Clerical Spell Tables
All bulleted ( • ) spells must be researched.
Zeroth Level Spells
Activate Staff
Anoint Weapon
Purify Water
Detect Evil
Sanctify Water
Detect Good
Turn Undead
Detect Magic
Walk Peacefully
First Level Spells
Speak with Animals
Enlist Aid
Reduce Fear
Detect Life
Purify Food
Detect Injury
Detect Ethics
Detect Clerical Spell
Cure Light Wounds
Calm Animals
Second Level Spells
Find Traps
Heal Spirit Being
Detect Alignment
Hold Person
Detect Curse
Holy Strength (+7)
Detect Disease
Reduce Poison
Detect Magical Spell
Detect Poison
Tame Animals
Detect Water
Third Level Spells
Ward Weapons
Walk on Water
Evil’s Bane
True Sight
Empathic Cure
Remove Curse
Dispel Clerical Spell
Radiate Goodness
Morimini in Pacem
Detect Possession
Locate Object
Detect Food
Iron Faith
Cure Disease
Holy Strength (+13)
Continual Light
Holy Shield
Holy Shield
Calm Creatures
Grand Bless
Benison of Courage
Animal Control
Fourth Level Spells
Circle of Holiness
Holy Strength (+19)
Create Water
Human Control
Cure Blindness
Light of Truth
Cure Deafness
Neutralize Poison
Cure Insanity
Pass Safely
Cure Paralysis
Protection/Evil (1” Radius)
Cure Serious Wounds
Protection/Good (1” Radius)
Restore 1-4 Life Levels
Grand Benediction
Speak with Plants
Great Fear
Greater Holy Shield
Stop Deterioration
Greater Sanctuary
Turn Sticks to Snakes
Heal Grievous Wound
Fifth Level Spells
Anti-Magic Shell
Locate Person
Breathe Water
Controlled Empathic Cure
Raise Dead
Create Food
Dispel Control
Restore *-* Life Levels
Dispel Evil
Restore Scarab vs. EHP
Finger of Death
Sanctify Ground
Insect Plague
Sixth Level Spells
Create Air
Raise Dead and Restore *-* Life Levels
Cure Critical Wounds
Restore *-* Life Levels
Dispel Demon
Repair Body
Undead Control
Part Water
Seventh Level Spells
Detect Untrue Answers and Statements
Restore *-* Life Levels
Hold Monster
Suspended Animation (self
Raise Dead and Restore *-* Life Levels
Vari-heal (]]*-*
Read Languages
Eighth Level Spells
Cure Very Critical Wounds
Restore Life Levels (*-*
Dispel Magic
Speak Languages
Raise Dead and Restore *-* Life Levels
Ninth Level Spells
1 Restore N% of Life Levels
2 Talk with Inanimate Objects
3 Speak with Monsters
Tenth Level Spells
Cure Deadly Wounds
Tame Monster
Enforced Oath
Eleventh Level Spells
Anaerobic Existence
Raise Dead and Restore N% of Life levels
Percentile Heal
Suspended Animation (others
Twelfth Level Spells
Thirteenth Level Spells
Restore All Life Levels
Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells Revised Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells
in melee or otherwise fighting. A Bless raises morale by
+1, fear saving throws by 5%, attack level by +1, and its
effects stack with other magical or clerical effects.
Duration: 6 turns. Range: can affect all beings of the
same alignment as the caster within 6” of the caster.
Detect Alignment: This spell allows the cleric to
detect the alignment (Law, Neutrality, Chaos) of a single
being at a distance of up to 1” per level of the cleric
casting the spell.
Detect Curse: This spell allows the cleric to
determine if an item or a being has been cursed. Range:
adjacent to the item or the person.
Detect Disease: This spell allows the cleric to
determine if a being has a disease which needs to be
cured. Range: 3”.
Detect Magical Spell: This spell allows the cleric to
detect the occurrence or presence of a magical spell in his
immediate vicinity, up to 1” per level of the cleric
employing the detection.
Detect Poison: This spell allows the cleric to detect
poisons up to a range of 1” per level of the cleric
employing the detection, maximum range of 6”.
Detect Water: This spell is the same as Detect
Poison (2C) except that water instead of poison is
Find Traps: By means of this spell, the cleric will
locate any mechanical or magical traps (not living
ambushes) within a radius of 6” of the cleric for a
duration of one turn.
Heal Spirit Being: As Cure Light Wounds (1C), but
will aid Spirit Beings of alignments not opposite the
Hold Person: This spell is similar to the magical
spell Charm Person (1M) but of more limited duration
and of greater effect. This spell applies to all two-legged,
generally mammalian figures near to or less than man-
size, excluding all Undead monsters but including such
things as orcs and goblins. It affects from 1-4 persons
(rolled on a 4-sided die) normally, or it can be
concentrated on one target, in which case the target
subtracts 10 from his saving throw before making the die
roll. If the spell is successful, it will cause the held
person(s) to obey any spoken command of the caster even
if their languages are different. The victim(s) will not
commit direct suicide while under this spell. During the
phase in which the hold is thrown, the victim(s) cannot
obey commands or carry out actions of their own volition,
and thus stand still and neither fight nor act. Duration: 9
turns, unless dispeled, removed by the caster or the caster
loses control by going unconscious, dying, or moving
outside 18”.
