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Ancestry | Warforged | Seasoned (4 Advances)

Built for War - Tira does not have Common Knowledge as a core skill

Composite Plating - Tira gains +4 Armour, considered light armour

Living Construct

   • Doesn't breathe, eat or drink, and is immune to poison and disease
   • Doesn't sleep and is immune to power putting her to sleep
   • Cannot heal naturally, and using the Healing skill or casting healing on her has a −2 penalty
   • Wounds can be removed with the Repair skill, taking one hour per Wound per attempt, or by casting repairing
   • With a failed Vigor roll when Incapacitated, stablises automatically but becomes inert and helpless
   • Injuries can only be removed when all Wounds are "healed"

Outsider - Tira has the Outsider (Major) Hindrance

Steel Fists - Tira's fists are natural weapons that deal Str+d4 damage


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor


Athletics || Common Knowledge || Faith || Fighting

Healing || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth

Derived Statistics

Pace 6" || Parry 5 || Toughness 9 (4)


Loyal - Minor - Tira is loyal to her friends and allies

Mild Mannered - Minor - −2 to Intimidation rolls

Timid - Major - −2 to Fear checks and resisting Intimidation


Arcane Background (Cleric) - Knows arcane protection, boost/lower trait, dispel, healing and sanctuary*

Power Points - Gain 5 additional Power Points (total: 15)

Soldier - Strength d8 for Encumbrance and Min Str. Reroll Vigor rolls when resisting environmental Hazards


A quarterstaff

A standard cleric's pack

A warforged repair kit

4 flasks of holy water

2 tanglefoot bags

Travelling papers

An etiquette guide

A journal and writing implements

A few changes of pratical clothes

A sewing kit

Magic Items

Lantern of Courage

This magic item functions as an adventurer's lantern; in addition, the light heartens and encourages those within its area. When the lantern is lit, the lantern-bearer and all allies within 4" (8 yards) of it gain one reroll on Spirit rolls vs fear.


Built to fight and do nothing else, the warforged soldier had little to look forward to. But after its regiment was wiped out, leaving it as the only survivor, it travelled on its own and tried to make its own way. Life was hard, and dealing with people even harder. But the more the warforged struggled to understand the people around it, the more she started to understand herself.

It was a Friar of the Church of the Silver Flame who had helped her recognise that part of herself that felt like a person, who had nurtured her newfound personality with gentle encouragement and reproach both. So, to honour the Church, the warforged took the name Tira and set out to become a Friar herself.

Now, Tira still travels the lands of Khorvaire, but this time she has a sense of purpose: helping those in need and granting relief to those besieged by evil. She has even gained some small level of acceptance from the people she meets, though she knows it will still be a long time before she is fully acknowledged as a person. But, as an immortal construct, she has all the time in the world.