Hexen Ward: Chargen
Prime Traits
Building your character starts with selecting their Prime Traits. One die from each prime trait should be included every dice pool.
Distinctions are your first Prime Trait and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of who they are as a whole. Distinctions determine whether a particular facet of a character helps or hinders them in accomplishing a chosen action. Include one (1) Distinction die with every roll
Each character is ranked in three (3) Distinctions:
Streetwise Distinction 
- What is your reputation on the streets of London? When folk look at you, what do they see? What does the random passerby expect from you? This distinction might point to criminal pursuits or affiliation with a practical trade.
Hexen Distinction 
- What is your reputation among your peers? Among the younglings who count on the knowledge you can impart for their very survival? This distinction might foreshadow your preferred area of magical focus.
Fae Distinction 
- What is your reputation among the Fae? How do they know you? This distinction might be a nom de guerre or title by which the Fae know you and indicate the reason they consider you a threat.

Attributes are your second Prime Trait. They define your character's innate potential. One (1) Attribute die is added to every roll
Each character is ranked in four (4) Attributes.
Guile: Guile rates a character's innate facility with charm, persuasion, and trickery.
Nerve: Sometimes you just gotta white-knuckle your way through. Nerve defines how adroit the character is at holding their grit in tense and stressful situations.
Reflexes: How quick are you? How accurate? Reflexes are all about agility, dexterity, balance, and aim.
Savvy: Savvy is a solid measure of a character's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, including people, places, laws, customs, and etiquette.
Rank one (1) Attribute at one (1) at
and two (2) at