Riya Marevic

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Valeriya "Bullseye" Marević


Describe your character here

Power will come for you. Run if you can. Adapt if you must. But you never sell out.


|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills

  • Fight d8
  • Focus d8
  • Influence d8
    • Specialty Diplomacy d6
  • Move d6
  • Notice d6
  • Perform d10
    • Specialty Acrobatics d6
  • Throw d12
    • Specialty Knives d6
  • Trick d10

Untrained Skills d4

| Fix d4 | Fly d4 | Know d4 | Labor d4 | Operate d4 | Shoot d4 | Sneak d4 | Survive d4 | Treat d4 |

Distinctions/SFX d8

Checked SFX are active.

Lethal Accuracy - After more than a decade of practice, you can hit anything in range, using anything you can throw, with pinpoint precision. (Throw, Notice, Trick)

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Trick Shot: Put a little English on your throw to conceal your intended target until it's too late to react. Spend 1PP to add Trick to a Throw
Blindfolded Shot: You regularly practice throwing blindfolded. When targeting someone who is out of your line of sight, and you make the shot, gain a Hero Die equal to your Throw ranking. If you miss, take d6 or step up the Off My Game complication.

Circus Performer - You have acquired and honed the skills to put on a spellbinding show

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Main Event: When you are performing for an audience, spend 1PP to give any members of your team present in the scene a Main Event asset equal to your Trick die they can use while everyone is distracted.

Game Face: Ignore one Consequence for one turn while performing an Action, then step up the Consequence.

Russian Entrepreneur - Everything and everyone has a price. Know yours, and know theirs.

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Business Savvy: Riya keeps cash tucked away all over her person for under-the-table expenses. Spend 1PP to find enough for common and incidental needs.

Self-Employed: As a farm child, you've learned to be good enough at whatever you need to be good at. Spend 1PP to step up any d4 skill for a scene.

Signature Assets d6

Throwing Knives d8 Riya has a seemingly inexhaustible supply tucked into various parts of her leathers, and even her hair.

Diceless Assets

Babel Fish Riya has implants to allow her to read and hear any language, which is translated into her native (backwater) Russian for her. She has a speaker set into a choker around her neck that will translate her words into any language, as well.