Running Sheet Anuk Sabinek
Total: 75= 25 Stats+0 Powers+26 Skills+{19} Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) +0 Shadows+5 Stuff + 0Storage
25:10 str,10 end, 5 warfare
Statistics {25}
- Psyche: Chaos
- Strength:10
- Endurance: 10
- Warfare: 5
Rasak added
Powers {0(5)}
- 0 Cantrips :Sabinek's Spells
- (5) Hendrake Mark
Skills {26}
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill -Rasak-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Military Horsemanship
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Gymnastics
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak- Medical Training
- 1 Pip Skill-Rasak-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
Allies & Enemies {1/1= 0}
- 1 Able Teller
- Warhog guy
Items {}
Worn Walking Set Pieces
Greaves (6)
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 2 Double Speed
- 2 Amber Stamina
- 2 N/N Forms:Clamshll Greeves, Chain link braclt attaches to boots
- 2 N/N SpellsL Sabinek's Spells
- 1 Ability: call to don/Return
- 6 x3=18 Benedict
Vorpal Collar (6)
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 4 Invulnerable: Mithril. Protection from Decapitation.
- 2 N/N Forms:Vorpal Collar. Silver chain-link necklace
- 2 N/N Spells: Sabinek's Spells
- 1 Ability: Call to don/Return
- 6x3=18 Benedict
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 2 Double Speed
- 2 N/N Forms: Short Shoes, Engineer boots
- 1 Ability: Call to Don/Return
- 4 x3=12 Benedict
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 2 Double Speed
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability: Call to hand/Return
- 8x3=24 Benedict
Under Clothes (6)
- 1 Animal Vitality.
- 2 Vs Firearms
- 2 N/N Forms: Arming garb, Long-johns, daily clothes, other wear.
- 1 Ability: Cleanse everything within 5'
- 6 x3=15
Fun Stuff says Able {19()}
Fire Stick 3
- 2 Ability- Start fire
- 1 Ability: Call to hand/Return
- 3 x3 horde=9 Chaosian Merchant
Lighter 6
- 1 Ability: Create Fire in desired small fashion.
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand
- 2 x3 Horde=6 Henry
Cigar Case 5
- 2 VS Guns
- 1 Mold Stuff: Expresses as sealing the container from environmental effects keeping the contents fresh.
- 1 Ability: Refill Cigar spaces from the Cigar box at home.
- 1 Ability: Call to Hand/ Return
- 5 Henry.
Cigar Box 7
- 2 Vs Guns
- 1 Mold Stuff: Expresses as sealing the container from environmental effects keeping the contents fresh.
- 1 Ability: Items within can be summoned remotely by the owner.
- 1 Ability: Keep Contents fresh.
- 2 Ability: Call to Hand/Return. The second point represents that when called it will almost certain be traveling across Shadow
- 7 Henry
This item was designed specifically for cigars and other tobaccos. However, it could be used for herbs, spices, and nearly anything a player wanted to keep fresh at all times.
Van Real Glasses
Non Magical-2 pips
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes. Multi-spectrum eye protection from incoming effects. Lasers, flash, blinding light, rock, sand, insects, etc
Magical-6 pips
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes as well as specifically aimed firearms
- 1 ability – See through Invisibly.
- 1 ability -See through Illusions.
- 1 ability -X-ray Vision. Thermal Vision, See retained heat signatures.
- 1 Ability-Binocular/Microscope vision
Graduate Cord
A symbolic uniform cord worn by graduates in all situations. 16" long.
Rasak Knife (5)
- 4 Deadly Damage 4
- 1 Ability-1 Return to Hand/Return to Forge on death
- 5 x3 horde 15. Benedict & The Rasak Graduates
Those who completed the training were given a blade they made there during their training and permission to wear the blade on all military attire. The blade is forged mithril with a blade 5" long and a handle 4" long. Ceremonial and honorary in intent, the blades have their own history as deadly weapons.
Death Wheeler (12)
(44 pips Osric)
- Vitality 4 (superior materials and durability)
- Movement 2 (spinning Rings)
- Deadly Damage 4
- 1 Ability:Call to hand/Return
- 1 Alt Form: Personal Choice
- Shadowwide *4