Running Sheet Zalkai Hax Fana

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Revision as of 14:53, 4 June 2024 by Tolknor (talk | contribs) (Points{})
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Father: Mintir Hax Moro

Mother: Mirem Hax Kalki

Children: Rejio Hax Moro- Mostly deceased




  • Scale Gladiator - Ludus Vexas Avaxala
  • Princess of Loimal Moro.


Total:135 = 65 Stats+ 31 Powers+ 36 Skills+ {0()}Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) +0 Shadows+3 Stuff +0 Storage


20 in storage: 5 Sorcery.15 psy

Statistics {65}

  • Psyche: 10
  • Strength: 25
  • Endurance:36
  • Warfare: 11

Powers {31}

  • 0 Cantrips
  • 10 Power Words
  • 6 Thievish
  • 15 Sorcery

Skills {36}

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Technology
  • 1 Pip Skill -Rasak-Military Command and Communications.
  • 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Horsemanship
  • 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Gymnastics
  • 1 Pip Skill-Rasak- Medical Training
  • 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.

Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}






Items {}

Seat of Loimal Moro. ?

.Family Hierloom.

Ludus Vexas Avaxala police gear

Wears the under clothes normally as many of the Ludus do. Occasionally wears the vorpal collar.

Rasak Knife (5)


  • 4 Deadly Damage 4
  • 1 Ability-1 Return to Hand/Return to Forge on death
    • 5 x3 horde 15. Benedict & The Rasak Graduates

Graduate Cord


A symbolic uniform cord worn by graduates in all situations. 16" long.

No magical powers to begin with. It is often magicked later..

Fan of Zalkai (52)

  • 4 Vitality
  • 4 Mobility. Flies
  • 4 Stamina
  • 4 Invulnerability
  • 4 Tounges.when she was a little girl her great,great,great,grandmother cited on her desperately. She was a powerful Sorceress. On her death bed she pressed her powers into a newly begun Loimal artifact. A fan. It bonded to Zalkai. It advised her on everything. Defended her in need. The fan scares the rest of her family. Once during a family trip the girl and the fan made contact with a creature of great power and has been communicating with it ever since.
  • 2 Danger Sense
  • 4 Seek in Shadow
  • 4 "Mold" reality.
  • 4 Regenerate. The fan often wishes to look decrepit and aged. This is a deception.
  • 4 Limited Shapechange
  • 2 Ability: Call To Hand. Call in Need/ Return.
  • 4 Rack Spells
  • 4 Rack Rituals
  • 4 Rack Illusionism
    • 52



  • 3 Good Stuff


Zalkai Hax Fana

A-Zalkai Final Harness.jpg

  • Changed my mind .
  • make her a scale gladiator