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The engine of the F250 supercrew roared quietly. The truck had clearly seen better days as had the airstream flying cloud it pulled. Not decrepit, just lived in, as they mostly had.

The city was a suburb outside Washington,DC It wasn't Kansas City but then what was. He had scouted the place and it was almost perfect. No mob ties but it still had its appeal.

1974, a year out of a 4 year Vietnam tour, the three of them, in the Corp spent traveling made him ready to relax. It had been hard to recover from his time in Azcala and he doubted he ever really would. There had been a girl. But this place would do.

Pulling into the parking lot he looked over the setting. Up by the street was a stripmall of shops and businesses. Restaurants, and the like. They all shared about half of the huge parking lot that spanned space behind them. Perceiving the businesses had the room to do business but the lot went deep into unused space. Then two rail lines that were guarded by chain link fences. He pulled his truck and trailer up near the fence. He extended the back side canvas. He walked around checking tires till he was sure he had no watchers. He pulled a couple hoses from storage. Leaping over the fence and went to the tiny maintenance building.

Looking over the building it showed signs of neglect. It looked unused for a decade.. He stuck the black hose into a sewage plug. Magically adjusting the fixture. He magically cleared the water faucet and attached the garden hose to it.

Making sure the commode worked, just in case some fellow traveler tried to use it. Securing the hoses under the fence he hopped the fence and secured the hoses to his trailer.

After pumping out the black and gray water and refilling the white tank he he went inside and cast Area Clean. He pulled a large hoagie from the fridge and ate it while watching the evening news. Firmly encamped he slept for 48 hours the kind of sleep sorcerers sleep.

Waking under a mild rain he raised the canvas awning on the front side of the trailer. Stepping out he set up a couple chairs and a table. Sitting and lighting a cigarette he relaxed for a couple hours to watch the morning traffic.

Some time in the morning the trailer door opened and a large orange maincoon cat came out and took a chair besides the sorcerer. He too looks over the new neighborhood " not bad. Vek. It's full of rats. Couple Tina Cats too.

Right on cue a couple of minor hoodlums came out the back of the pizzeria, smoking cigs, and walking toward the trailer with foolishly entitled steps..

The sorcerer gets up and pulls 4 carpets from storage. He pulls three chairs and a 30oz thermos out of storage as well. He lays out two rugs. He resets his own chair and table and opens one more for the table. He sits again as the man come to him.

"It's a twenty dollar a day to camp here, scumbag. the day or by the week?"

"What do I get for that fee?"

He laughs, "Well I don't send the local kids to torch your place. None of my locals clients call the police, the rail marshals, or the landlord on you. Oh, less locals will try to stomp your cat or shoot him.. They might sic thier dogs on him." He chuckles softly.

The traveler smiles and finishes his cig, lighting another.

He points to the third chair. " 20$ a day? here are my terms. Have a seat."

The hoodlum sits, his will power like a fly in a tornado. He looks on unblinking, deep in the back of his subconscious seeing scenes of torture and dismemberment that he features in prominently.

"That 20$ a day will cover me and two other campers when they get here. As well as your conditions it will include mine. You work at the pizzeria. I like your menu. Each day I will drop by and place a breakfast order for the next day." He pushes over the thermos. "That will include the thermos. I'll pay for those. You light your oven at 9 and open at 10. I'll expect breakfast before 10am."

He flips out $300 in local cash. "Don't worry. I'll pay for breakfasts and you keep the change."

The hoodlum silently pisses himself in terror.

"Now, you will visit Harvey's Lounge when I am there. You will collect your protection money from me and leave. You may listen to me for two songs before going if you like. You and your companions will no longer hang out at Harvey's. Find someplace else. If your companions forget you will have a day of seeing the lovely scenes you are witnessing now. First hand "

"Next, you'll stop soliciting sexual favors from your clients or from customers at Harvey's. If you or your companions try you or they will experience the joy of inappropriate ejaculations, say in church, in the gym locker room, whileying poker, while talking to your superiors, or when firing pla a gun in anger."


