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  • NOMBRE REAL: Michael Quinn
  • OTROS ALIAS: Ninguno
  • IDENTIDAD: Secreta
  • OCUPACIÓN: Piloto de la U.S. Air Force
  • AFILIACIÓN: U.S. Air Force
  • ALTURA: 1'75
  • PESO: 80
  • OJOS: Marrones
  • PELO: Moreno
  • SEXO: Masculino


El Teniente Michael Quinn adora su profesión como piloto en la U.S. Air Force. Cuando fue asignado a la Base Aérea de Forgan para algo llamado Proyecto: Cavalier, Quinn pensó que sus superiores querían el mejor piloto posible de las Fuerzas Aéreas para probar un nuevo avión de combate.

Michael no vió ningún nuevo caza cuando llegó al Sector de alto secreto nº 10 de la base aérea, pero Quinn vió dentro de los laboratorios a varios científicos haciendo toda serie de pruebas, después varios científicos obligaron a Quinn a pasar una serie inimaginable de tests, pruebas y ejercicios para evaluarlo.

Finalmente le explicaron que sus ondas mentales eran las que mejor encajaban para un nuevo casco cibernético, pero el casco no iba a ser empleado para un caza, sino para un ultravanzado traje de combate alto secreto. Finally they explained that his brainwaves were the best match for a new cybernetic helmet. But the helmet wasn’t for fighters. It was for an ultra-advanced, top-secret battlesuit. Dubbed the Cavalier armor, it was assembled by a huge force of scientists, engineers, technical experts and others for the U.S. Air Force at a cost of billions. General Harold S. Briar, the commander of the project, didn’t like assigning a junior officer to test the armor. But Quinn had the best chance of being able to control the suit; the general didn’t have much choice.

The first tests were a success, even when Quinn deviated from his assignment to rescue some people trapped in a burning car on Interstate 79. Soon the San Angelo papers were full of reports on a new armored hero. Gen. Briar was furious.

But Dr. Augustus Clay, chief scientist on Project: Cavalier, convinced the general that having Quinn join the superhuman community would be a perfect real-world test of the armor’s capabilities. Gen. Briar eventually assented, and when the new hero was offered a place on the Justice Foundation hero team he signed off on the idea.

Under strict orders to conceal his Air Force affiliations and the true origin of the armor, Cavalier has told his teammates that he discovered the battlesuit and keeps it working with the help of a friendly engineer whose identity he must protect. In reality, whenever the suit requires repairs or maintenance he returns to Sector 10 at the airbase.

While Cavalier continues to field-test the armor, work has started on the design of a second, more powerful generation of the armor. The final fate of the project remains up in the air, however, with Dr. Clay favoring peaceful applications for the suits and Gen. Briar insisting that the armor be designed for combat.