Brother Jeryll

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Brother Jeryll

A character in the Morgansfort campaign.

  • Cleric 2
  • XP: 1755/3000
  • Prime: +5%
  • Alignment: Lawful


  • STR 6 (-1, Open Doors 1 in 6)
  • INT 10 (Literate)
  • WIS 13 (+1)
  • DEX 10
  • CON 9
  • CHA 6 (-1, Max Retainers 3, Loyalty 6)


  • Common

Class Abilities

  • Turn Undead


  • HP:
  • AC: 4
    • Move: 60'
  • Saving Throws:
    • Death/Poison: 11
    • Wands: 12
    • Paralysis/Stone: 14
    • Breath: 16
    • Spells: 15
  • Equipment:
    • Armor: Chainmail, Shield
    • Weapons: Mace
    • Gear: Backpack, Standard rations (7), 50’ rope, Holy symbol, Torches (6)
    • Miscellaneous Magic:
    • Treasure: 28 gp


  • First Level. 1 per day.
