Edna Hannihan

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Edna Hannihan :: Head of Security

"Yes, you could attack . . . but given your sloppy footwork, I wouldn't advise it. Still, if you must, be aware the shotgun I'm pointing 'safely' to the side has secretly had your knees in its arc of fire this whole time, so . . . go ahead!"

Ancestry :: Duster

Ancestry Features: Outsider, Environmental Resistance (Dust), Attribute Increase (Smarts), Adaptable


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor || Wealth

Derived Stats

Pace || Parry (+ w/rapier) || Size || Toughness ()


Athletics || Common Knowledge || Battle + || Fighting || Intimidation || Notice || Persuasion || Piloting/Boating || Research || Shooting || Stealth


Outsider - Minor - Dusters appear human on the surface - mostly - but settled folk can sense something is off with them. Persuasion rolls are made at -2 vs settled humans.
Code of Honor - Major - Ship's Officer of The Black Sheep.
Loyal - Minor - Edna would do everything in her power to keep the Black Sheep and her crew safe.
Slow - Minor - An old injury to her leg, which slows her Pace; and to her back, which reduces her ability to exert much Strength. She uses a cane to compensate.

Edges and Powers

Reliable - Edna gets a free reroll on any Support roll.
Scholar (Battle) - +2 to Battle rolls.

Special Abilities

Environmental Resistance (Dust) - Dusters get +4 to resist the negative effects of Dust that plagues the badlands.
Languages Known - Trade Tongue, ~Ting, ~Pidgin


1st Advance-- Reliable Edge



Rattler Hide Duster | Armor +2 | Weight: 4


Sawed-Off DB Shot-Cane | Damage: 1-3d6 (+4 w/both barrels | Range: 5/10/20 | Shots: 2 (buckshot) | Weight: 6 | Notes: +2 Shooting
Rapier | Damage: Str+d4 | Weight: 2 | Notes: Parry +1
Unarmed | Damage: Str | Weight: -- | Notes: Try to avoid

Total Weight: 8



Bandolier w/ 14 shells (8 buckshot, 8 slugs)
Ship's uniform, gloves, and boots

Total Weight: 5


Extra Shells
Change of Clothes
Personal Logs


People think conflict causes problems. They have it backward.

Conflict is the problem.

Edna realized that from a young age. And she decided to become as adept as possible at solving that problem. Mainly because she, of all people in the world, was one of the very few to grasp that hidden truth. She didn't think the same as other people. Never had. She was gifted with brilliant insight, albeit in a narrow focus. And that was okay. Edna was used to people not understanding her. And if she was the only person capable of tackling this problem, so be it.

Not at a root-cause level, mind you. That was for bridge-builders like Charlie. Her job was akin to Charlie's in one respect, though. Charlie didn't build new ships, she kept the old one running. Likewise, Edna doesn't prevent wars, she wins the current one. She "fixes" conflicts like an engineer fixes malfunctions, all to keep the ship sailing smoothly.

It usually works. Usually.

But sometimes the odds are too great even for a genius, or there's spectacularly bad luck that can't be planned for or mitigated against. That's what happened when The Black Sheep lost its Captain, and Edna lost the good use of her leg and back.

She'd given them a good fight. They'd held out against overwhelming, seemingly hopeless odds, longer than anyone had any right to. They'd gotten through it. . . . mostly. But not all. Edna misses the Captain, as much as she misses anyone. They were a dear friend and companion. Every single day, in her mind's eye, Edna still runs through what happened. What she should've known going in, but didn't. What she could've done differently in hindsight, but hadn't. Surely the fault had been hers. Somehow. After all, no problem is truly insurmountable.

Even when the problem . . . is conflict itself.