Kjaelos Marak

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Kjaelos Marak

Kjaelos Marak is a Wizard player character in the Realms of Adventure PBP game on RPGnet played by howareyou.


You see a man standing before you, clad in travel-worn robes that had once been of a pristine white and rich brown color. Chestnut brown hair peeks out from under a hood, framing a weary, sorrow-lined face of one who is no stranger to suffering. His eyes, one a deep azure-blue while the other a startling emerald green, fix upon you with an intense probing gaze, testing your strength and comparing it against his own. For a brief uncomfortable moment, you can almost see a palpable aura of power surrounding the man and radiating from him.

With a slight nod of greeting, the man breaks the moment of awkwardness as he turns to survey his surrounding. Throwing back his hood to uncover a head of rakish sunbleached brown hair kept long and braided, the man self-consciously runs one hand through the tangled mess in a vain attempt to straighten out the kinks. His other hand slides down to his waist where a simple leather belt holds a sheathed dagger and several nondescript looking pouches.


Current Status

Joining in the adventure? Maybe..
Condition: healthy, unimpaired
Hit Points (1d4): 4 / 4
Encumbrance: 10 lbs, unencumbered
Movement Rate: 120 yards (360 feet) per round
Armor: none
Armor Class: 10
Experience (+10%): 0 / 2500

Character Profile

Name: Kjaelos Marak
Alignment Race Gender: Neutral Human Male
Background: TBD
Languages: Common
Class Level: Wizard 1
Experience (+10%): 0 / 2500

Character Abilities

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 12
Literacy: 12

Combat Abilities

Armor Class: 10
Hit Points (1d4): 4


  • Dagger
type: melee piercing
damage (s-m/l): 1d4/1d3
speed factor: 2

Class Abilities/Traits

Spell Casting

Highest Spell Level Attainable: 9th
Chance to Learn Spell: 85%
Maximum # of Spells Known per Level: 18
Spells Prepared
  • Level 1 (1 slot): Sleep
Spells Known
  • Level 1: Color Spray, Detect Magic, Phantasmal Force, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep

Magical Items

Can use all magical items.

Spell Research


Weapons (1 slot): Dagger
Non-Weapons (11 slots): Herbalism (18), Riding (19), Swimming (8), Reading/Writing (19), Spellcraft (18)

Treasures & Cash

Platinium: 0
Gold: 24
Electrum: 0
Silver: 8
Copper: 0


Encumbrance: 10 lbs (unencumbered)


  • Robes (common)
  • Belt
  • Boots (soft)
  • Sheath


  • Dagger


  • Backpack
  • Pouch (large)
  • Pouch (small/coins)
  • Lantern (hooded)
  • Flask of Oil x2
  • Flint & Steel
  • Wineskin
  • Spellbook
  • Scroll Case
  • Papyrus x10
  • Charcoal (several bits of charcoal whittled down into crude pencils)
  • Oilskin Bag