Savage Reflections 02

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Dirk Johnson

  • Awakened police detective descending into madness.

Ancestry | Awakened | Novice/0 Adv

Pos Traits: Adaptable, Jaded, Exhaustion Talent, Madness


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor

Derived Stats

Pace || Run || Parry || Size || Toughness (1)

Core Skills

Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth

Other Skills

Driving || Fighting || Shooting || Thievery

  • Shooting is Dirk's exhaustion talent


|| || || || || ||


  • Insomnia: Taking care of Brock's family and finding Brock's killer for closure.
  • Trauma: Brock's murder and mugging. He was there, he saw the thing first hand and it scared him into doing nothing at the time. He is ashamed for that.
  • Hunted: Kрасный (Krasnyy) the short little fat man with a red beret
  • Vulnerable: Brock had a wife and two daughters. One is a teenager, and the other is four year old.


  • Adaptable
  • Jaded
  • Exhaustion Talent
  • Madness


Connections: Police associated, CIs and other contacts he has made as a detective. / SWADE p50
Trademark Weapon: +1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting, or Shooting total with a specific weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is readied. / SWADE p44


Shapechange | PP (3 - for a d6) (+2 for d8, +4 for d12) | Range (Touch) | Duration (instant)
Trappings: Drawing power from The Ways
Description: Change into forms he knows or has seen.



Ballistic T-Shirt - Armor 1, Torso only


Unarmed: Str+d4 damage
.45 ACP Pistol : 2d6+2 (includes Trademark Weapon)


.45 ACP Pistol
Ballistic t-shirt
older police uniform
detective's badge


Basement Apartment in a multistory building. 2 bedroom 1 bath. Month to Month lease been there for several years. Close to the precinct.


1970 Plymouth Barracuda - needs paint, new seats, and other things, but still a muscle car.



Dirk started out on the streets like so many others. Was pressured into joining a gang. He learned standard snatch and grab as well as other skills. He served time in Juvie. His trouble making actions caused him to be removed from his parent's home and become a ward of the state.

When he was 16 he met an elder gentleman who had gone down the path that he had so far. Brock convinced him to learn from the example and to avoid prison. Dirk had little aptitude or desire for traditional education, but he was a quick study. Brock taught him to use the skills of his youth and become a useful member of society. He became a cop. He quickly rose to detective with his natural ability and knowledge of criminal behavior. He works a variety of crimes, but mostly he is tossed theft of all types. His goal was to become a member of the Major Crimes squad.

That was till that fateful day. Brock was murdered. From the outside, it looked like a brutal mugging. But that didn't sit well with Dirk. He knew Brock was an excellent fighter; he taught Dirk much of his self-defense skills. He also knew that Brock didn't have a lot of money that would be worth taking. If it were a mugging, he would have just handed it over. It was just money. Money was a tool to the old man. No, this was something else. An enemy? It was only when his dreams came that night that remembered what really happened.

That night, Dirk couldn't sleep—at least Dirk thinks that is when it started. He had horrid dreams. They involved a short, fat man with a red beret—one like Prince used to wear before he dumped his name. The little fat man kept taunting Dirk in the dream. It was partly annoying, partly disturbing, and mostly frustrating. The next night Dirk went for a run because he couldn't sleep again. He could swear he saw the fat little guy at the corner of the alley where Brock was murdered. Dirk is ashamed to admit it, but he froze. It was so horrific, blood gushing, screaming, it was the most gruesome thing he had ever seen. It was happening right there in front of him. Brock died, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Brock's family lives in the same multistory apartment building that Dirk lives in. They are just on an upper floor.

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