Holy Strength (+7): This spell adds 7 to the strength
of the cleric for 3 turns. It does not stack with other
strength spells or items.
Reduce Poison: This spell has two effects. If it is
cast before poisoning occurs, then it acts as poison
resistance. This means it adds 10% to any saving throw
and subtracts 1 per die of poison damage. If it is cast
after poisoning, then it reduces degenerative effects by 1
per die and bleeding by 1 point (total) per level of the
cleric casting the spell until the reduction is used up. The
cleric must be in contact with the recipient. Duration: 6
Sanctuary: This spell causes any opponent within
24” of the cleric to make a saving throw vs. clerical spells
in order to directly attack the cleric. The caster may take
no offensive action or else the spell is broken, and in that
case the caster must save vs. Pain or be dazed for one
turn. The caster may defend himself against any being
that was unaffected by the Sanctuary spell without
suffering the pain effect or breaking the spell. The cleric
may be incidentally included in area spells without the
caster of the said spells needing to make a saving throw.
Duration 3 turns.
Tame Animals: This spell allows the cleric to calm
otherwise hostile normal animals, capture wild horses,
and other acts of that type. It cannot be used on monsters
or magical creatures, such as Unicorns. The cleric must
be adjacent to the animal that is being tamed.
Third Level Spells
Animal Control: This spell allows the cleric to
control up to 3-18 1st level animals, up to 2-12 2nd level
animals, and up to 1-6 3rd level animals. Duration: Until
dispeled, or until removed by the caster of the spell, or the
caster loses control by going unconscious, dying, or
moving outside of range. Range: 12”.
Benison of Courage: This spell adds 20% to the
saving throw vs. Fear of a single recipient for three turns,
as Reduce Fear (1C), but with an area effect, a 6” radius
surrounding the caster, affecting all of the same ethical
standing as the cleric (good vs. evil). If the recipient is
already in a state of induced Fear, the recipient gets a
normal Fear saving throw immediately, and breaks free of
the effect if successful. This spell may be directed at an
individual to break an induced Fear effect, in which case
the recipient adds 5 × the level of the cleric to his
immediate Fear saving throw (one time only). Range: 3”
if directed, else 6” radius around caster. Note: this spell
will benefit larger numbers of fearful beings by
improving their saving throws for recovery checks.
Calm Creatures: A spell that calms one unusual
animal or monster per level of the caster, negating non-
magical fear of surroundings or events. Duration: 6
turns. Range 6” radius from caster.
Continual Light: This spell creates a 12” radius
circle of illumination emanating from a point within 12”
of the cleric. The light cast is as bright as full daylight
(which will affect anything which hates light, or is unable
to see in bright light) but will not have the destructive
powers of full sunlight against vampires and other such
creatures. Duration: until dispeled.
3-6 Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells
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Cure Disease: This spell is used to cure any form of
disease, including those caused by curses and other non-
normal means of transmission. If cast within 12 hours of
the infection, this spell will prevent the transmission of
any lycanthropic (i.e. werewolfism) disease to a bitten
victim. The cleric must be in physical contact with the
Detect Food: This spell allows the cleric to find
food (if it exists) in a wilderness, desert, or other
situations where necessary. Range: 2” per level of the
cleric casting the spell.
Detect Possession: This spell allows the cleric to
detect an extra mind in control of a body, such as when a
person is taken over magically or demonically. Range:
adjacent to the subject.
Diagnosis: This spell allows the cleric to determine
what is wrong with a character that has mysteriously
collapsed, or otherwise determine the extent of
indeterminate damage effects, including possible cures.
Range: adjacent to the subject.
Dispel Clerical Spell: This spell allows a cleric to
cancel the effects of a continuing spell (such as Hold
Person (2C)). It will not cancel the effects of a previously
cast spell of a non-continuing nature (such as a completed
healing spell). It will interrupt a healing or restorative
spell that is in progress at the time of the Dispel. The
chance of dispeling the spell depends on the levels and
Wisdoms of both the clerics involved. There is a 90%
chance of the dispel working if the two clerics are the
same level. A cleric of Wisdom 15 or higher gets +5% in
his favor (note: if both clerics are Wisdom 15+ this
cancels out). If the clerics are not the same level, the
higher level cleric gets a 10% modifier for each level of
difference added to the 90% base in his favor. For
example a 8th level cleric with Wisdom of 15 trying to
dispel a spell of 12th level cleric with Wisdom of 14
would have a 90+5-(4×10) = 55% chance of success.
Range: 3”.
Empathic Cure: This spell allows a cleric to fully
cure another character of damage taken, by transferring
all the hits taken by the other character to the cleric. If
the hits taken are enough to cause the cleric to become
unconscious, he will do so, but will not deteriorate
towards death from that point unless damaged further. If
the hits taken are sufficient to kill the cleric, then the
cleric will die, and the amount of damage transferred will
only equal the death level of the cleric. Range: in contact
with the other person.