"As for the cat, he makes his own deals. Try to shoot him or stomp him at your own peril. Do we have an understanding?"

The man nods his head vigorously.

" Good. Now it's Monday and here is 140$. I'll pay again next Monday. You may go.

The man stands and fast walks back to the pizzeria. A cleanliness spell reaches him just before he enters. Courtesy of his new client.


The cat goes," Meow " with a hint of sarcasm.

A couple days later the man is playing a fine acoustic guitar while smoking on his front patio. A pitcher of wine is almost gone next to the last slice of a meat lover's pizza when a black and white T-bird pulling an airstream Caravel pulls up. He carefully backs it up leaving about 10 yards between the vehicles.

The driver steps out and nods to the musician.

The man is tall and thin. Cadaverously thin with orange reddish hair.

He goes to the fence line and hoped over. After visiting the maintenance shed for a half hour he returns dragging a black and a green hose. Securing the hoses to his trailer and starting black and gray tanks emptying he takes a break, sitting with the musician and smoking one of his cigs and pouring a glass of wine.

"Tonight?" He take the last slice. "No. Tomorrow night. Give Jurt a chance to show up without trumping him. "

That evening the two men walked around DC taking in the sights and sampling a different restaurant every couple hours.

The next morning the musician steps out of his trailer, cat in his arms and thermos of coffee in his free hand. Sitting at his table he looks over his neighbor to the west. A converted blue short bus.

A Lounge chair rests next to a garden table of wrought iron. On it is a wood box with an open lid. It contains differently rolled joints. The table also has a half dozen empty Pabst cans and box with 6 full ones The musician say," What time did you get here, Jurt?"

" 0: dark thirty, Vek. Got plugged in and took a nap. We got plans? "

Vek smiles " Not till around 9pm to night."

Jurt stands, pushing the pangolin off and letting it run and explore. "Then knock on my foot in about 10 hours " He walks into his bus and shuts the door."

Vek steps over in front of his airstream as Chasa steps over to join him. Vek smiles. "It will be an interesting year." Chasa smiles,"Ya, like An Lộc in '72"


A little after 8pm Vek walked out of his trailer dressed to the nines. Sharkskin suit. Polished black shoes. Black fedora hat. Purple silk tie. A black guitar case on his left hand. A .45 in a shoulder holster.

Walking across the parking lot of the stripmall he enters Harvey's Lounge.

The interior was dark but well lit by candles. The bar was well stocked. To the right Vek looks over the worn piano.

Setting his guitar case next to the bench seat he opens the lid about a foot. Shining a flashlight inside he examines the contents. Sitting he runs scales and reaches in to tighten the out of tune strings.

The bartender comes over, " Can I help you? The piano is dark tonight."

"The piano isn't dark. It's out of tune. I'm Fixing that. I understand you have a player on Thursday to Sunday. Luckily I only want to work Monday to Wednesday I work for tips."

He says, "Money spent on tips isn't spent on the bar."

Vek answers," Nonsense. Money spent on tips increases the bar. Makes people stay longer. You think a cassette of Volarie encourages the act of love??"

A bar guest nearby says," only with ferrets."

Vek glances with surprise. "Good one!"

Vek runs the keyboard several time then launches into a medley of favorites.

" Here is the deal. I have two companions. One on guitar; rythem or bass usually. The other is percusions; he likes hitting things. He'll have a small kit and a small stand with a variety of noise makers. We pack up like we were never there after each night. As I said, we play for tips and whatever we drink. We won't break the bank. Let me know if one of them overindulges.

We play from 4pm till 2am. Just like your Thursday to Sunday guy.

Just so you know, we may invite guests to hear us; record executives."

" Sound fair?" The bartender says," Sounds like I don't have a choice? The manager leaves the stage to me. We'll give it a two week try. What are you called?"

Vek smiles. "At the moment it's 'The DC Three. But we can change it."

The cat goes and muses the door open and leaves.

Vek says," A double gin and tonic, a draft dark beer; stout or porter, and a Stella Artois in a bowl 🥣 " Jurt provides his own beverages.

ek et al. — 01/01/2024 4:25 PM Vek starts playing slow tunes as he continues to tune the piano.

