Wyrmrider 3

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Zeru Maisuaren

Chaotic Good Zariel Tiefling Arcane Trickster/Vengeance Paladin

Attributes and Saves

Str 13 (+5)

Dex 18 (+12)

Con 12 (+5)

Int 8 (+7)

Wis 10 (+4)

Cha 18 (+8)


AC 19

HP 69

Spd 30

Init +4

HD 4d8+6d10

Proficiency +4

Lay On Hands 30

Spell Slots 4/3


Rapier: Attack +8, Damage 1d8+4 (+2d6 Fire) (+2d6 Sneak Attack)

Dagger: Attack +8, Damage 1d4+4

Longbow: Attack +8, Damage 1d8+4



+2 Dex, +1 Cha, Spd 30’, Medium, Darkvision 60’, Hellish Resistance (Fire Resistance), Infernal Legacy (Thaumaturgy cantrip, 1/day each Searing Smite as a 2nd level spell and Branding Smite)

Rogue 4

Proficiencies, Expertise (Deception, Persuasion), Sneak Attack (+2d6), Thieves’ Cant, Cunning Action, Steady Aim

Arcane Trickster

Spellcasting (Spell Save DC 11, Spell Attack +3, 4 L1 Spells), Cantrips, Mage Hand Legerdemain

Paladin 6

Proficiency (Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, Shields), Divine Sense (5 uses), Lay On Hands, Fighting Style (Blessed Warrior), Spellcasting (Spell Save DC 17, Spell Attack +9, Spellcasting Focus), Divine Smite, Oath of Vengeance, Divine Health, Extra Attack, Aura of Protection (10’)

Oath of Vengeance

Tenets of Vengeance, Oath Spells, Channel Divinity (Abjure Enemy, Vow of Enmity)


False Identity, Proficiencies


Favorite Scheme: Crooked gambling

Trait: I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone

Ideal: Friendship. Material goods come and go, but friendship lasts forever

Bond: Somewhere out there, I have a daughter who doesn’t know me. I’m making the world better for her

Flaw: I can’t resist a pretty face



War Caster


Dex saves, Int saves, All Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Common, Infernal, Thieves’ Cant, Athletics (+5), Deception (+12), Perception (+4), Persuasion (+12), Sleight of Hand (+8), Stealth (+8), Thieves’ Tools, Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit



Booming Blade, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Thaumaturgy, Guidance, Spare the Dying



Shield, Disguise Self, Silent Image, Silvery Barbs


Searing Smite, Bane, Hunter’s Mark, Bless, Wrathful Smite, Command


Paladin Branding Smite, Misty Step, Hold Person, Aid, Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing


Burglar’s Pack, Studded Leather, Shield, Cloak of Protection, Amulet of the Devout +1, Flame-Tongue Rapier, 2 Daggers, Longbow, 20 Arrows, Disguise Kit, Thieves’ Tools, Forgery Kit, Explorer’s Pack


Zeru was a con man, a crooked gambler, a thief in the Sprawls. He was fast, but he was silver-tongued, and confident-- cocky, even-- and that was more important. He had a weakness for women, and his silver tongue did him well there, too. But he had a hard time resisting taking gambles of any kind, and someone once bet him that he couldn’t get into the bed of Sister Amaya, a novice in the Temple of the Well of Light, noted for their charity work among the poor, and their spring of healing waters that they used to help the sick, free of charge.

As it turned out, he could. But what he didn’t expect was to fall in love along the way; he was ready to give up his dishonest life to be with her forever, and she’d accepted who he really was…

And that, of course, was when Lord Dragomir had his men raid the Temple of the Well of Light to obtain the healing waters for his own purposes; destroying the spring was a side-effect, and if Sister Amaya and many others died in the raid, what did that matter compared to Lord Dragomir’s priorities? But to Zeru, it was the shattering of the bliss of his new life.

And there would be vengeance. And there was! Empowered by the Oath he’d sworn, Zeru discovered a talent for violence that shocked himself when he realized how many he’d killed before Lord Dragomir bled out at Zeru’s feet. But he couldn’t go back now-- neither to a simple life of charity nor to being a crooked gambler. He’d taken Dragomir’s flaming sword as a prize. Now it was a responsibility-- to fight for justice. To avenge the wrongs given to the downtrodden. He didn’t let it warp him-- his heart would recover, he realized, and even if he thought he’d never love again, he still was susceptible to pretty faces… but he was now a warrior. Besides, he had at least one child he knew of in the Sprawls, a daughter, and he needed to fight to make her life better, too. And so he would.


Good: The Trickster

Bad: The Raven


Padura the Poison Wyrm