Johnny Nitro
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Class & Level Savvy 4, Arial 4 Attitude: Heel; Height & Weight: 6’01” 219; Weight Class: Cruiserweight; Lift DC: 10; Reputation: +10; Abilities: Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 13 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 15 (+2); Endurance: 104; Trauma: 13; Base Attack Bonus: +6; Saves: Fort +3, Ref +11; Will +2; Training Background: Entertainment
Skills: Balance: +10, Bluff: +8, Perform Vignette: +4, Knowledge: Savvy: +6, Arial: +11, Simple: +6, Technical: +6, Hide: +8, Escape Artist: +10, Jump: +6, Sleight of Hand: +10, Tumble: +7, Climb: +4, Sense Motive: +2, Spot: +3
Feats: Renown, Signature Move, Maneuver Focus: Arial, Simple, Technical, Opportunist, Maneuver proficiencies: Simple, Arial, Savvy, Technical, Coordinated, Tag Team Specialist
Talents: Trigger Reflexes, Educated Feet, Ring Smart, You Can’t See Me
'Signature Moves:' Stylin’ Leg-Drop: (Signature Move Bonus, Arial Maneuver, 2d6, Prone Target, 2 Endurance Cost, Possible Stun, Immediate Pin attempt, 2/Show) Maneuver Check: +1
Finishing Maneuver: The Snapshot: (Tag-Team Finisher, Technical Maneuver, 2d8, Requires Lift Check, 1 Endurance Cost, Prone Self) Maneuver Check: +0