General Annihilus

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General Annihilus

Abilities: Str 12/32 (+1/+11), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12(+1), Int 24 (+7), Wis 18 (+4)(8), Cha 18 (+4) Skills: Bluff +0 (4) Climb +0 (11) Concentration +0 (4) Craft (Mechanical) +15 (22) Diplomacy +0 (4) Disguise +0 (4) Escape Artist +0 (3) Gather Information +0 (4) Handle Animal +0 (4) Intimidate +14 (18) Knowledge (Technology) +15 (22) Notice +5 (9) Search +0 (7) Sense Motive +0 (4) Stealth +0 (3) Survival +0 (4) Swim +0 (11)

Feats: Inventor, Minions (17), Eidetic Memory, Leadership

Powers: "Blast 12 [(full round, perception, precise)Heat Vision]; Enhanced Constitution 15; Enhanced Strength 20; Device 12 [Cosmic Control Rod] [Feat:Cosmic Energy Control 15 Animate Objects 10 Boost 15 (any trait; 2pp) Flight 15 (2pp) Transform 5 (non-living matter; Extra: Continuous [+1] Enhanced Fortitude 10 (10pp) Immunity 10 (Aging, Life Support; 10pp) Space Travel 2 (medium interstellar; 2pp)]; Super-Senses 10 [Feat:(extended hearing 5, ultra-hearing, x-ray vision)]; Super-Strength 5 [Feat:Super Breath, Cold]"