Evil’s Bane: This spells works as Anoint Weapon
(0C) with the added feature that the spell makes a single
melee weapon do +3 damage per die vs. Evil opponents.
This damage bonus replaces any lesser bonus vs. Evil
already on the weapon. The maximum added damage is 1
point per level of the spell’s caster per blow. So a
weapon doing 4 dice would need a 12th level cleric casting
this spell to get the full effect. Duration: 3 Turns.
Fear: This spell will cause all living creatures in a
3” × 3” × 2” area with one face of the square directly
adjacent to and centered upon the caster to make a saving
throw vs. Fear or flee the caster. For creatures without
separate Fear saving throws, use their Clerical Spell
saving throw.
Freedom: This spell dispels any single target’s
magical or clerical charm, hold, or other form of mental
control. There is a 50% chance of dispeling, reduced by
5% for each level that the caster is below the level of the
caster of the original spell. Range 3”.
Gliding: This spell allows the cleric to glide through
the air, the rate of descent being controllable from a
vertical dive to a 20:1 glide ratio of horizontal to vertical
movement. Duration: 6 turns.
Grand Bless: The cleric may give the benison of the
Grand Bless spell during any turn that the beings to be
affected are not in melee or otherwise fighting. A Grand
Bless raises morale by +2, fear saving throws by 5%,
attack level by +2, improves archery by 5%, and its
effects stack with other magical or clerical effects (other
than another Bless or Grand Bless). Duration: 6 turns.
Range: can affect all beings of the same alignment as the
caster within 6” of the caster.
Holy Shield: This spell reduces the amount of
damage the caster will take from a single magical or
physical type of damage during its operation, as specified
by the caster at the time of casting. Thus the cleric can
specify that his Holy Shield will protect him from Fire,
and for its duration his level would be subtracted from
any damage that would result from fire, magical or
natural. If the cleric is hit by more than one form of
damaging fire during that time, the shield affects each
damage separately. Note that a cleric cannot create a
Shield vs., say physical damage in general or against
drowning, while being crushed by a Kraken. However,
when facing a Red Dragon, a Shield against Fire could be
quite useful. Duration: 3 turns.
Holy Strength (+13): This spell adds 13 to the
strength of the cleric. It does not stack with other strength
spells or items. Duration: 3 Turns.
Iron Faith: This spell causes the caster to become
immune to magical and clerical charms and controls and
gain 20% vs. Con and similar attempts to influence his
behavior. The spell is broken if the caster attempts any
charm or control spell, otherwise it lasts for 6 turns.
Locate Object: In order for this particular spell to
be effective it must be cast with certain knowledge of
what is to be located. Thus the exact nature, dimensions,
coloring, etc., of some magical item would have to be
known in order for the spell to work. Well known
objects, such as a particular flight of stairs often traveled,
can be detected by this spell. The spell gives the user the
direction of the object desired, but not the distance. The
desired object must be within range to be detected at all.
Range: 9” + 1” per level of the cleric casting the spell.
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Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells Revised Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells
Morimini in Pacem: This spell specifically de-
animates animated Undead in a 6” × 6” × 4” square with
one side centered on the caster. The number of Undead
affected is limited to (level of the caster × 50) divided by
(level of the Undead squared). Note that this spell is
sometimes less effective than a normal Turn Undead spell
(0C) when used against very high level animated Undead.
Radiate Goodness: This spell causes all Evil beings
within 3” of the caster to make a saving throw vs. Fear if
attempting to directly attack the cleric. Failure of this
saving throw means an inability to attack the caster.
Duration: 3 turns.
Remove Curse: A spell to remove any one curse,
Geas (6M), or Quest (4C). Using this spell in the case of
someone holding a cursed magical item would remove the
effect of the item’s curse on that person, but would not
affect the item permanently. (Beings under the influence
of a Geas or a Quest may not use this spell.) The chance
of the curse being neutralized is the (caster’s level divided
by the curse’s level) × 100%. Any one cleric may attempt
to remove a given curse only once. The same rule applies
to any item that removes a curse, i.e., only one try per
curse. Range: adjacent to the target.
True Sight: This spell permits the caster to see
through all magical forms of illusion or invisibility for its
duration, but not to penetrate mechanical disguises or
Indetectibility (6M). Duration: 3 turns.
Walk on Water: This spell allows a cleric to walk
on the surface of bodies of water for 6 turns, carrying his
normal load.
Ward Weapons: This spell enables the caster to
specify a single weapon or closely related class of
weapons (swords, or spears, or arrows, for example). For
the duration of the spell, damage from that particular
weapon or group of weapons will do the caster a reduced
amount of damage, -2 per die. Note that while it would
be possible to use this spell to ward against natural body
weapons, Warding against a Dragon’s Claw would not
reduce the damage done by the Dragon’s Teeth, much
less his Breath Weapon. Duration: 3 turns.