After a bit Chasa enters carrying a standing bass case in one hand and a deep guitar case in the other. He sets up the bass first and positioning it to sit on the case. He opens a small flat table for his beer and a few knick knacks, including a .44 desert eagle. He is dressed in a dark black mortician suit.

Behind him is Jurt pulling one box on wheels and another three on his shoulder. The rolling one advertises acme dynamite.

The shoulder ones are 20"x16"x16" ammo crates with faded lettering. Both look very old.

The bartender worries, not for the first time, how much trouble it would be to get rid of us. Deciding correctly that is would be too much trouble.

From the dynamite case he pulls a collection of drums that he assembles. The case he sits on. From the ammo boxes he sets us a small table and lays out a wide variety of noise makers including, tambourines, harmonicas, ratchet noise makes, kazoo and more.

One of the ammo cases had a small armored animal called a pangolin.

The kit is mostly pulled from the dynamite case.

Its a 4 drum piece set with 3 cymbals.

The Pangolin curls up under the snare drum and goes to sleep. Many think it's a stuffed animal since it almost never moves throughout the evening's performance.

As the evening comes to a close and last call is said the crowd thins out the bartender comes over. Speaking to Vek he says, "Well you were right. The bar didn't loose out and your tip glass looks full.

Vek takes the bills from the large snifter. He pours the change into a large handkerchief. "Keep the coinage. It's probably 10 bucks or so but it's too much trouble for me."

The bartender asks," I didn't get your names?"

Vek nods. "Vek Hendrake. The bassist is Chasa Dowell. The percussionist is Jurt Sawall. The cat is Paka."

He points to the pangolin, " and it ..." jurt chuckles," is best left left alone.🥁"

The bartender nods in agreement, extends his hand to Vek.

"Nice to meet you, Vek Hendrake. See you tomorrow. "



Word gets around about Vek's Trio. The weekend musicians fade out,quietly, without animosity between groups leaving the the DC Three to drop Monday to Wednesday to much better sound system. The owner and Vek made agreement. Jurt's setup starts to look more professional but at least he put a black pillow with a curious colorful symbol on it. More curious is that no one tries to steal anything nor bother the pangolin.

Vek tracked down the original group and slipped him an envelope with 10 grand cash and phone numbers for records execs in LA.

Chasa started teaching strings and piano out at what locals tarted calling "The Ranch".

Local police were surprised they had a permit.

A few months passed when two new vehicles showed up to the surprise of the DC Three, soon to become the DC Five.

The first was a 1970 Ford F350 pulling a four car trailer. The truck carried 4 motorcycles. A Yamaha 500cc motocross. A hand built 375 street racer. A1000cc Harley Davidson and a 1943 vintage Harley Davidson.

In the trailer, stacked two high was a 1967 Shelby and a patio and car working space. And on top of the second space was 1969 Boss 429 Mustang. Below was an area sealed off and converted for living and working on vehicles. Two people climbed from the truck smiling.

The second was a 1965 VW bus pulling a 25' Vardo Wagon. An elderly woman climbed out and stayed far from the others. She pulled her Vardo into place and began getting her camp in order. Her goats came out of the Vardo in 3 pairs. A dozen chickens came out and one very large looking rooster..

The truck and trailer pulled to the end and made no attempt to settle in as if their trip wasn't done.

The couple tat climbed out of the trailer hugged around with the others. They didn't seem to know Jurt and the people who day on the encampment note it with interest.

Two huge dogs uncurl from some place under the cars. Three corgi do the same. The Shelby doors open and three cats come out. Two siamese and an orange Calico. 4 goat come from the enclosure and start showering for weeds.

Vek says,"Welcome to The parking m g lot of Harvey's Tavern,Washington, DC . Chasa comes out and bows to the pair. The man say,"My understanding was no rank? " Chasa nods,"Yes, but it's hard to do at first. I am Chasa. Bass and Vek's batman."

