Bureau noir: Matryoshka:Lifepath

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Warning this is a chaotic jumble, but hey that's life


LP 5

AI: -2

ALEPH Faction Career: -1

Career Phase 3 (Hazard)

Career Phase 4 (Continuation)

Birth Host:

Aspect (2 LP) +Agility -Coordination

   She's not going to be sniping people... shooting in the back, maybe, but that's an easier shot, right?


ALEPH (automatic from purchasing Aspect)

  • +1E Analysis (Sig, +1F), +1E Education, Pattern Recognition

Psychogenetic Foundation (Homeworld):

1 - Graceful

   Ok, off to a lucky start, knew I picked right with you, synthwave d20
  • +Agility, +Intelligence, +1E Stealth
  • Languages - 14, 3, 10, 20 (18, 12), 13
  • Korean, English, German, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese
  • AI Social Status: 7 - Elite (Middle bracket)
   Solidly average roll from my House Liao d6's, nice.
  • +Willpower, Earnings 3
  • Aspect Trait (Environment): 2 - Grim
   ...ok, should have expected that from the Liao dice.
  • +Brawn, +1E Discipline

Youth Event:

9-1 - "Discovered Religion"

   ...well at least it's better than the first time around.

Ai Education:

2 - Surveillance Applications

   So far, pretty much just rolling near-max or near-min... still good in this case...
  • +2 Awareness, +Willpower, -Brawn
  • Mandatory: +1F Education, +1E Hacking, +1E Lifestyle, +1E Observation, +1F Stealth
  • +1E Psychology (Sig, 1F), +1E Thievery
  • Talent: Counselor
  • Recorder, Stealth Repeater

Geas (Adolescent Event):

18 - Integrate with society/Spook

   Not the one I would have picked, but let's see where this goes
  • Effect: Roll on adolescent event table
  • Adolescent event: 2 - Roll on ALEPH adolescent event table
   Ok, this should be flavorful at least.
  • ALEPH adolescent event: 12 - Midnight visit from ALEPH/Sympathetic Ear
   Weeeell that will tie in with the childhood event...
  • Talent: Counselor (psychology) - I already have that - can I go up the chain and take Alien Psychlogy (Human)?

Career 1:

   Going to roll on the faction career table... don't want to bungle an initial hazard roll (even at D1) and get stuck unemployed

13 - Steel Phalanx

   Well that was certainly unexpected.  Must have really needed to bulk up the numbers for a campaign?
  • Unit: 7 - Ekdromoi
   Ahahaha what!?  No, wait... I can work with this...
  • +2 Agility +Awareness +2 Brawn +2 Coordination +Intelligence +Personality +Willpower
  • Extra +1 Perssonality from Aspect 'species'
  • Mandatory: +1E Ballistics, +1E Close Combat, +1E Resistance
  • Elective: +1E Acrobatics +1E Stealth (Sig, +1F)
  • Talent: Scout
   Huh, Infinity's combat dice only have Effect on 6 instead of 5 and 6.  Stingy!
  • Earnings: 1+1+2 = 4
   Increase earnings to 4, no effect on social status
  • Equipment: Teseum Chopper, Nanopulser, Light Combat Armor, Combat Jump Pack

Career Event:

5 - Table B

6 - You help solve a serious crime. Gain a favour with a senior figure in either law enforcement or the intelligence community in your faction.

   Oh good, this'll open up more career options...

Age increase: 5+1 = 6 years

   ...I'm not sure how old she is to start?

Career 2

Hazard Career - Chandra Special Ops

   True to its blurb, I've been able to find exactly F-All about what Chandra has actually done within the story of the setting, which is fine because by definition she won't remember it, but still...  

D1 due to matching AI education (Steel Phalanx, notably, did NOT match) - Stealth 20,2 Success

   ...there's no complication effect on Hazard tests, right?
  • Mandatory: +1F Close Combat +1E Stealth +1F Thievery
  • Elective: +1F Acrobatics +1F Ballistics
  • Talent: Disguise (Stealth)
  • Equipment: Second Skin, Combi Rifle, Optical Disruption Device, Breaking & Entering Kit
  • Earnings: 1+1+0(5) total 2, no change

Career Event:

1 - ALEPH table

  • 14 - Tampered Memories
   No kidding!
  • -1 Morale, +1 Firewall
  • Aging: 1+2 = 3 years
   Again not sure where she started...

