Human Assassin 1
XP 126/500
Alignment Neutral
XP Modifier +5%
Max Level 14
- STR 16 (+2)
- INT 12
- WIS 12
- DEX 13 (+1)
- CON 7 (-1)
- CHA 10
Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills
Class Abilities
- Use any weapons and armor, but lose thief abilities when wearing armor heavier than leather.
- Backstab. Attacks do an extra +1d6 damage when assassin surprises a target, on all attacks in a round. Damage increases as assassin gains levels.
- At L1, the assassin can select one of the combat styles described in the fighter section of this chapter. They may select another combat style at L7.
- Starting at L6, the assassin’s attacks deal a minimum of 1d6 damage as per the fighter class. This increases to 1d8 points of damage at L11.
- At L9, has the option of founding a guild or a domain
- Thief Abilities. Can attempt tasks in half or twice the time, subject to Disadvantage/Advantage. (At every level, including 1st, an assassin gains 2 points. They may distribute these points amongst the five abilities, as long as no more than one point is devoted to any single ability per level.)
- Climb. The character is able to automatically scale easy vertical surfaces; trees with an abundance of branches, rough rock walls, etc. A roll should only be made when climbing difficult surfaces. The character climbs at a speed of 10’ per round. 14+
- Hear Noise. The character is able to hear and discern sounds, whether trying to pick up a conversation in a crowded room or listening at a dungeon door to determine what is on the other side. 13+
- Sleight of Hand. The character can perform acts of trickery and sleight of hand. It can be used to pick pockets, to conceal or palm objects, or to attempt to misdirect a target’s attention. 14+
- Sneak. This ability combines Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. When using it the character can move no faster than 1/3 their normal speed. 14+
- Spot. This gives the character the ability to spot traps or secret passages. It requires one turn to search a 10’ x 10’ area. 13+
- Common
L1: 1 knack, L4: +1, L7: +1, L10: +1, L13: +1
- Alertness. The character gains a +1 bonus to initiative and is only surprised on a roll of 1 in 6.
Proficient in Alchemy, L1: 2 skills, L3: +1, L5: +1, L7: +1, L9: +1, L11: +1, L13: +1
- Alchemy: Proficient 15+. When using poison, the assassin has a lower risk of accidentally poisoning themself. Any skill check or attack roll that is a natural 1 (assuming that this carries a risk of self-poisoning in the Referee’s game) is rerolled. Only if the second result is a 1 does the assassin poison themself.
- Athletics
- Acrobatics: Skilled 9+
- Swimming: Skilled 8+
- Deception
- Intimidation: Skilled 8+
- Escape Artist: Proficient 14+
- Sense Motive: Proficient 15+
Combat Maneuvers
L2: one maneuver, L8: +1, L13: +1
- AC 13
- HP 5/5
- HD 1d6
- Movement Rate 90' (30')
- Initiative Modifier +2
- Primary Melee Attack: Sword (1d8+2, roll with Advantage), +2 to hit
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack: Crossbow (1d6), +1 to hit, 5-80 short/81-160' medium/161-240 long, takes a round to reload
Fighting Style
+2 to combat maneuvers when fighting in a chosen style
- Dual weapon: Only one attack is rolled (the largest of the two) although magical bonuses from both can be applied to the to-hit and damage rolls. If the attack hits, roll the damage die twice, taking the best result.
- Poison 13
- Wands 14
- Paralysis 13
- Breath 16
- Spells 15
- Money: 12 pp, 1 gp
- Encumbrance: 413
- Readied:
- Sword and dagger (70 cn)
- Crossbow + 30 quarrels (50 cn)
- Leather armor (200 cn)
- Packed
- Backpack (80 cn, 316 of 400 cn available)
- 6 torches
- Tinderbox
- 1 wk iron rations
- 50 rope
- 2 vials holy water
- 2 small sacks (0/200 cn each)
- from pack of chainmail corpse
- a dozen iron spikes
- a small hammer
- 50' of rope