The man nods," As you guessed, Alexei Zhenya, son of Nicholas and Clarissa,Tsar and Tsarina of Regor. My wife Nala Moir Tral Zhenya. We just set our son free. His grandfather is furious of all choices of education he picked Star Fleet Academy." They all laugh.

Nala nudges Alexei. He smiles "Right. I'm Violla and strings. Drums at need. Piano & Harpsichord at need.But who really need Harpsichord. "

Nala says," Harp, though it's also useless. Guitar, violin, and such. But we are mainly here for the racing. There are a lot of places for us. I understand you are in charge of the campsite. We purchased that warehouse over there. It has railyard access and we cleared all that. If your operation here needs the trains let me know. Not Alexei. Too much Prince in him."

Chasa nods. "Well,ok. But we are a bar trio. So...violin, violla, guitar. Vek is on piano of course. Jurt on percussion and sound effects. I'm Bass. My understanding is you both will sit in on occasion. What's the deal with the animals?"

Nala says ,"The goats are regorian goats. Very giving. We'll share the milk. The cats....well the Siamese are Tiger Defenders from Dikost. The Calico is a servant of the Royal film. It shifts out to a warrior servant. Luckly Leonid loves milk.

Vek et al. — 01/20/2024 3:56 PM "He handles milk preparation, storage, bottling, and well....if you have a taste for Klass. I don't. Still."

She looks over at Jurt, Vek, and Alexei chatting, seconds away from opening beer and pulling out instruments. Let them she figured.

"Well, Chasa it seems we are in charge of our little groups. Let's go see the last member of my little group. DON'T FREAK OUT. You understand?" Chasa nods.

They approach the elderly woman. Seeing them she sets out tea cup and checks the kettle. Soon she will set up her samosas but for now the ancient kettle will do.

Turning she smiles," Nala dear. You brought company. Please sit. Tea is ready. The milk is fresh. Cjasa sits after Nala and his host

Nala says,"M'lady, this is Chasa, companion of Lord Vek, our host. "

She pours tea. A drop of milk in each. A swirl of a spoon in the liquid sugar for each. A few moments pass as each as they taste the rare tea.

Chasa breaks the silence,"Delicious. I've never had better. Where does it come from? "

She chuckles, "You, a creature of Chaos, are unlikely to see it but I know you well. I have watched you in preparation for meeting you and you liege.

" And here the come. Look at them. So unlike the dark and brutal lords of the past. Well dressed. Urbane in their way. Shall we make a wager? One of the three will wet himself!"

Chasa chuckles as do the other two . But now Chasa is frightened and glad the bet does not include him.

"Nala, dear. Chairs please. I have cups already.."

She sets out the the cups and pours. One she puts honey in.

As they approach she say," No, Alexei, son of Nicholas, no Vodka will taint my tea though yours has lemon. Nor is there gin avaliable , Jurt, son of Dara. Now that is settled, please sit."

She nods to Nala as each has sat and sipped.

Nala says,"Taslii. This is our host Vek Hendrake. You met Chasa. This is Jurt Sawall. And of course you know Alexei. Taslii is a foremost grower of Tea in much of shadow. Though she has left her fields for a time. "

"Not fallow by any means. Friends are looking them over for me."

She looks to Vek." As host you have gone to great effort I understand securing the property. First the parking lot. Secondly informing Alexei about the availability of the werehouse. Nala tells me you have also secretly purchased the whole block discreetly. Including the pizza place that attempted to extort you in the beginning?"🐅

Vek chuckles,,"Not discretely enough it seems. Nala, my dear confidant, you seem to have squealed one secret at least!!" He laughs with the others.

Nala shakes her head." Not I." Taslii says,"I have ways of knowing. And....I can't stop. So if you wish me to move along I will with no harm done . But... I need a group like yours to block those seeking me. They would never assume a group like yours would give me of all people such excellent camouflage. But before you agree to let me stay,as I feel you will. We must agree to payment."

Jurt laughs, "All the tea we can drink, goat's milk included?"

She nods," That for certain. But....none of you have any secret from me now. Just standing near me now. Jurt, your raid on you family's treasury? Vek, touching, breaking your own heart💔 and your agreement with the king of Amber?"