Fourth Level Spells
Circle of Holiness: This spell creates a 1” radius
circle around the caster that cannot be entered by
animated Undead. In addition, other unholy beings (spirit
Undead, demonic beings, etc.) may only enter the circle
by matching their power against that of the caster, as
follows: a being of the same level as the caster has a
chance equal to 100% - (5% × the caster’s Wisdom). This
is adjusted by plus or minus 5% per level that the being is
above or below the caster. The offensive use of magic or
combat from within a Circle at a target outside of it will
give ALL unholy beings present a new chance to break
through the Circle. The offensive use of clerical spells
from within the Circle will not have this effect. Duration:
3 turns.
Create Water: By means of this spell, the cleric can
create a supply of drinkable water. The quantity of water
created is equal to (the cleric’s level - 5)2 × 12 gallons.
The water appears adjacent to the caster.
Cure Blindness: By means of this spell, there is a
5% per level of the caster chance of curing organic or
injury-induced permanent blindness. It also cures
automatically temporary physical blindness. It has no
effect on blindness that is purely Illusionary in nature.
The caster gets only one opportunity per case. It takes
one full day for a complete cure of complete blindness,
pro-rated for partial blindness. If the blindness was an
effect with a limited duration, then that duration is
reduced by 5% per level of the caster, again with a
maximum recovery time of one day.
Cure Deafness: As Cure Blindness (4C), but
deafness is cured.
Cure Paralysis: As Cure Blindness (4C), but
paralysis is cured.
Cure Serious Wounds: This spell is a basic healing
spell. The amount of damage to be healed by any
individual casting of the spell is determined as follows:
the cleric rolls two 6-sided dice and adds two to the result.
If the cleric has Wisdom of 13-17 he then adds 1 to the
result. If the cleric is Wisdom of 18 or higher he then
adds 2 to the result instead. The total is the amount of
healing to be done over the next six phases. If the cleric
is interrupted at any point, the healing terminates at that
point. The cleric must be in physical contact with the
character or being to be healed throughout the six phases.
If the contact is broken, the healing is terminated at that
point. Thus, this spell will cure a minimum of 4 points of
damage, and a maximum of 14 to 16 points depending on
the wisdom of the cleric casting the spell.
Exorcism: This spell allows a cleric to exorcise a
demon that has taken control of the character. Note that
this spell does not dispel or damage the demon, it merely
frees the character. Range: 3 inches.
Flight: This spell allows the cleric to fly a speed of
12” per turn for six turns carrying his normal load.
Grand Benediction: The cleric may use this spell to
raise the defense level of the recipients by +2. In the case
of followers, this spell also adds +1 to their morale. For
player characters, it adds 10% to their saving throws
against Fear effects and all Clerical Saving Throws as
well as the bonus to defense. The recipients cannot be in
melee combat or otherwise fighting when the Benediction
is cast, or else they gain no bonuses. Duration: 6 turns.
Range: can affect all beings of the same alignment as the
caster within 6” of the caster.
Great Fear: This spell will cause all living creatures
in a 6” × 6” × 4” area with one face of the square directly
adjacent to and centered upon the caster to make a saving
throw vs. Fear or flee the caster. For creatures without
separate Fear saving throws, use their Clerical Spell
saving throw.
3-8 Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells
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Greater Holy Shield: This spell reduces the amount
of damage that the caster will take from each magical
spell during its duration. The damage is reduced by an
amount equal to the level of the caster, in points of
damage. If the caster has a magical or clerical item or
spell in operation that also affects the amount of damage
received, only the greater of the two will take effect.
Duration: 3 Turns.
Greater Sanctuary: This spell causes any opponent
within 24” of the cleric to make a saving throw vs.
clerical spells in order to directly attack the cleric or
anyone within a 1” radius of the cleric. Nobody with this
1” radius circle may take offensive action or else the spell
is broken, and in that case all within the circle must save
vs. Pain or be dazed for 1 turn. Those within the circle
may defend themselves against any being that was
unaffected by the Greater Sanctuary spell without
suffering the pain effect or breaking the spell. Those
within the circle may be incidentally included in area
spells without the caster of the said spells needing to
make a saving throw. Duration 3 turns.
Heal Grievous Wound: This spell will heal all the
damage received from any single blow or injury that
could be healed by normal healing spells (Cure Light
Wounds (1C), etc.). Special damage needing separate
spells (Neutralize Poison (4C), Cure Disease (3C), etc.)
will not be healed. The healing is at the rate of 1 hit point
per turn until healing is completed. It does not eliminate
bleeding. It is not an open ended regeneration spell, and
it will not continue to work if the recipient’s death level is
exceeded by subsequent damage. Range: in contact with
the other person.
Holy Strength (+19): This spell adds 19 to the
strength of the cleric. It does not stack with other strength
spells or items. Duration: 3 Turns.
