Demonspawn Companion
Is it food? We should taste it just to be sure.
Ancestry :: Demon
Extraplanar || Immune to Disease || Immune to Poison || Quick Recovery || Supernaturally Evil
- +2 recover v Shaken
- Subject to Banish and edges/powers that specifically target Evil
Aura (Morale) - Free re-roll to Shaken or Stunned
Agility || Smarts
|| Spirit
|| Strength
|| Vigor
Derived Stats
Pace || Parry
|| Size -
|| Toughness
Athletics || Notice
|| Occult
|| Shooting
Curious || Loyal || Outsider || Quirk
- No longer perpetually starving, Tik nevertheless puts things in his beak at random to see what they taste like.
- Tik is loyal to the whole party, not just Kai.
- Tik is intensely curious about the world and how things work.
Common Language || Darkvision
- Tick can speak/understand the common tongue.
- Tik can see in absolute darkness. Ignore illumination penalties.
Wall Walker || Webbing
- Tik's tentacles allow him to up vertical surfaces and across ceilings at half Pace.
- Tik can emit a cloud of inky discharge that solidifies into cloudy black webbing on a successful Shooting check. Victims are Entangled. On a rise they are Bound. Webbing Hardness: 5.
Doesn't Breathe || Fearless
Elemental Resistance/ Cold || Elemental Resistance/ Heat