Pirates of the Baltic Sea: Astra

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Astra Andasca

Attributes d6

Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills d6

Drive d12

Evasive Maneuvers d6
Need for Speed d6

Fly d8

Influence d123

Move d8

Shoot d6

Sneak d6

Trick d10

Untrained Skills d4

Craft d4 | Fight d4 | Fix d4 | Focus d4 | Know d4 | Labor d4 | Notice d4 | Operate d4 | Perform d4 | Survive d4 | Throw d4 | Treat d4 |

Distinctions/SFX d8

Agent Provocateur

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Devil on the Shoulder: Spend 1 PP to double Trick or Influence when persuading someone to do something illegal.

Highlighted Skills: Influence | Sneak | Trick

Alliance Spy

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Alliance Agenda: When you’re interacting with any Alliance personnel, spend 1 PP to reveal that you outrank them or function at a more important level than they do.

Highlighted Skills: Shoot | Sneak | Trick

Free Spirit

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Highlighted Skills: Drive | Fly | Move

Signature Assets d6

False Identity d6

James Bond Wristwatch: d6


Not much is known for certain, about Astra Andasca- whatever her true name and history might be. She is almost certainly Finnish, and very likely served in the Navy for a period; some might speculate that she continues to do so, clandestinely.

It is exceedingly difficult to pin her down to a particular identity. Data is difficult to obtain, and files are heavily redacted, often containing contradictory information.

aliases/legends include: Ani Skell, Security Officer, Finnish Navy; Arya Aland, ecoterrorist group infiltration; Astrid Andunie, Archaeologist and treasure hunter; Asti Asbjorn, Privateer; Andja Aesir, Investigative Journalist; Adja Anduin, Medic; Astra Andasca, Close Protection/ Bounty Hunter, Former Naval Aviator; Cdr. Airica Arvid, Science Officer, Finnish Navy; various others (not all are fully backstopped).

Present Legend: Astra Andasca attended the academy, and served in the Finnish Navy for three terms, as a helo pilot in the Coastal Brigade- primarily reconnaissance and special ops. (While she has ostensibly retired her naval commission, much of her contract work is still in the service of Finnish Naval Intelligence interests, and she effectively maintains her rank of Commander).

In the private sector, she has served as private pilot and security, close protection, and even taken on select bounties.

Original Dossier for Ani Skell legend: Obtained a degree in Law Enforcement, minoring in Oceanography and Arctic Studies, in return for a commission in the Finnish Navy. As a Cadet, Ani served under the Security Officer aboard the last icebreaker before it was decommissioned, in the very last of the dwindling polar ice.

Following graduation from the Academy in Helsinki, Ani was recruited directly into the Intelligence division, where she received training in the more esoteric arts of clandestine service. Her sheer presence in undercover scenarios balanced her utter lack, in the more technological studies that might otherwise be expected of her. When a role required it, she found she could learn the jargon, and bluster her way through.

Ultimately, she achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander, before going rogue. Her love of the ocean and its creatures, on the brink of extinction, led her to embrace an emerging anarchic streak- and remain embedded within the ecoterrorist organization she had been infiltrating. The security service, it seemed, had no intention of enforcing any environmental protocols whatsoever. It became clear that both governments and corporations had given up on the terrestrial homeland of Earth. Ani was not ready to give up this particular fight. Not yet.

While working undercover inside a terrorist cell, she crossed a number of lines, and has never looked back. Except to check for a tail, but that mode of tradecraft is mostly outdated. Ani now continues her fight where she may, while working to make ends meet with a motley assortment of hackers and outsiders, pirates all.

Maintaining her ties with Dead Zone, she assists with enforcing the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, now in a more effective (though extralegal) capacity.

Tattoo: Traditional Raja emblem, derived from the old Finnish Border Guard, inked on her right upper arm.