Human Control: This spell is similar to the magical
spell Charm Person (1M) but of more limited duration
and of greater effect. This spell applies to all two-legged,
generally mammalian figures near to or less than man-
size, excluding all Undead monsters but including such
things as orcs and goblins. It affects from 2-12 persons
with 3 or fewer hit die, 2-8 persons with 4-6 hit die, 1-4
persons with 7-9 hit die, and 1 person having 10 or more
hit die, or it can be concentrated on one target, in which
case the target subtracts 10 from his saving throw before
making the die roll. If the spell is successful, it will cause
the held person(s) to obey any spoken command of the
caster even if their languages are different. The victim(s)
will not commit direct suicide while under this spell.
During the phase in which the hold is thrown, the
victim(s) cannot obey commands or carry out actions of
their own volition, and thus stand still and neither fight
nor act. Duration: 9 turns, unless dispeled, removed by
the caster or the caster loses control by going
unconscious, dying, or moving outside 18”. Range: 18”.
Light of Truth: This spell creates a standard 6”
cone shape of light that discloses all camouflages,
Illusionary concealment, disguises, etc., and negates
invisibility and displacer effects. The cone conforms to
the current facing of the caster at all times, for the 3 turn
duration of the spell.
Neutralize Poison: A spell to counter the continuing
effect of a poison. Note that this spell will not resurrect a
character killed by poison, nor will it remove any damage
already done by poison to a living character. It will
prevent further damage from being done, and is necessary
before healing damage done by poison. It will affect only
one object or person per spell and takes only one phase.
A cleric using this spell can only neutralize those poisons
whose poison factor times the hit dice of the poisonous
creature (i.e. the number of dice of damage the poison
causes) is less than (the level of the cleric times the
wisdom of the cleric) divided by ten. Thus if a character
is poisoned by a 10 hit die creature with a poison factor of
1.5, only a cleric whose level times his wisdom was at
least 150 could neutralize the poison. Range: the cleric
must be in contact with the person or the object
containing poison to be neutralized. Range: in contact
with the other person.
Pass Safely: This functions like a combination of
Find Traps (2C) to locate any mechanical or magical traps
(not living ambushes), and the magical spell Detect
Enemies (2M) detecting any enemy that knows of the
user’s presence. Thus warning the caster of antagonistic
entities aware of the caster and traps that endanger him.
Range: 12”. Duration: the level of the caster in turns,
unless cast with a Pathfinding (5C), then it lasts as long as
the Pathfinding.
Protection/Evil 1” Radius: This spell adds +1 to the
defense level and +5% to the saving throws of the caster,
and anyone within 1” radius, against any Evil beings (or
spells cast by evil beings) for its duration of 12 turns. Its
effects add to those of any magical protective devices.
Protection/Good 1” Radius: This spell is the same
as Protection/Evil 1” Radius (4C) except that it protects
against Good rather than Evil.
Quest: This spell is similar to the magical spell Geas
(6M), except that the character sent upon a Quest by the
cleric is not killed by failure to carry out the service.
However, the cleric may curse the character with anything
appropriate to the alignment of the caster, so that failure
to fulfill the Quest is not to be taken lightly. The referee’s
discretion must be used in the phrasing and detailing of
the Quest. If the character does not wish to be sent on a
Quest, he must save vs. clerical spells to avoid it. Range:
3 in.
Restore Life Levels: This spell allows a cleric to
restore at least some of the life levels drained from a
character by Undead or by special weapons. If a cleric is
immediately available (no more than 6 game hours), it is
possible for him to restore from 1-4 (rolled on a 4-sided
die) life levels lost by a victim. For each full six-hour
period that goes by before the spell is cast, one is
subtracted from the die roll. Thus if a seventh level
Warlock 1993 Clerical Spells 3-9
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fighter is drained two life levels (thus becoming a fifth
level fighter), the cleric would need to roll a two or higher
to fully restore the fighter if the spell were cast within six
hours of the draining. If eight hours had passed before
the spell was cast then a die roll of three or higher would
restore all of the lost levels, while a roll of one would
mean that NO life levels were restored (one minus one
equals zero). This spell may only be used once on any one
character after any one draining of life levels. For
example, if a character loses five life levels, he may not
be fully restored by multiple castings of this spell, since
only the first use will have any effect.
Speak with Plants: This spell is the same as Speak
with Animals (2C) except that plants are communicated
with instead of animals. Note that a cleric may not ask a
plant to do anything outside of its normal limits. He may
ask a vine to part for him to pass through, but a tree
cannot be commanded to pull up its roots and walk
around. Duration: 6 turns. Range: 3”.
Stigma: The target must be willing to accept a
stigma or feels he deserves one. The caster may inflict
one of the following: A) a spiritual or non-physical
stigma - the caster’s level in % is deducted from the
target’s rolls for a group of related rolls (such as all
melee, or all saving throws). B) a minor affliction such as
boils, muscle spasms, or night blindness. C) a major
physical affliction such as a withered limb, muteness, or
deafness. (a) and (b) manifest within one day. (c)
manifests within (21-the level of the caster) days with a
minimum of 1. Removed as Quest (4C) or by the caster
at any time, or by a cleric who knows higher level clerical
spells than the caster.
