Pouncefoot, Rakshasa Martial Artist

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Rakshasan Martial Artist

Pouncefoot grew up in a small settlement on the outskirts of civilization. As a youngling Pouncefoot displayed a casual disregard for the niceties of ownership rights, rifling through others' possessions and entering any home that caught his fancy. 'Curiosity', his mother affectionately called it. He also had an unfortunate tendency to get into fights, often with the affronted owners of whatever caught his attention. His mother ignored this as long as she could, until the town council threatened to banish young Pouncefoot. In desperation she sent him to a school run by her eccentric cousin Shadowtail, a retreat promising inner peace through the practice of martial arts.

Pouncefoot thrived there, calming his violent instincts, but his curiosity remained. Following a string of confrontations when he was found in the chambers of other students, Shadowtail expelled Pouncefoot when he was found wearing Shadowtail's favorite pendant. Pouncefoot wandered from settlement to settlement after that, hiring himself out as menial labor, as a bodyguard, as a teacher of hand-to-hand combat...whatever could keep him in a little money and with a roof over his head for the night.

Attributes: Agility d10 (max d12+1), Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Parry: 10 (2)

Toughness: 6 (2)

Pace: 8"

Bennies: 3/3


  • Claws d12+1, damage d6+d6
  • Bite d12, damage d6+d4


  • Bloodthirsty (Major, Racial)
  • Can't Swim (Minor, Racial): -2 to Athletics (Swimming); each 1" of movement costs 3"
  • Curious (Major)
  • Impulsive (Major)
  • Greedy (Minor)
  • Fear of Shapeshifters (Major): -2 to Trait rolls in the presence of shapeshifters
  • Frail: Reduce Toughness by 1


  • Low Light Vision (Racial): ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination
  • Frenzy (free): roll a second Fighting die with any one of your Fighting attacks for the turn. This die may be allocated to the same or different target. Resolve each die separately.
  • Martial Artist
  • Fleet Footed: +2 Pace, running die increases 1 step
  • Leaper: Leap twice as far as normal; add +4 to damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack (instead of +2)

Skills: Athletics (Agility) d10, Common Knowledge (Smarts) d4, Fighting (Agility) d12, Intimidation (Spirit) d6, Notice (Smarts) d6, Persuasion (Spirit) d4, Stealth (Agility) d8, Survival (Smarts) d4, Thievery (Agility) d4


  • 102 currency
  • Leather jacket, leggings, cap (+2)
  • Medium shield +2 parry, -2 cover
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Canteen
  • First aid kit (3 uses)
  • Flint and steel
  • Goggles
  • Hemp rope (10"/20 yards)
  • Shovel
  • Clothing, casual
  • Trail rations (5 meals, keeps 1 week)

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