Ming-Wai Bowie Lam

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Character Name: Ming-Wai Bowie Lam
Player Name: Zhelkova
Profession: Royal Hong Kong Police (RHKP) Special Branch // Rank: Detective Constable (DC)
Nationality: Hong Kong
Sex (Age): Male (31)
Education: University


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 11 55
Constitution 10 50
Dexterity 12 60
Intelligence 15 75 Quick on the uptake
Power 12 60
Charisma 13 65 Confident

Derived Attributes

Maximum Current
Hit Points (HP) 11 11
Willpower (WP) 12 12
Sanity (SAN) 60 60
Breaking Point (BP) 48 48

Damage Bonus: +0

Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence O O O adapted
Helplessness O O O adapted


Wife Roberta Lam 13
Parents (Mr. Lu Kong Lam & Mrs. Yun-Shang Lam) 13

Motivations and Mental Disorders

Responsibility to Family

Explain past inexplicable trauma


Skill Values

Accounting 0% Firearms 70% Pilot 0%
Alertness 80% First Aid 70% Psychotherapy 10%
Anthropology 0% Forensics 0% Ride 0%
Archaeology 0% Heavy Machinery 10% Science 0%
Art (Photography) 50% Heavy Weapons 0% Search 50%
Artillery 0% History 10% SIGINT 40%
Athletics 40% HUMINT 80% Stealth 50%
Bureaucracy 40% Law 40% Surgery 0%
Computer Science 0% Medicine 10% Survival 10%
Craft (Locksmith) 50% Melee Weapons 60% Swim 20%
Criminology 50% Military Science 0% Unarmed Combat 70%
Demolitions 0% Navigate 10% Unnatural 0%
Disguise 40% Occult 10%
Dodge 50% Persuade 40% Mandarin 50%
Drive 60% Pharmacy 0% English 50%

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots Notes
Glock 17 50% 20 yds 1D10 17

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes

Joined the RHKP after dropping out from University one month before graduation. Both acts were those of willful rebellion against his controlling father, a successful lumber magnate with interests in HK, the Philippines, and Macao. Passed the entry exam dishonestly, entered the RHKP with the stated goal to "drive fast." Married Roberta Wong. The following year, unexplained disappearance of a close mate resulted in a temporary suspension. Natural curiosity led him to regain his position and earn a promotion, testing into the investigative branch. The following year another promotion to the Special Branch, where his continued research into his friend's disappearance drew the interest of and recruitment by PISCES.