Vek looks uncertain. "Alexei? Nala? What is this. I grow angry."

"Tell me your price to provide camouflage for me till this camp breaks up. At such a time we can renegotiate a new payment. "

She passes around pound bags of tea. Jurt says," tea is not enough. A name to start."

She nods. "Cymnea, wife and daughter of Oberon "

She looks to Vek." As host you have gone to great effort I understand securing the property. First the parking lot. Secondly informing Alexei about the availability of the werehouse. Nala tells me you have also secretly purchased the whole block discreetly. Including the pizza place that attempted to extort you in the beginning?"🐅

Vek chuckles,,"Not discretely enough it seems. Nala, my dear confidant, you seem to have squealed one secret at least!!" He laughs with the others.

Nala shakes her head." Not I." Taslii says,"I have ways of knowing. And....I can't stop. So if you wish me to move along I will with no harm done . But... I need a group like yours to block those seeking me. They would never assume a group like yours would give me of all people such excellent camouflage. But before you agree to let me stay,as I feel you will. We must agree to payment."

Jurt laughs, "All the tea we can drink, goat's milk included?"

She nods," That for certain. But....none of you have any secret from me now. Just standing near me now. Jurt, your raid on you family's treasury? Vek, touching, breaking your own heart💔 and your agreement with the king of Amber?"

Vek looks uncertain. "Alexei? Nala? What is this. I grow angry."

"Tell me your price to provide camouflage for me till this camp breaks up. At such a time we can renegotiate a new payment. "

She passes around pound bags of tea. Jurt says," tea is not enough. A name to start."

She nods. "Cymnea, wife and daughter of Oberon "

Vek says ,"Alexei, Nala, this strains our friendships. No ranks or titles on our camp. Why did you bring thus woman here? To my camp?"

Cynea says, "I am being hunted by very special trackers. Not monster nor great wizards. Far worse." She looks to them each as the listen.

Vek asks,"who would scare you?"

Vek et al. — 01/20/2024 11:24 PM She tells him, " I am not frightened. In a battle of arms each of you could easily defeat the one on one but it is their organization I seek to hide from and to avoid being forced into council with. The prices I am willing to pay for camouflage should make that clear."

Jurt frowns," Who?" Vek nods

" what organization and what tracker?"

She sighs," Duke Fredo al at Gregerous." Jurt and Vek shrug shoulders.

She say,"Dean of the College of Heralds for the Kingdom of Thelusia. He seeks to clarify my rights to bear Arms and to clarify the status of my husband's right to arms. This would include bringing me to a Court of Challenge to my Arms and Oberon's Arms. And to the fiefs and lands of Thelusia attached to those Arms."

Jurt looks to Vek confused.Vek isn't clear either.

Alexei says," This would mean challenging Oberon's hiers, every single one, and to thier rights to hold land of Amber and Thelusia. It would be a damn boring hostile takeover of Amber by heralds."

Vek says," Damn..."

Alexei goes on," in practice it v would probably only mean about half. Kibar, Nina, Emilie, Joseph, the warrior girls and a lot of others were never technically granted land. Borlak was disenfranchised. But a Benedict , Osric, Eric and Arlo, Corwin and Merlin, etc. Most importantly though .."

Vek adds,"Random and Martin, Silvana."

Alexei says, " Random never got around granting Silvana land but he might have. But just with Random and Martin is enough to unhinged kingdom. Amber's College of Heralds would go crazy. This would effect every noble. Lots of gentry

et al. — 01/21/2024 7:29 PM

Jurt adďs," Every land holder. Even in the cities are at risk. I don't know the Heraldic laws in Amber. They are insane enough in Chaos.

Vek stands, your grace, we have a no title rule in this camp. That is one you would have to accept, even to minor differences if this camouflage is to work. We must discuss this and you must not eavesdrop. Agreed?"

She nods," A wise precaution, Piano Player ".

Vek,Jurt, Alexei, Chasa, and Nala go to Vek's trailer.

