Eliza Hawke

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Character Name: Eliza Hawke
Player Name: Eplov
Profession: Sorcerer
Nationality: Local?
Sex (Age): Female (35)
Education: Trained Physician

Defensive Info

Trait Value
Armor 1
Grit 1
Health Threshold 3
Morale Threshold 4

Investigative Abilities

Ability Total Points Available Points Source
Corruption 5 5 Profession
Leechcraft 3 3 Profession
Ridiculous Luck 2 2 Profession


Faction Rank Type
Outlanders 2 Ally
Church of Denari 1 Enemy

General Abilities

Ability Total Points Available Points Talent
Athletics 4 4
Bind Wounds 8 8 Plenty of Leeches
Burglary 0 0
Health 8 8
Morale 10 10
Preparedness 3 3
Sorcery 15 15 Blast
Stealth 0 0
Sway 0 0
Warfare 0 0

Minor, Iconic Gear

  • Medical bag, stocked with healing supplies both magical and mundane.
  • Handwritten journal with entries from every family matriarch for the last five generations.
  • The rapier that took her mother's life, honed to a razor's edge and hungry for the blood of her mother's killer.
  • A hand mirror she can see the spirit entwined with her soul when she gazes into it.

Sorcerous Spheres

Sphere Affects Notes
Blades Health
Blood Health
Chaos Health
Luck Health, Morale
Transportation Health, Morale