Coffin Rock

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Crystal River Hotel

The sign above the door has lost letters and now reads Cry a River Hotel
An obvious large building that is a hotel. Or is that was a hotel. The paint is peeling, the boards have come loose, and all in all, it looks worse for the wear as much as the town does.

The Jewel Theatre

A large, gaily painted wooden sign proudly identifies as the Jewel Theatre. After dark, the posse might see shadows moving behind silk-draped windows, dimly silhouetted by a lurid crimson light. The sound of music and laughter can be heard day and night.

Marshall's Office

A large, shiny, ornamental star hangs in the window. Wanted posters paper the walls; they are all very old, and torn. Some of them have had their faces deliberately scratched out—as if someone doesn’t want the poster’s subject identified.

Coffin Rock Assay

The busiest building in all of Coffin Rock. People coming and going while the Assay office open to exchange different precious materials for other precious materials.

General Store

While not boarded up, it is clear this building has seen little use recently.

Six Feet Under

The last remaining saloon that is open for business in Coffin Rock.

White Church White Church at the end of Daly Street

Home of The Brotherhood of the New Covenant

Coffin Rock’s cemetery

is larger than could be expected for a town of its size and age. The entrance on Daly Street is marked by massive wrought iron gates, decorated with angels and stars. Many of the graves are very recent, marked with simple wooden crosses. The cemetery is dominated by a tall and elaborate mausoleum— John Daly’s tomb.

Map of the town of Coffin Rock, CO Map of Coffin Rock