Vek pours dark black whiskey. "First of all, Alexei, Nala. I am tempted to send you on your way for this."

Alexei nods," I would understand. But it was too good of an opportunity for us and I thought for you I too"

Jurt says," why us? "

Alexei shrugs, "having one such as her in your debt might be useful in many ways. Information. Access. Treasures. Magics. Who knows. Information alone could be incalculable. "

Jurt says, "Despil and I raided the Sawall treasure vault and yet she represents more. What do we know of her? "

Vek say," legends. I have heard that she is revealed in Thelusia. Kings and queens ha b e been raised or ruined by her frown or smile.

Vek et al. — 01/22/2024 12:31 PM Nala says," She is possibly the greatest potion maker in all shadow. We have talked about it. Legendary. Benedict would be able to attest to that. He apparently drank numerous of mommys drinks

Vek ponders. "Chaos has many mighty sorcerers that make potions. Could be quite useful to bridge gaps. Nala she spoke to you of this. What did she suggest?"

She and Alexei look to each other.

Nala says,"They are not easy to make, take years in some cases, and ingredients of rare and exotic natures. But she had some. I took 3. One made me grasp magics better. One made me string. One made me more...Hale? Greater endurance. It was worth it. I was sick as death for months after taking them. She said that was the result of mix them internally. "

"We spent 5 years traveling together. Festivals, concerts, movies even. Things she had denied herself for thousands of years hiding in Thelusia till the Heralds came and she fled. The tea skill was already hers. We built her Vardo and her persona. Can you believe it's her first chosen persona beyond her real one?"

Jurt says, " Ya sure. But we have a gig in like 20 minutes. You guys just got here. We got piano of course, and bass. The three of you gonna come watch or join in? I'm sure you both have the spell 'Come along and play' so. Cast it and let's see.."

Nala nods" secondary piano? Guitar? Banjo? Violin? :

Vek smiles. "Roll out piano? I've got a spare Amp on stage? Violin might be good" She nods. " the rollout is in the violin case. Well go cast clean and get out our city clothes."

Alexei says." I can play stuff but I'm best on set up and tear down. Maybe tambourines. I can play Military drums."

Cymnea comes over, smiling. " I play nearly everything. And my voice is perfect. I just need a few rounds 'Come Along and Play' Sax? Guitar?"

Vek says ," Alto Sax it is. Nala, violin and roll up piano."

A short time later the regular crowd wandered in. They were surprised by the two well dressed women. One in her 50s, though clearly a gorgeous blond woman in shades of purple. She set up a chair and a microphone stand. Then set a purple and silver alto Sax on its own stand. The Sax stand held a flute and a harmonica. The audience didn't quite know what to make of her and there was more to come.

The younger woman in shades of green, green hair and green makeup opened a guitar case and openedb the front of the case and pulled out a rythem guitar first and a violin next. It took only a moment to tune them. Closing the case and setting it on its edge as a seat she casual settled on. If the back side had opened there would have been a need for explaining

The bartender came over to Vek. "What the hell man? You've practically got an orchestra and you were filling out the piano stand already! You going to bring in a choir Next? "

Vek nodded. "3rd Street congregational. 200 singers....ok look. Charge us for food and drink. Give me the bill at the end of week.

Man, I told you when we got here we were going to have record executives in to hear us. We're figuring our band out. You aren't losing money are you? Or is it that playing a recording of us on Tuesday and Wendsday makes that a light night?

You working too hard? Hire a second bartender..... Oh hey!! wait!..I got a guy. Great bartender. And if there was ever a fight he's the guy to handle it nice and quiet like. Neala's guy. She's the one in green.


The bartender says," Hell I love your sound and we are asking good money but this is hardly a lounge any more

It's closer to a nightclub with a residency band.  Harvey's gonna come in some night a freak out!"

Jurt, having wandered over says," There's a Harvey? I thought this was your place, Willie? "

Vek et al. — 01/23/2024 11:35 PM Willie's says,"All right. Just play. Do me a favor. Cut down on the clutter."

The 5 finished setting up. And began to play.