Arm Candy

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Revision as of 12:31, 27 October 2024 by Potted Plant (talk | contribs) (General Abilities)
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Character Name: Candice Armstrong aka Arm Candy
Player Name: Potted Plant
Profession: Quartermaster
Nationality: Earth (England)
Sex (Age): Female (34)
Education: A series of dangerous men

Defensive Info

Trait Value
Armor 0
Grit 1
Health 10
Morale 8
Health Threshold 4
Morale Threshold 3

Personal Descriptors

  • Adjectives: reckless, fiery, freedom loving, enjoys the nice things in life
  • Drives: Thrill and excitement, Winning the Game, Living your life by your own rules

Investigative Abilities

Ability Total Points Available Points Source
Charm 2 2 Social
Command 3 3 Social
Liar's Tell 1 1 Social
Nobility 1 1 Social
Trustworthy 1 1 Social
Felonious Intent 1 1 Profession
Laws & Traditions 1 1 Profession
Vigilance 1 1 Profession


Faction Rank Type
Old Nobility 1 Ally
Thieves' Guilds 1 Ally
City Watch 1 Ally
Mercanti 1 Enemy

General Abilities

Ability Total Points Available Points Talent
Athletics 10 10 Dodge
Burglary 4 4
Preparedness 0 0
Sorcery 0 0
Stealth 5 5
Sway 1 1
Warfare 10 0 Cleave

Minor, Iconic Gear

  • Family signet ring: Keepsake from past life
  • A deck of playing cards: Gambling is in her blood
  • A deck of combat cards: They look like playing cards but are made of metal and balanced for throwing
  • A cutlass with gem on the pommel: Gift from a tutor who taught her swordplay
  • A notebook with black market contacts: She has a guy or girl in every port
  • A naval officer's longcoat with all the insignia removed: Trophy from a past victory
  • Expensive clothes: She likes to look good


Armstrongs were once respected warrior elite, but those days are in the past. These days they only leave their mansion to attend social functions in the city. Yet the manor has paintings of the illustrious ancestors and books of their deeds, and young Candice grew up on those, thinking that the ancestors lived lives that were so exciting compared to the boring routine she lived in. So she started playing the stories, nearly giving her parents heart attacks as she climbed up the mansion wall or balanced on the edge of roof. The parents did their best to rein her in but as she entered her teens she only got worse. The family tried everything, including locking her in her room, but she still managed to sneak out of the mansion and head to the rowdier parts of the city to have fun. There she saw her first real card games and was thrilled, learning everything she could.

When Candice turned 16 her family had had enough and decided to marry her off to a second cousin living far in the countryside where she could not cause scandals. But Candice would not have that, and when she learned what her family was planning for her, she fled the city with a privateer crew she had been gambling with.

Candice was not stupid. She knew that her upbringing had not prepared her for a life at the rough seas. So at first she latched onto the arm of the most dangerous man on the ship. The crew immediately twisted the name Candice Armstrong into Arm Candy, and the nickname has followed her ever since.

But this day she is a grown woman, and after a succession of dangerous men who taught her what they knew, she no longer needs anyone to protect her. Now she is the dangerous one.