House Norwolf
Godmund Norwolf
Head of House. Baron Godmund Norwolf. A newer noble family in Amber, established since King Random came to the throne on the basis of money made by fortuitous trading with new markets along the new shadow paths created with the redrawing of the Primal Pattern. Because of their 'new money' status they are somewhat looked down upon by the other houses, but do control a major trading fleet.
House Norwolf has a very long history with the Civilian City Cohorts Godmund once served as its General Commander.
A fussy and sometimes annoying man he is also a daring shadow walker and a Broken Pattern Initiate. Recently elected to the Board of Governors of the University of Fantalin.
- Council of the exchequer. Board member of the Bank of Amber
Gethrun Norwolf
Guthrun, the oldest daughter of the head of House Norwolf, a Deputy Chief of Protocol. Fussy and prim.
Gieana Norwolf
Daughter of Gethrun. Has been known to be a wetnurse to certain families of note.
Lydia Norwolf
Lady Lydia Norwolf is a member of the Queen's Ladies in Waiting