Stop Deterioration: This spell allows a cleric to
stop an unconscious or otherwise damaged character from
bleeding. The character stops bleeding for 2-12 turns
(rolled). Range: in contact with the other person.
Turn Sticks to Snakes: Any time there are sticks of
the appropriate size nearby, a cleric can turn them into
normal (not monstrous) snakes with this spell. They can
be either poisonous or nonpoisonous at the cleric’s
choice, but a cleric of a lawful nature may only create
poisonous snakes as a last resort in defense of the lives of
other lawful characters. The cleric can command from 2-
16 snakes and these will perform as he orders for the 6-
turn duration of the spell. All snakes must stay within
12” of the cleric.
Fifth Level Spells
Anti-Magic Shell: This spell creates a skin-tight
field, which surrounds the caster and makes him totally
impervious to all magical (not clerical) spells, whether
cast by finger or by implement. While the shell is up, the
caster may not activate any magical items, and all magical
items worn on or in contact with the body will not
function. Purely magical damage bonuses of magical
weapons will also not travel into or out of the shell. The
use of clerical spells is not affected. Duration: 12 turns.
Breathe Water: This spell allows the caster to
breathe water for a time period no longer than one turn
per level of the caster.
Commune: This spell puts the cleric in immediate
contact with the chosen deity of his faith (the referee) and
allows him to ask three questions (which all must be
asked within one game turn). Communing drains the
cleric so much that he may use each of his 5th or higher
level spells once in his lifetime to do a commune. For
example, a 20th level cleric could do no more than 8 (4
5ths, 3 6ths, and 1 7th) communes in his lifetime unless
he goes up to a higher level. Communes should not be
used frivolously, but primarily where the safety or lives of
one or more of the party are at stake. The questions can
be decided upon before casting the spell so they are ready
to be asked. Try to prepare alternates based on possible
answers, if possible.
Controlled Empathic Cure: This spell allows a
cleric to fully cure another character of damage taken, by
transferring all the hits taken by the other character to the
cleric. If the hits taken are enough to cause the cleric to
become unconscious, he will do so, but will not
deteriorate towards death from that point unless damaged
further. If the hits taken are sufficient to kill the cleric,
then the cleric will die, and the amount of damage
transferred will only equal the death level of the cleric.
Unlike Empathic Cure (3C), the cleric states how many
hits of healing will be done. If the damage on the other
character is less than the stated amount, the cleric takes
the lesser damage. Range: in contact with the other
Create Food: A spell with which the cleric creates
sustenance for a party of men, in the form of a manna-like
substance edible by man and horse alike. The amount of
food created is equal to 36 × (the level of the caster - 7)
squared pounds of manna, where it takes one pound of
manna to feed a man, and two pounds to feed a horse, for
one day. The food appears adjacent to the caster.
Dispel Control: This spell dispels any single
magical or clerical charm, hold, or other form of mental
control. There is a 50% chance of dispeling, reduced by
5% for each level that the caster is below the level of the
caster of the original spell. Range 3” radius around caster
or 6” for an individual target.
Dispel Evil: This spell allows a cleric to dispel any
Evil spell or effect within a 3” radius of the caster. Its
effectiveness is based on the relative levels of the cleric
and the Evil involved. The chance of dispeling the spell
depends on the levels and Wisdoms of both the clerics
involved. There is a 90% chance of the dispel working if
the cleric and the Evil spell are the same level. A cleric of
Wisdom 15 or higher gets +5% in his favor. If the cleric is
not the same level, the cleric gets a 10% modifier for each
level of difference added or subtracted to the 90% base in
his favor. For example a 8th level cleric with Wisdom of
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15 trying to dispel an Evil spell of 12th level would have
a 90+5-(4×10) = 55% chance of success. Range: 3”.
Finger of Death: This spell allows the cleric to
attempt to strike down any one being within 12”. The
being gets a saving throw vs. Death (see saving throw
tables). If the being fails to save, it is dead. Note: a
lawful cleric may only throw this spell in a situation
where he has no other available options and must defend
other lawful beings from imminent death.
Insect Plague: This spell allows a cleric to call to
him a large swarm of insects and control them, within the
48” range of the spell. The insects will obscure the vision
of any creatures in their midst, and will drive off any
creatures with less than three hit dice. Note: a lawful
cleric may not use this spell to summon poisonous insects
except as in Turn Sticks to Snakes (4C). The swarm of the
insects may cover no more than a 6” by 6” area up to 1”
in height at any one time and must stay within 48” of the
cleric. Duration: the insects if not killed or released
before then will disperse after one game day.
Locate Person: In order for this particular spell to
be effective it must be cast with personal knowledge of
who is to be located. Thus the person would have to be
known firsthand by the caster in order for the spell to
work. The spell gives the user the direction of the person
desired, but not the distance. The desired person must be
within range to be detected at all. Range: 9” + 1” per
level of the cleric casting the spell.
Pathfinding: This spell enables the cleric to
determine the quickest way out of a dungeon, forest,
castle, etc., even after being teleported (assuming that
such a way out exists). This spell may be employed by
any one cleric no more than once per day. Duration:
until the cleric is out of the dungeon, etc.
