RH Walker
RH Walker :: Inflitration Specialist
Hi Nice to meet ya, if you would be so kind to come over here, I have something real special for you...
Race :: Human
Racial Features: Adaptable
Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor
Derived Stats
Pace || Parry || Size || Toughness
Core Skills
Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth
Other Skills
Fighting || Shooting || Tradecraft
Overconfident - Major - Walker is sure he can do everything.
Greedy - Minor - Walker didn't like being poor when he was younger, and thus has developed an attachment to acquiring personal wealth.
Loyal - Minor - Walker treats his team the way that he wants to be treated and would do anything for them.
Edges and Powers
Martial Artist Unarmed Fighting +1, fists and feet count as Natural Weapons, add d4 damage die to unarmed Fighting attacks.
Commando Requirements: Novice, Agility d6+, Smarts d6+, Spirit d6+, Strength d8+, Vigor d8+, Fighting d6+, Shooting d6+, Stealth d8+ Commandos tackle the toughest missions on the front, but often operate behind enemy lines with little chance of coming home. They are almost always outnumbered and outgunned so they need to be mentally sharp to stay ahead of the enemy. Commandos add +2 to all Fatigue rolls made against environmental hazards (including cold and heat), sleep deprivation, foot marches, and +2 to all Survival rolls. As much of their work involves getting close to their targets for a silent takedown, they receive a +1 to Stealth rolls and a +1 to Pace. All of these bonuses are cumulative with those derived from other Edges.