Running Sheet Emmaline of York
Emmaline of York
Father:Timothy Elhue Jr
Mother:Emma of York
Siblings: Timothy Elhue III[[1]]
Colors: Rearden & Red
- Knight of York
- Total Warrior-Field Captain
- Princess of York
Total: 433= 209 Stats+122(65) Powers+40 Skills+ {30(100)}Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) +9 Shadows+3 Stuff +20 Storage
Statistics {209}
- Psyche: 31
- Strength:65
- Endurance:88
- Warfare:25
Powers {122(65) }
- (50) 25 Advanced Imprint Amber-York : Emmaline Spells
- 5 (5) Advanced Plymouth : Emmaline Spells
- 10 Low Order Magey : Emmaline Spells
- 35 Shapechange
- 15 Sorcery
- 20 Conjuration
- 10 Power Words : Emmaline Spells
- 0 Cantrips : Emmaline Spells
- (5) Stone of York-High Order Initiation-Object Imprint and summoning.
- (5) Stone of Plymouth-Slight Shape Shift-Regeneration, slight facial features. Fingerprints. Eye colors.
- 2 Thievish Skills : Emmaline Spells
Skills- 40
Total Warrior Skills
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." |
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
Nightmare-(Yorkian Warcat) (34)
- 4 Vit
- 4 Speed
- 4 Stamina
- 4 Com Mastery
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Dam
- 2 Tongues
- 2 Danger Sense
- 4 Regen
- 2 N/N Forms
- 34 x 3 =102 (Tolknor)
Wears War Boots[[2]] as armored paws
Wicked-(Yorkian Warcat) 16 (34)
- 4 Vit
- 4 Speed
- 4 Stamina
- 4 Com Mastery
- 4 Invulnerable
- 4 Deadly Dam
- 4 Tongues
- 2 Danger Sense
- 4 Regen
- 2 N/N Forms:Warcat, Cat
- 4 Rack & Use Spells
- 6 Thievish Skills
- 1 Ability:Blink 60'
- 1 Ability:TK Needle Punch-Deadly Damage
- 1 Ability:
- 1 Ability:
- 50 (34 Tolknor-Warcat) 16-Emmaline
York Family War Boots-Wicked (56)
- 4 Amber Vit. Transfer 5
- 4 Engine Speed. Transfer 5
- 4 Endless Stamina. Transfer 5
- 8 Invulnerable. Rearden
- 4 Deadly Dam.
- 4 Regen. Transfer 10
- 2 N/N Forms: Collar, armored Paws
- 1 Ability: Don/ Doff
- 56 x 3=159 (Tolknor)
Items {30(100)}
Hat 7
- 4 Invulnerable. Transfer 5
- 2 N/N Forms: Red Hat, Rearder Helm
- 1 Ability: Don/ Doff
Rearden Armor(15)
- 2 Engine Speed. Expresses as extremely light metal.
- 2 Endless Stamina. Expresses as extremly well designed and mobile
- 8 Invulnerable. Nearly impenetrable.
- 2 N/N Forms: body armor, Vorpal collar, vambraces
- 1 Ability: Don/ Doff
- 15x3=45 (Alexandir)
- 4 Amber Vit.
- 4 Engine Speed.
- 4 Endless Stamina.
- 4 Invulnerable.
- 4 Deadly Dam.
- 2 N/N Forms: Broadsword, rapier, dagger, eating knife
- 1 Ability: Call to hand, return.
York Family War Boots (56)
- 4 Amber Vit. Transfer 5
- 4 Engine Speed. Transfer 5
- 4 Endless Stamina. Transfer 5
- 8 Invulnerable. Rearden
- 4 Deadly Dam.
- 4 Regen. Transfer 10
- 2 N/N Forms: Armored foot & Knee, Armored Boot
- 1 Ability: Don/ Doff
- 56 x 3=159 (Tolknor)
Emmaline owns 3 pair:Emmaline, Nightmare, Wicked
Pente Plains Smoke Kit. 7
Herb Container and smoking pipe.
- 1 Animal Vitality
- 1 Double Stamina
- 2 Vs Guns
- 1 alt-form-Not a single alternate form. Item's general appearance can be personalized.
- Changing its looks after the initial customization takes a long time and considerable use of smoking herbs to achieve.
- 1 Ability-Transfer from connected container.
- 1 Ability-Light Stick. Will light herb in the pip or light as a flame.
- 7
Pente Plain-Euphoria Plate 3
- 1 Animal Vitality. Expresses as anything on the tray will stay fresh and will not rot, decay, mold or dry. Insects and scavengers will stay away from it. Except human scavengers of course.
- 1 Ability: Clean product. Separates seeds, sticks and other product.
- 1 Ability: Pipes and other items placed on the plate can be cleaned instantly. Pipe and pipe piece residue will be stacked separately.
- 3
TW HUD Glasses (10)
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes. Multi-spectrum eye protection from incoming effects. Lasers, flash, blinding light, rock, sand, insects, etc. Transfer 5-facial protection
- 2 Vs Firearms-Protection from general road damage and effects against the eyes as well as specifically aimed firearms
- 1 ability – See through Invisibly.
- 1 ability -See through Illusions.
- 1 ability -X-ray Vision. Thermal Vision, See retained heat signatures.
- 1 Ability -6x100 Sniper scope
- 1 Ability -400x Microscope vision
- 1 Image Recording-1000 hours
- 10
- 3 GS
- Princess of the Emma-line. Tolknor's great granddaughter