Kore the Sage
Concept: Wandering priestess(?) of Persephone

Short-Term Aspiration: Correct a misconception
Short-Term Aspiration: Persuade someone to not do something stupid
Long-Term Aspiration: End the Mad-seed Blight
Sage (Enigmas+, Mysticism+, Persuasion+, Technology)
Great Mystery (Aim+, Culture+, Empathy+, Enigmas)
Curse-Breaker (Academics+, Empathy, Medicine+, Mysticism+)
Intellect: 5
Cunning: 4
Resolve: 2
Might: 1
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2
Presence: 2
Manipulation: 4
Composure: 2
Favored Approach: Finesse
Aim: 1 (O)
Academics: 1 (Q)
Athletics: 0
Close Combat: 0
Command: 0
Culture: 1 (O)
Empathy: 2 (OQ)
Enigmas: 2 (AO)
Integrity: 0
Larceny: 1
Medicine: 1 (Q)
Mysticism: 3 (AQ)
Persuasion: 2 (A)
Ride: 0
Survival: 0
Technology: 1 (A)
Other Traits
Origin: There are more things in the empyrean heavens and unseen depths than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Mysicism)
Quest: Tell me about your ailment (Medicine)
Archetype: It is known (Academics)
Archetype: Have you been paying attention? (Persuasion)
Dreams aren't like they used to be: Your unusual thought processes grant you a +1 Enhancement on Enigma rolls. Additionally, once per story, assume Directorial Control to alter an element of an ongoing prophecy, such as the gender, species, or object involved to something more advantageous to the party.
Secret Entrance: Being old and knowledgeable in history has its advantages, one of which is being alive long enough to remember where significant landmarks once were and where hidden pathways lay. You gain a +1 Enhancement either to Larceny rolls, chosen at character creation. Once per story, you may reveal the hidden entrance to an enemy castle, temple, etc. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the passages inside are safe, but what’s the fun in that?
Large tracts of... charisma: Gain a +1 Enhancement on Persuasion rolls. Once per story, your heartfelt words move a character to believe in you and join your cause, regardless of how ridiculous it sounds.
PC - Feeling 1
PC - Feeling 2
PC - Feeling 3
PC - Feeling 1
PC - Feeling 1
Contact: Name - Path - Description
Faction: Priestesses of Persephone - Sage - Priesthoods of Persephone universally acknowledge Kore as one of their own, though their reception of her ultimately does little to help outsiders figure out if Kore is a role, title, or actual name. Whether they serve the Maiden of Seasons, the Queen of the Underworld, the
Access: Name - Path - Description