain - A natural leader, you’re responsible for the Crew and the ship you all fly in.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Protect the Crew: When a Crewmember in the same scene as you acquires a Complication, spend 1 PP to take it away and step it back.
Civilian Spacefarer - No military experience, no side in the War. Just a long run in the Black, a way with folks, and a few close scrapes to pad your resumé. And a sight more book-learning than most folks out on the fringe, more than you usually let on.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a

Might-Have-Been Rockstar - At one point, you were touring, partying, living large. It didn't work out, but you still have a mighty big personality, and some folks might even remember you.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Captain Nemo at his Organ: Music sooths the savage beast. When you put aside time to re-center yourself with a musical performance, spend 1 PP to step back a psychological or intellectual based complication (yours or another crew member who hears the performance).
Signature Assets

Mighty Fine Wardrobe - From slums to soirees, to fit in or stand out, Nat is equipped to dress the part and send the message she wants.
Describe your character here
Bound by Law
- The authorities are looking for you. They just want to talk. Promise. What do they think you are guilty of? Did you do what they think you did?
- "Look, I thought we were just hauling something fun, like E2 or Buzz. Not... whatever nightmare chemist's super special opioid that was. And we dumped it after Jackie cracked open a box to sneak a little and melted his gorram brain. No I can't prove that, especially since the creeps that paid us in advance dropped right off the radar instead of coming after us. For all I know, it's some freaky military experiment that they want to cover up or something."
Friends in Low Places
- You know a guy. Who are they? Describe a GMC your character knows well enough to call on for the occasional favor. This contact is a purely narrative asset with no die ranking.