Career 3

   1 LP to continue careers
  • Hazard to Sophist
  • D1 due to matching - Stealth 8,9 Success
  • Mandatory: +1F Discipline, +1E Lifestyle, +1E Stealth
  • Elective: +1E Close Combat + 1E Psychology
  • Talent: Impersonation (Stealth)
  • Equipment: Armoured Clothing, Chameleonwear, Grazeblade
  • Earnings: 1+ 2 + 2 + 1 + E (6)
  • Total 7, increase earnings to match, increase social status by 1 to Elite (upper bracket)

Career Event:

6 - Table C

  • 20 - reroll 3 times
   uh oh...
  • Tables: 5(C), 1(ALEPH), 5(B)
  • 20(!), 5, 12
  • 3 more of these, a 'rounding error' in her favor, save someone from a terrible accident
  • Rounding error: 1 + 0(4) + 2 + 2 + 1 + 0(4) + 0(5) + E - gain 7 assets
  • Under investigation, hazard stealth: 18, 15 1 success
   Cleared by the skin of her teeth... This was probably a thank you from the other faction agent she saved.
  • But wait, there's more!
  • Tables: 2 (ALEPH), 5 (B), 5 (B)
  • Rolls: 11, 10,2
  • Work takes you far afield (add 1d6 languages and a trait)
  • You find an unexplored alien ruin and recover loot worth 10 assets
  • Forced to evacuate and you spend 5 assets or end up Homeless
   Well ok then. One incredibly eventful spy thriller movie of a week, it seems.
   (net gain 12 assets... what to do with those???)
  • 3 languages - 7 (14 rerolled due to repeat), 6, 15
  • Russian, Portuguese, French - Maybe this fiasco was on Ariadna?
  • Age: 1 + 1
   ...busy 2 years

Career 4

1 LP to continue in same job

  • Mandatory: +1E Discipline, +1E Lifestyle, +1F Stealth
  • Elective: +1E Close Combat + 1E Psychology
  • Talent: Socialite (Lifestyle)
  • Earnings: 1 + 0(3) + 1 + 0(5) + 0(5) + 0(5) = 2, no change

Career event:

3 (table A)

  • 20 - Oh no here we go again...
   The die that rolled all those 20s has been sacked.
  • Tables: 1,1,2 (Oops, all ALEPH)
  • 6, 8, 18
  • After a routine backup, woke up with extra memories that weren't her own - or were they?
  • Trait: Phantom memories, +1 Extraplanetary
  • 'An internal review suggests you be reassigned to a new position'
  • D2 hazard (stealth) to keep from being fired: 11,3 succeed with an extra success because Focus, clearly she's a valuable asset worth keep-
  • No, really, she is FIRED. ...conveniently, this makes her available to be handed to O-12.
  • Trait: Cut strings
  • Age: 1+1 = 2
  • Final: +Intelligence, +Coordination, +1F Lifestyle, +1F Observation

Geist upgrades

Shoulder Daemon (Guardian Variant, heavily upgraded after That Crazy Week)

Base Geist stats:

  • +2 awareness +2 Intelligence
  • +1 each Analysis, Observation, Hacking, Education


  • 2x +1 Awareness (total 8, sets tariff to 2) - +4N
  • 2x +1 Intelligence (total 8) - +4N
  • x6 expertise increases (+1 Hacking, +2 Education, +2 Observation, +1 Analysis) - +6N
  • x10 focus increases (+2 hacking, +3 education, +3 observation, +2 Analysis) - +10N
  • Hacker - +2N
  • Quantronic Flak - +4N
  • Pattern Recognition - +2N
  • Microscopic Threats - +4N
  • Sharp Senses - +2N
  • Danger Sense - +4N
  • Disciplined Student - +2N
  • Research Specialist - +4N
  • Trivia Master - +4N
   29 modifications - Restriction 2, cost divided by 5
   52N/5 = 10N rounded down
   Final restriction 3, tariff 2, cost 1+11N