Badlands Chargen

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You're a Duster, at home in the badlands that softer folk simply cannot survive. You look human, but you're really not. Life in the wilds has changed you on a fundamental level. You are the lynchpin that holds society together.

Source Books

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We will be using Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - SWADE - for this game.

Setting Rules

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Born A Hero: Heroes may ignore the Rank qualifications for Edges during chargen.

Heroes Never Die: As implied, things that should kill you somehow don't. Wild Card NPCs get similar benefit.

High Adventure: Spend a Bennie to gain a one time use of a combat edge of your rank or lower if you otherwise meet its prerequisites (excluding Trait scores).

More Skill Points: PCs begin with 15 skill points instead of 12. Additionally, Focus will be treated as a Core Skill, starting at d4 instead of Untrained.

Species Template

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Outsider - All Dusters have this negative racial trait. PCs appear human on the surface - mostly - but civilized folk can sense something is off with Dusters. Dusters subtract 2 from persuasion rolls vs non-Dusters.

Gifted - Dusters begin play with the Arcane Background Edge (Gifted) from a lifetime's exposure to Dust.

Infravision - All Dusters have Infravision.

Environmental Resistance (Dust) - All Dusters get +4 to resist the negative effects of Dust (the atmosphereic storms that plague the badlands).


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The skills Driving and Language won't see use in this game. Similarly, the Power skills Faith, Psionics, Spellcasting and Weird Science are irrelevant.

Electronics will be a weird crystal-based thing rather than wires and such. Similarly, Hacking will be more about bypassing systems than information mining since computers aren't really a thing as we know them.


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Because we will be posting as-available in action scenes, the Hesitant hindrance is unavailable to take. Young is off the table because I'm not willing to run kids as PCs in a game like this one.

For setting reasons, the following hindrances from the Super Powers Companion are off limits: Alien Form, Secret Identity, and Transformation. Similarly, the super-villain facing hindrances, Megalomaniac and Monologue are off the table.


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The following Edges are not available: Arcane Background and all Power Edges .

Take care selecting Edges that amplify ranged weapon use or hinge directly on guns. Same with those that tie to vehicles.

Rank and Advancement

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PCs start play as Novices, but they have two Advances under their belts to spend .