Protection/Undead: This spell allows a cleric to
protect himself from Undead beings as follows: Each
Undead being encountered while this spell is in effect
must check separately to see if it can attack or approach
within 1” of the caster. Each Undead being is checked
only once during the duration of the spell and the result
(as far as that Undead being) does not change during the
spell. Any Undead being of the same level as the cleric
will have a 50% chance of being prevented from
attacking or physically approaching (within 1”) the caster.
This protection is adjusted by 5% per relative level
difference between the cleric and the Undead. Thus, if
the cleric is one level higher than the Undead, it has a
55% chance of being prevented from attacking the cleric.
If the Undead is 3 levels higher than the cleric, it only has
a 35% chance of being prevented from attacking the
cleric. Duration: 6 turns.
Raise Dead: A cleric may use this spell to bring the
dead back to life. This spell may be used no more than
once on any particular body on any particular death. If
the character is raised and then killed again, he may be
raised again. This spell may be used only on beings of a
similar type to the cleric (i.e. human or whatever
species). A cleric may attempt to raise a body after it has
been dead for a period of time, if that time has been no
longer than (the level of the cleric) days. In order to be
raised, the body must not have been destroyed.
Characters raised from the dead remain inactive for two
game weeks after the raise, and may not go on
expeditions, or otherwise attempt to gain experience, and
may not throw magic or fight. If killed again during the
convalescence, the character’s chance of being raised is
halved. The chance of being successfully raised is 90%
for clerical types, and 85% for all other character types.
If an attempt to Raise has failed, a Reincarnation may still
be attempted, but not another Raise Dead spell, of any
level or type. Range: adjacent to the body. Note: the
effect of the Raise Dead spell is so powerful that it uses
up the casting cleric’s fifth level spell for one full week,
rather than the normal one day.
Regenerate: Heals all damage that the caster has
taken that could be healed by healing spells (Cure Light
Wounds, etc.) but not special damage needing separate
spells (Cure Disease, Neutralize Poison, etc.), at the rate
of one hit point per turn until healing is completed.
Special forms of damage must be reversed first for the
Regeneration to function best. Also note that it would not
heal damage inflicted while the Regeneration spell was in
Recover Life Levels (1-5): This spell is the same as
Recover Life Levels (4C) except that from 1 to 5 levels
are restored. Only one spell or the other may be used
after any one draining, and neither spell may be used
more than once on any one draining.
Restore Scarab vs. EHP: This spell allows a cleric
to recharge (one charge per spell) a scarab or other device
designed to protect a character from a clerical Finger of
Death spell. An empty scarab or other device may not be
recharged in this manner, only one still active.
Sanctify Ground: This spell enables the caster to
turn prepared, Hallowed (1C) ground into clerically
Sanctified ground, for the purpose of preparing a clerical
sanctuary or other holy place. Sanctified ground has the
side effect that magical spells will not operate over such
ground, up to a height of 24”, unless the cleric who
Sanctified the ground, or his recognized successor,
directly wills the spell to work. Thus, any spell outside
the knowledge of the guardian of any Sanctified spot will
not function there. This includes any spells in operation
at the time of the Sanctifying, Illusionary or magical in
nature. Each application sanctifies an area that is within a
3” radius of the caster. Duration: until desecrated.
Vari-heal: This spell allows a cleric to do a cure on
a wounded character. A four-sided die is rolled, the result
being the number of six-sided dice of basic healing the
spell will do. All of the dice are treated as if each one
where a Cure Light Wounds (1C) spell in effect, with
appropriate bonuses added, and all are pro-rated
simultaneously over the course of six phases. This spell
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is usable by a cleric no more than once per day. Range:
in contact with the other person.
Sixth Level Spells
Create Air: This spell allows a cleric to create
enough air for normal breathing by one man for one hour
for each level which the cleric has attained. Thus a 24th
level cleric trapped in a vault could create enough air for
himself for 24 hours, or for 8 hours for three men, per
Cure Critical Wounds: This spell is like a Cure
Light Wounds (1C), but the effects are tripled so that
three dice are rolled, and all bonuses added to each die.
Therefore, this spell does a minimum of 6 points of
healing, and a maximum of 24 points (for a Wisdom 18 or
higher cleric).
Dispel Demon: This spell allows a cleric to try and
be rid of a demon. If the cleric and the demon are the
same level, the cleric has a 50% chance of success.
Whichever is the higher level, if either, has a 5% bonus
per level difference in its favor. Thus a 15th level cleric
attempting to dispel a 10th level cleric has a 75% chance
of success. In addition, if clerics are Wisdom 15 or
higher they gets an extra 5% added to the chance of
dispeling the demon. Range: 12 inches.
Non-Deterioration: This spell allows a cleric to stop
a character from bleeding to death after unconsciousness,
or from otherwise bleeding due to special effects. The
spell lasts until the character is damaged again or healing
is started.
