Midnight RPG - Chapter 14.09
- [This scene takes place some time after Zal'Kazzir frees the imp, in the time FOLLOWING his introduction "speach" to the group. In the time when you're looking around Vrolk's Laboratory and into the evening when you rest, the little Imp (who has said he is now "bound" to Zal'Kazzir) comes up to you to chat... Think of it as "networking" or "small talk"... hehe...]

KYUAD's PRIVATE talk with Nazif, Zal'Kazzir's courtesan imp=
"Hello my human friend. T'would I be impolite were I to call you by your given name? Kyuad, is it that your fellow pathwalkers call you? May I speak to you in such a familiar tone?", the small green-gray skinned imp quaries as its eyelids slowly flicker as if the very light beyond its former cage, burns its bulbous eyes... Looking to you in hopes of acceptance...
"I can only hope that you would speak to me in kind. I am Nazif by name, those I call friend know me as the channeller-boon. I am most happy to make your aquaintence. Is it true that you have the glory of destroying an eye of the dark god... a mirror into his soul?? I would be in debt to you good sir, if you were to tell the tale of this most wounderous of deads.", Nazif, sits his bottom to the wooden floors that grow unnaturally out of the obsidian gemstone of the Spire. He sits without bending his body, focusing his eyes looking into your's directly. He seems ever-so inquisitive and even aids you when he notices you picking up anything or moving anything.
Bill / Kyuad
Kyuad pauses for a moment, thinking. "I can tell you a bit about the event, but only if you agree to tell me how you have this knowledge, being that you have been in this tower for some time. Was it something Vrolk mentioned?"
Assuming Nazif isn't unwilling to explain himself:
"A horse with a single splintering horn, seemingly tainted by the swamps, had attacked us. We assumed we killed it when it ran off, but then it became known that in the place of its remains a disk of solid obsidian had formed. Once we determined it to be a type of proto-mirror, we concocted a plan to destroy it as some persuers reached us. Durgaz was the one to deal the blow however - give him the accolades, I have no need for them."
Looking up to the mage, the little advisor scratches his head as if wondering why how he came by the knowledge of the mirror-breaking mattered... But then seems to shrug, supposing it doesn't matter...
"...surely many across the land have heard the reports of the magic confluence and burst that became of it when three dozen orc fell in the Dead Marsh. Surely men and halfling in the villages beyond have already sought out the story of the eruption in the swamps. It would be foolish to doubt the woodland realm has not already discovered the nature of the exodus of power. And one cannot but hope the eye of the Corpse-God did not fully descend on the lower regions for too long. But if you must know, it was your man - Durgaz that shared a touch of the tale with me. The orc would not seem it but he is very very proud of his doing and daring deed. It was alarming to hear him speak of his power to be able to survive the blast of his own accord, he did not once mention how your troupe aided him. He requested my role in spreading the songs and tales of the task. I am happy to oblige, but it is of best interest that I seek to know the entirety of the tale before I can offer my prose. For this, I ask how you and your troupe played a part in the story. ... nearly stumbling, the little curious seeker sits on his hands and looks to Kyuad for insight... But before hearing the tale in greater detail he perks up to ask of the mage's writings. Something the little imp seems keenly interested in...
...ma-lord Kyuad, it seems you tend to your writings a great deal. May I ask you what it is that you write in your books? I have never found the need for such tools of symbol making. My kind is blessed with the mind of a steel trap. My memory holds my lore and legends learned through dozens of ages, and I have never faultered. Is this book of yours something that you hold dear? I should enjoy having you share how it is your put down your writings. This is very very interesting to me. If you wouldn't mind I should like to watch over your shoulder as you write from time to time. I can offer my lorebook mind to you as well, for that is something I hold dear. Should the shadow ever be able to take my mind I would be lost. Is this one of your worst fears as well? The loss of such knowledge, burned in the fires of Shadow would be unkind, but losing the power to have privy to such thought would undo me. In destroying your lore, would this be the worst thing the Shadow in the North could take from you? For if you were to read the words to me I could forever recount them back to you or your ancestors long after you leave the mortal plane.... or forgive... or is it something greater than your written pages?
What do YOU know about Outsiders in general?
ROLL: Kyuad (Lorebook +11) ROLLED: 15+11 = 26
SO... with this roll - Kyuad gains obscure, known by few, hard to come by lore about Outsiders and the Courtesan Imp: see Kyuad's LOREBOOK for details.