Rudy Winchester
Only the Good Die Young
- Name: Rudolph "Rudy" Winchester
- Job: Former Field Agent - Current Bookstore Owner
- Role: The Sleuth
- Trope: Parascientist
- Age: Old
- Flaw: I'm a slave to my vices, coffee and high-end liquor
- Quote: "You can't run from your past."
Stats & Skills
Brawn | 2 | Nerves | 3 | Smooth | 2 | Focus | 3 | Crime | 2 |
Endure | 3 | Cool | 3 | Flirt | 1 | Detect | 3 | Awareness | 2 |
Fight | 1 | Drive | 2 | Leadership | 2 | Fix | 2 | Dexterity | 1 |
Force | 1 | Shoot | 3 | Speech | 3 | Heal | 2 | Stealth | 2 |
Stunt | 2 | Survival | 1 | Style | 1 | Know | 3 | Streetwise | 2 |
- You are an expert on paranormal activity, ectoplasm, and psycho-kinetics.
- Gain a Free Re-roll to all Focus rolls regarding ghosts and paranormal phenomena.
- The crime-scene speaks to you. Where others see chaos, you know how to spot a clue.
- Gain a Free Re-roll when looking for clues, following trails, or searching a room.
- You have a contact, a friend, or a favor you can call in. It’s just a phone call away.
- [Full Turn, Spend Adrenaline] You call one of your contacts asking for a piece of information, a favor, a ride, or up to 3 Cash.
- You gain whatever you asked for during the next Time-Out.
- Your brilliant ideas allow you to always come out on top.
- [Spend Adrenaline] Repeat one roll of any kind. Ignore all -1s from Conditions and circumstances.
- Rifle (1 mag)
- Chemistry Kit
- Member of the Knights of Dawn (Reputation)
- A recent retiree as a pointman and full-time agent, Rudy has found out that you don't really retire from this sort of gig. He's been assigned formally as an occult analyst to the group of agents, but he knows he won't be able to just hang back and not lend a hand. Of course, this team was one that showed a lot of potential, and one where he wouldn't have to do much in terms of heavy lifting.
- Member of the Knights of Dawn (Reputation, 1965): While the Star Chamber doesn't give formal nicknames for one-off squads, a group of experienced agents, all nearing retirement age and not being sure if they'll be able to work together. They decided to get matching tattoos of a shield with a sunburst breaking the edges of the shield.
- It was a raid on a rampaging vampire cult, one leaving human bodies in gory ritual. The raid was seven agents, with Rudy's close colleague Anton taking the lead. The sides were not even, but with the help of time of day and being much better equipped, the Knights were victorious, but not without costs. Anton had been bitten, taking his own life along with one of the vampires with garlic buckshot at point blank. Two others, Minnie and Ray, were maimed in the fighting. Even those without permanent injuries won't forget just how hard fought it was.