Jadine Fontenot

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Jadine "Jade" Fontenot


A girl just can't catch a break. Jade's a hell of a drummer, and she knows she is. She thought that would be enough. She thought the jazz scene in New Orleans was meritocratic. Oh, for most of the climb that was essentially true. Everyone knew who the jerks were, and they were easily avoided. But at the top? Damn. Cutthroat didn't even begin to describe it. She fought as hard as she could, but she never got off her back feet, and soon she found herself teary-eyed, packing up for a cold city she knew nothing about, not even sure why nobody would return her calls anymore. LA was so different, but her skills spoke for themselves. Pretty soon, she was being led back to meet one of the doyennes of the scene—there wasn't really a jazz scene, but close enough. And that was when, after a long conversation over top-shelf wine, she found herself Embraced.

She was confused and lost again, but this time with a patron. She thought. Turns out she just wanted to sire a new vampire. The humans became complicated to be around. She had to beg out of the regular jazz gig she had in the late afternoon. But begging out of gigs is a great way to not get calls anymore, so once again, gradually this time, she found opportunities drying up. So she cast a wider net. The Jade who arrived here would never have even considered a rock band. But she wanted to play. She wanted to prove herself. She wanted to live, too, if you could call this life.

Then it dawned on her (as it were): she no longer had a timeline. She could outlive the people who'd written her off. She could always start over with new talent and new faces. She just couldn't do day and evening gigs anymore, and sadly, that was where most of the jazz scene was.


Jade is tall, elegant and iconically beautiful. She has captivating brown eyes under expressive brows, a bold nose that anchors a bold face, and full lips that fade from the bluish dark brown of her skin to a rich pink. She exudes an aloof cool, dressed in a neo-zoot suit with black pants, a white silk wingtip shirt if she wears a shirt at all, and a herringbone jacket, all perfectly tailored. She pins a bowler hat at a rakish angle on her short-cut, natural hair. Her feet are shod in black patent leather heels.


Auspex: 2
Heightened Senses: 1
Sense the Unseen: 2
Celerity: 2
Cat's Grace: 2
Rapid Reflexes: 1


Concept: Elite musician trying to make it in a new city
Chronicle: ???
Sire: ???
Ambition: Recognition as the cream of the crop
Desire: Be the backbone of this new band
Predator: Consensualist
Clan: Toreador (Neonate)
Generation: 13


Health: ???
Willpower: ???
Humanity: 8
Hunger: ???
Resonance: ???
Blood Potency: 1
XP: 0


  • Art is for everyone.
  • Respect talent and hard work.
  • Music is healing.


  • Younger brother DeShaun, who idolized her, moved up to follow her, now takes care of her "grave," is trying to break into the scene as a guitar player to carry her torch.
  • Loulou, an old hand at festival organizing who invited Jade to LA when New Orleans didn't pan out.
  • "Mama" Bergeron, a Creole music therapist (and voudun priest) who showed Jade how powerful percussion can be.


Strength: 1
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2
Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 2
Composure: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 2
Resolve: 2


Athletics: 3
Brawl: 1
Craft (Music): 1
Drive: 1
Firearms: 0
Melee: 1
Larceny: 0
Stealth: 0
Survival: 0
Animal Ken: 0
Etiquette: 2
Insight: 2
Intimidation: 0
Leadership: 0
Performance (Drums & Percussion): 4
Persuasion (Victims): 1
Streetwise: 3
Subterfuge: 0
Academics (Music Theory): 4
Awareness: 2
Finance (Investment): 0
Investigation: 0
Medicine: 0
Occult (Voudun): 0
Politics: 0
Science: 0
Technology: 3


Looks 4
Bond Resistance 1
Eat Food 2


Dark Secret: Masquerade Breacher 1
Prey Exclusion: Non-consenting 1
Long Bond: 1



Ally: Luis Jésus Alvarez 3
Role: Concert bassist and longtime fixture of the session scene, leads the Musician's Union Local 47 of Los Angeles, still honors Jadine's membership card even though he's never had to deal with a technically dead member before, and as a devout Catholic he's still disturbed by the whole vampire thing. But she's reliable and on the level, her groove is unreal, and the veteran session drummer who administered her test ended up getting a master class from her.
Reliability: 3. Union folks compete all the time, but when things go sideways they look out for each other.
Fame: 2
Haven: 1


Watch this space.