Part Water: This spell allows a cleric to create a dry
surface below the level of water no more than 2” deep for
the duration of the spell. This spell can be shaped either
as a 2” radius circle or as a 1” by 6” ‘corridor’, thus
making either a dry circle or a subsurface ‘bridge’.
Range: 12” from the caster. Duration: 6 turns.
Raise Dead and Restore Life Levels (1-4): A cleric
may use this spell to bring the dead back to life and at the
same time restore 1 to 4 life levels. All the restrictions of
Raise Dead (5C) and Restore Life Levels (4C) apply. In
particular, this means the six-hour time limit effects of
Restore Life Levels.
Recover Life Levels (1-6): This spell is the same as
Recover Life Levels (4C) except that from 1 to 6 levels
are restored. Only one Restore spell of any type may be
used after any one draining, and no spell may be used
more than once on any one draining.
Repair Body: This spell allows a cleric to repair or
to re-grow missing or mangled parts of a character’s
Undead Control: This spell allows a cleric to
control up to 2-8 Undead beings of fewer than 4 hit dice,
and up to 1-4 Undead of 4 or more hit dice. Range: 18”.
Duration: 9 turns.
Seventh Level Spells
Detect Untrue Answers and Statements: This spell
allows the caster to determine whether any being that the
cleric is talking to is telling the truth. It does not tell the
cleric what the truth might be if the creature is indeed
lying, but it does give a true-or-false determination.
Duration: 6 turns
Hold Monster: This spell is the same as Hold
Person (2C) except it expands the range of what might be
Held to include monsters of a non- or semi-intelligent
nature. This spell is similar to the magical spell Charm
Person (1M) but of more limited duration and of greater
effect. This spell applies to all monsters of less than
human intelligence, excluding all Undead monsters but
including such things as orcs and goblins. It affects from
1-4 monsters (rolled on a 4-sided die) normally, or it can
be concentrated on one target, in which case the target
subtracts 10 from the saving throw before making the die
roll. If the spell is successful, it will cause the held
monster(s) to obey any spoken command of the caster
even if their languages are different. The victim(s) will
not commit direct suicide while under this spell. During
the phase in which the hold is thrown, the victim(s)
cannot obey commands or carry out actions of their own
volition, and thus stand still and neither fight nor act.
Duration: 9 turns, unless dispeled, removed by the caster
or the caster loses control by going unconscious, dying, or
moving outside 18”. Range: 18”
Raise Dead and Restore Life Levels (1-5): A cleric
may use this spell to bring the dead back to life and at the
same time restore 1 to 5 life levels. All the restrictions of
Raise Dead (5C) and Restore Life Levels (4C) apply. In
particular, this means the six-hour time limit effects of
Restore Life Levels.
Read Languages: This spell allows the cleric to
read unknown languages on maps and other inscriptions.
Duration: one reading. Range: Adjacent to item being
Restore Life Levels (1-7): This spell is the same as
Restore Life Levels (4C) except that from 1 to 7 levels are
restored. Only one Restore spell of any type may be used
after any one draining, and no spell may be used more
than once on any one draining.
Suspended Animation (self): This spell allows
clerics to put themselves into a state of suspended
animation, requiring no food, water, or air for a period of
time determined by the cleric upon casting the spell, not
to exceed the casters level in days. The cleric may be
moved, touched, or even killed while in this state. It does
not make the cleric invulnerable. It merely provides a
way out of certain situations.
Vari-heal: This spell is the same as Vari-heal (5C),
but with one added to the 4-sided die roll determining the
number of dice of healing. Thus, this spell does 2-5 dice
of healing, with bonuses applied to each die as in Cure
Light Wounds (1C).
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Eighth Level Spells
Cure Very Critical Wounds: This spell is the same
as the Cure Critical Wounds (6C) except that this spell
does four dice of healing with bonuses applied to each die
as in Cure Light Wounds (1C). Thus, the basic range of
healing on this spell is from 8-28 (4 dice +4) with
bonuses for the Wisdom of the cleric being applied in
addition to each die.
Dispel Magic: This spell will allow the cleric to
dispel any enchantments of a temporary nature (i.e. any
enchantment with a time limit or that lasts until dispeled).
The cleric’s chance of success is the ratio of his level to
the level of the caster of the spell. Hence, a 25th level
cleric would have a 50% chance of dispeling a spell cast
by a 50th level Mage. Duration: 1 magic phase. Range:
3”. Can be aimed at a specific target, or cast generally
around the caster.
Raise Dead and Restore Life Levels (1-6): A cleric
may use this spell to bring the dead back to life and at the
same time restore 1 to 6 life levels. All the restrictions of
Raise Dead (5C) and Restore Life Levels (4C) apply. In
particular, this means the six-hour time limit effects of
Restore Life Levels.
Restore Life Levels (1-8): This spell is the same as
Recover Life Levels (4C) except that from 1 to 8 levels
are restored. Only one Restore spell of any type may be
used after any one draining, and no spell may be used
more than once on any one draining.
Speak Languages: This spell allows the cleric to
speak and understand any language or dialect that can be
normally spoken. Duration: 3 turns.