Ace of Clubs
Ace of Clubs
Power Level: 17 Concept: Playing Card Psionist Dual Identity: unknown Base of Operations: mobile Group affiliation: Royal Flush Gang Nationality: American occupation: fugitive height: 5'0" weight: 100 lbs. eyes: black hair: black
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 18 (29 total)
Init +5; Defense 14 (+3 base, + 1 dex); Spd ft; Base Attack +5; Atk +5 melee , Atk +6 ranged (+10 mental); SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +5;
Skills: (62 total) Concentration +12, Diplomacy +8, intimidate +12, Listen +10, sense motive +10, spot +10
Feats: ( 8 total) improved initiative, psychic awareness, dodge, evasion, pilot: hovercard +1
Powers & Equipment: ( 144 total) Amazing save (reflex) + 4 (source: training, 4 pp) illusion +10 (mutation, 52 pp) stunt: radio broadcast (ace can broadcast her illusion across tv signals) extras: area, damaging, selective, continuous flaw: creatures only mental protection +10 (source: mutation, 20 pp) Telepathy + 10 (mutation, 20 pp) Telekinesis +5 (source: mutation, 40 pp) extras: energy blast, force feild hovercard vehicle (effect: flight +7; power stunt: move-by attack; flaw: device; source: superscience, 8 pp)
weaknesses: Disturbing: not that she's hideuous, but Ace's powers are such that anyone in the same room with her has this instinctual sense of something disturbingly alien and wrong about Ace.
total cost: 255