Jinnian the Dust Mystic

male Duster mystic
- Agility: d6
- Smarts: d6
- Spirit: d10
- Strength: d6
- Vigor: d6
Derived Attributes
- Rank: Novice
- Bennies: 3/3
- Parry: 5
- Toughness: 6 (1)
- Pace: 6"
- Melee: Knife d6, damage 2d6
- Ranged: Rifle d4, damage 2d8
- Outsider (major) [-2 on Persuasion]
- Clueless (major) [-1 on Common Knowledge and Notice]
- Delusional (minor) [The Voices speak to me]
- Habit (minor) [constantly sings, hums and whistles]
- Environmental Resistance (+4 vs Dust)
- AB: Gifted (15 PP, Boost/Lower Trait [touch range, boost only, cost 1 PP, +1 to Focus roll])
- Danger Sense (Notice to detect ambushes)
- Healer (+2 on Healing rolls)
Skill | Rank | Notes |
Athletics | d6 | |
C. Knowledge | d4 | -1 (Clueless) |
Fighting | d6 | |
Focus | d8 | |
Healing | d6 | +2 (Healer) |
Notice | d6 | -1 (Clueless) |
Occult | d6 | |
Persuasion | d4 | -2 (Outsider) |
Piloting | d4 | |
Shooting | d4 | |
Stealth | d6 | |
Survival | d4 | |
Thievery | d4 | |
Wealth | d6 |
Item | Cost | Weight | Notes |
Leather jacket | 20 | 5 | +1 armor, torso |
Leather leggings | 20 | 5 | +1 armor, legs |
Hunting rifle | 350 | 8 | Range 24/48/96, damage 2d8, AP 2, 5 shots, snapfire |
Rifle bullets (50) | 20 | 2 | |
Large knife | 25 | 1 | Damage Str + d4, range 3/6/12 |
Medic Kit | 100 | 4 | 5 uses, +1 to Healing, $25 to refill |
Jinnian - Jin to his few friends - is a tall, lean young man who looks older than his years. His hair is dark and his beard shaggy, both often grayed from dust. He wears a voluminous cloak over battered traveler’s clothing, washes himself only when reminded to, and always seems to be listening to songs and voices no one else can hear.
As a child, Jinnian was fascinated by the Dust, by the stories travelers would tell, by the shimmering storms and the tales of strange creatures dwelling within it. He was fascinated by the Dusters, those uncanny vagabonds, necessary outsiders who roved from town to town, begrudgingly welcomed but never really trusted.
Like many young children, Jinnian had imaginary friends, but his were different. He called them the Voices, and said they were magical beings from the Dust that told him secrets and sang him songs. An odd, withdrawn child, Jinnian grew into a sullen, eccentric youth, tolerated by his friends and neighbors but never truly welcomed. He was known for always singing odd little songs. He became known, derisively, as the Dust Mystic.
His life changed forever when, at the age of 13, he was lost in a Dust storm. For three days he wandered alone in the badlands. When he was finally found, he was different, strange and uncanny. He insisted he had heard the Voices, that they were real and they were his friends. He withdrew even more from human society, always singing or humming with the Voices. Strangely, he seemed able to call on the Voices for aid, though this aid was never overt; it manifested as unnatural good luck at whatever he was attempting. At least he claimed it was the Voices that helped him; no one else ever saw them, and few wanted to spend any time with this strange boy.