Dalt's Tomes
The Dandbury Collection
"He(Dalt) found them at an auction. Southaby's, New York. He was buying rare armor for the collection and found the books. He has no idea what they are. ..."
"Milton Danbury was an occultist. A 33⁰ Freemason. He collected thousands of books on occult matters. Wrote numerous books. He was thought to be insane from time to time. He ran a circle of "Warlocks" and claimed to do real magic. He died of unknown causes at home. His family sold his estate to pay off debts. Dalt bought the collection as well as more mundane books they were sorted with. Paid lavishly, and came here"
~V'ger to Raphael
Dufiro tomes
Spells, Rituals & Music
Abyssal Tomes
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Spell Books
- 3rd level Magery
- 6th level Magery
- 20th Essence
- Roseque Scent Magics
Earth Books
Folk Magic
Hermeticism and Alchemy
4 | 5 | 6 |
Demonology: The Lesser Key of Solomon A Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Belanger Occult Theory: The Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Cornelius Agrippa (it’s a doorstopper, but a classic) The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic by Eliphas Levi The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall The Book of the Law and Liber Aba by Aleister Crowley (concerns Thelema) Occult History: The Occult Book by Johann Michael Greer The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish. (definitely recommend) The Western Esoteric Traditions: A Historical Introduction by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult by DK The Triumph of the Moon and The Witch by Ronald Hutton. (A lot of the books on Wicca that I listed have very inaccurate history; read these books for the real deal.) Magic in the Middle Ages by Richard Kieckhefer (academic) Drawing Down the Moon by Radcliffe Edmonds (academic; specifically about Ancient Greek and Roman magic ). Practical Magic: Hands-On Chaos Magic by Andrieh Vitimus. Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter Caroll Nocturnal Witchcraft, Gothic Grimoire, and Nocturnicon by Konstantinos Shadow Magick Compendium by Raven Digitalis Sorcerer’s Secrets by Jason Miller