The Back of Beyond

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Ajardoor's WFRP 4E game.


  • Melinda, an entertainer with sorrows wrapped around her.
  • Rudi, a cook who has seen some things and did not like them.
  • Adelbert, a young Myrmidian priest who is keen to whip this keep into shape. But first, he needs to learn to read.
  • Galadianil, A Young Elven Trapper who is just trying to make his way in the world after a brutal murder of his parents.


  • Melinda has heard:
    • The graveyard is believed to be haunted by angry spirits.
    • A few vagrants, who hide away there during the night to sleep without charge, have disappeared completely.
    • The soldiers do not go out to the graveyard at night, and they are smart to do so
  • Adelbert has heard:
    • There is a witch living in the southern woods who trades in magic potions and illegal witchcraft. She’s said to be 'pure evil,' but she sells her stuff at a fair price.
    • There is a wood elf fletcher who set up shop in the Keep, but most people don’t trust him. They say he marks up prices for non-elves and keeps the best bows for other elves.
    • A watchtower in the wilderness has apparently gone dark. There's a reward being offered to see what exactly happened to the guards posted there.
      • The watchtower is abandoned. The group was not able to get in and will return with a rope and grapple.
      • An hour from the watchtower is a cave and abandoned shack that has sign of being a goblin lair and wolf den.
    • The stablemaster at the Keep palisade has put out an offer of silvers if mercenaries will help stop some kind of covert sabotage of the horses.
    • There's talk of debased coins, made by counterfeiters, floating around the Keep.
    • Somewhere in the valley is an old silver mine. The Dwarves supposedly have first claim to it, but you can guess just how much local treasure hunters care to honour that. No doubt, the mine is located in the north cliffs, and either completely played out or infested with supreme evils.

NPC's of Note

  • Brother Ignatz, the sole priest of Myrmidia in the fortress, and Adelbert's immediate superior.

Loot and Rewards