Exceedingly Exiled:Nat Fury
Strength: 1
Stamina: 3
Agility: 8
Dexterity: 1
Fighting: 10
Intellect: 2
Awareness: 6
Presence: 0
Attractive: +2 circumstance bonus to interaction based on her looks
Benefit 2: Omega-clearance SHIELD agent
Connected: Call in assistance or favors with a Persuasion check
Contacts: Make an initial Investigation check in one minute
Defensive Roll 5: +5 active defence bonus to Toughness
Eidetic Memory: Total recall, +5 circumstance bonus to remember things
Equipment 4: 20 points of equipment
Improved Disarm: No penalty for the disarm action
Improved Trip: No penalty for the trip action
Languages 4: English (Native), Mandarin, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, German, Korean
Redirect: Use Deception to redirect a missed attack at another target
Skill Mastery (Stealth): Make routine checks with Stealth under any conditions
Uncanny Dodge: Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard
Well-Informed: Immediate Investigation or Persuasion check to know something
Close Combat (Unarmed): 4 (+14)
Deception: 12 (+12)
Expertise (Espionage): 7 (+9)
Insight: 3 (+9)
Investigation: 6 (+8)
Persuasion: 8 (+8)
Ranged Combat (Guns): 11 (+12)
Stealth: 4 (+12)
Technology: 6 (+8)
Vehicles: 8 (+9)
Martial Artist: Strength-based Damage 5
Sensor Shades: Senses 3 (Darkvision [visual], Tracking [visual]): Easily Removable
Thermoptic Camouflage: Concealment 4 (all visual): Passive, Removable
Heavy Pistol (with Stun Ammo & Suppressor)
Dodge: 12
Parry: 12
Fortitude: 8
Toughness: 8 (3 without Defensive Roll)
Will: 12
Martial Arts: +14 (Close, Damage 6)
Heavy Pistol: +12 (Ranged, Damage 4)
Abilities: 62
Powers: 9
Advantages: 26
Skills: 37
Defences: 18
Total: 152