Deorwynn "Wynn" Bashir

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Deorwynn "Wynn" Bashir

Ancestry: Human (Versatile Human)
Background: Hermit (Occultism)
Class: Witch
Languages: Aklo, Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sakvroth

Ability Modifiers

Str +1, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +0


Size: Medium

AC 14; Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +7 HP 17


Ancestry: Natural Ambition
Class: Cackle, Toughness
Skill: Dubious Knowledge

Other Features


Familiar of Balanced Luck

Hex Spells (Patron's Puppet)

Patron (Spinner of Threads)

Witch Spellcasting


Occult Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st Enfeeble, Ill Omen; Cantrips Telekinetic Hand, Needle Darts, Light, Shield, Void Warp

Focus Spells (2 points) Cackle

Nudge Fate

Patron's Puppet


Acrobatics +1, Arcana +6, Athletics +1, Crafting +6, Lore: One Terrain +6, Lore: Underworld +6, Nature +5, Occultism +6, Religion +5, Society +6, Stealth +4


Melee Dagger +4 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4+1 P

Explorer's Clothing