Svilland: Skaati

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Skaati :: Dvergr Hexblade

"The words of the gods became people. What then shall our words become?"

Base Matrix

Warlock (Hexblade) L5 | Alignment LN

AC 15 | HP 43 | Initiative +2 | Proficiency +3 | Size M | Speed 25 | Devil's Sight 120'


STR 10 / +0 / Save (+0) || DEX 14 / +2 / Save (+2) || CON 16 / +3 / Save (+3) || INT 8 / -1 / Save (-1) || WIS 11 / +0 / Save (+2) || CHA 18 / +4 / Save (+7)


Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield

Armor of Shadows [AC 15]

Weapon Proficiencies: All Martial, All Simple

Weapons Carried:

Longsword: +7 [to hit] | 1d8+4 [damage] | Versatile (1d10)
Dagger: +5 [to hit melee/thrown] | 1d4+2 [damage melee/thrown] | Finesse/Light/Thrown [20/60]


Sp Att: +7 | Sp DC: 15 | Spell Slots: 2/L3

Boon: Pact of the Blade | Patron: The All Seeing Dark (Hexblade)

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast 2x1d10 Force | Green Flame Blade wp+1d8/1d8+3 Fire | Prestidigitation

L1: Witchbolt 3d12 | Comprehend Languages | Inflict Wounds 3d10 (1/LR no slot)

L2: Darkness | Misty Step |Shatter | Spider Climb | Invisibility (1/LR no slot)

L3: -

Incantations: Armor of Shadows | Devil's Sight | Thirsting Blade | Gift of the Depths


Eldritch Adept | Shadow Touched


Str >> Athletics [+0]

Dex >> Acrobatics [+2] | Sleight of Hand [+2] | Stealth [+2]

Int >> Arcana [-1] | History [-1] | Investigation [-1] | Nature [-1] | Religion [-3]

Wis >> Animal Handling [+0] | Insight [+3] | Medicine [+0] | Perception [+0] | Survival [+0]

Cha >> Deception [+7] | Intimidation [+7] | Performance [+4] | Persuasion [+7]

Tools: Smith

Spoken/Written Languages: Common | Dwarven | Giantish


Longsword (belt) | Dagger (belt) | Explorer's Pack (bedroll, mess kit, tinder box, torches [10], rations [10d], waterskin, 50' hempen rope, spare clothes) | Smith tools (pack) | Potion of Healing 2d4+2 [8] (pouch) || 102 gp (pouch)


Dvergren Craftsman || Specialty: Smith/Metalworker || Rank: Master

Feature: Dvergr Reputation
As a Dvergr Craftsman, you may stamp your own work as certified crafted by an artisan of your rank (Apprentice/Journeyman/Master) without the presence of a higher ranked craftsman. At need, you may generally assume access to tools and workspace from any race's Craftsman on the weight of the professional respect they hold for artisans of your kind.

Trait: I'd rather work for farmers than kings.

Ideal: It doesn't matter that the pay is shite. Do good work anyway.

Bond: I fight for what's important. The rest can take care of itself.

Flaw: I'd rather work for farmers than kings.


Skaati was a metalsmith of some skill, and he never intended to be anything more, until the day the tall, armorless stranger entered his forge with a broken longsword and a sack of coin worth twice its weight if Skaati could make it whole again.

Skaati took the job and set to work by the dark of night, such was the stranger's urgency, and that was the night he was approached by the All Seeing Dark.

It's voice whispered through the flame with every push of the bellows, rang in his skull every time the hammer fell, hissed dark secrets as heat and steel found voice in the tempering oil.

The stranger never returned for the blade, and Skaati bears it to this day. He still smiths, but he also fights. Wielding the great blade that sometimes lashed out with green fire, wearing no armor after the fighting style of the berserker, Skaati finds ways to stand against the Black Winter.

Following the Stone Wolves as their smith gave him opportunities to do that. It was there he met and befriended Hrókr and Grimnar - and survived with them that fateful day it all went to shite.

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