New Kids On The Block:Sea Prince

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Sea Prince

To many he is Prince Garen, Heir to the Throne of Atlantis, Protector of the Piscean Nations, Lord of the Armored Wanders. Harmonic of the Great Song, etc.

To himself, he is just Garn and Citizen is the only title he and the law recognize.

His grandfather Triton, when he was heir, took on the role of Sea Prince to aid the surface nations in their war against fascism. Peace brought Triton to the throne overseeing decades of turmoil as isolationists, scheming nobles, fascists and republicans and others inspired by outside ideas destabilized the Kingdom of Atlantis.

It took nearly 20 years for Triton to negotiate peace back to Atlantis, giving up official power for not just the royal family but all Atlantean nobility.

It was the Age of the Republic of Atlantis.

Triton’s daughter, Xantho, led the family after the Great Abdication forcing a strong ethic that the formal royal family stayed out of politics and found other way to engage civically. After recovery from Atlantis’s turmoil, it has only been in the past few decades the contact with the surface has been reestablished. In order to solidify this relationship and help Atlantis overcome it’s long isolation, Garen has established himself in the surface to learn about the world and establish a place for Atlanteans that wish to step out of the sea for the first time in millennia.

That this keeps him away from the increased number of Atlantean revanchists that want the royal family back in power and the distant cousins that want him dead so they can claim the abandoned throne.

Wielding the Waters of Life, a power strong in the royal family and Garen in particular, Garen (saddled with his grandfather’s old moniker) is building relationships by protecting the land and sea and Noctilucen City while forging an identity outside of heir to a throne that doesn’t exist and he doesn’t want. This and the countless appointments and galas he attends are part of his responsibility. Maybe some day he’ll live his dream of wandering the stars or marrying a perfectly normal non noble woman, but he’s long accepted that his responsibilities are greater than his desires.

Character Bio:


  • Motivation -- Responsibility: While it has been more than half a century since the royal family weilded actual power, the family instills a sense of using their riches and influence for the greater good in all it's members. While most members contribute to charities and champion various causes, Garen (with his more pronounced mystical water powers) has chosen a more direct form of service.
  • Enemy-- A host of people that still think the "King" of Atlantis has some manner of importance seek to bring down Garen. There are a few distant cousins with deluded dreams of power and too much time on their hands as well as factions in Atlantis that wish for the return of the monarcy one way or another.
  • Fame-- Even though the royal family has no roll in the new Atlantean democracy, on the surface his roll as "heir" to the throne makes him a celebrity with all that entails.
  • Responsibility-- There are numerous family gathering, charity galas, and other events that Garen is expected to attend.

PL 10, 150 pp

Abilities STR 6; STA 6; AGL 0; DEX 0; FGT 0; INT 0; AWE 3; PRE 5


  • Athletics 6 (+12)
  • Deception 2 (+7)
  • Insight 4 (+7)
  • Intimidation 2 (+7)
  • Perception 4 (+7)
  • Persuasion 8 (+13)
  • Ranged Combat: Waters of Life 8 (+8)


  • Initiative +0
  • Dodge 8 Parry 8 Fortitude 8 Toughness 12 Will 12
  • Grab, +0 (DC Spec 16)
  • Throw, +0 (DC 21)
  • Unarmed, +0 (DC 21)
  • Water Cannon: Cumulative Line Area Affliction 10 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 20)
  • Water Control: Move Object 10, +8 (DC 20)
  • Water Weapon: Strength-based Damage 6, +8 (DC 27)


  • Aquatic
  • . . Immunity: Immunity 3 (Environmental Condition: Cold, Environmental Condition: Pressure, Suffocation: Drowning)
  • . . Movement: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Aquatic)
  • . . Senses: Senses 1 (Low-light Vision)
  • Swimming: Swimming 10 (Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)
  • . . Flight: Flight 5 (Alternate; Speed: 60 miles/hour, 900 feet/round)
  • Water Shield: Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Impervious, Sustained)
  • Waters of Life
  • . . Aqua-Healing: Healing 10 (Persistent)
  • . . Water Cannon: Cumulative Line Area Affliction 10 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Prone, DC 20; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Line Area: 5 feet wide by 30 feet long, DC 20, Cumulative; Limited Degree)
  • . . Water Control: Move Object 10 (25 tons; Limited: Water )
  • . . Water Shaping: Create 10 (Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20)
  • . . Water Weapon: Strength-based Damage 6 (DC 27)


Benefit, Wealth 5 (billionare), Connected, Favored Environment: Underwater, Fearless, Languages 3, Power Attack


Atlantean, Chinese (Mandarin), English, Greek, Latin

Totals: Abilities 42 + Skills 14 + Combat 24 + Powers 59 + Advantages 11 = 150 pp

New Kids On The Block