Air Marshal
The history of the Air Marshals
After the formation of the American Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Parliament formed the American Commonwealth Constabulary, a nation-wide police force/militia to protect the American Commonwealth from foes within and without. Not an army per se, that takes Crown approval, but a force that has para-military powers. If an army was needed, the ACC would form the core of said army.
When the first airships were built, the ACC put officers aboard those fledgling vessels. After the first bandits appeared, the Parliament formed the Air Constabulary of the American Commonwealth, (ACAC). Some of the most impressive airships have been built by the Air Constabulary, with the pride of the fleet, the ACS Shenandoah.
Manning these airships are the best of the Air Constabulary. The average airshipman is better educated and in better physical condition than the average person. Beyond them are the Air Marshals, men and women who are the very epitome of law enforcement. There is a story about these legendary men and women. The city of Providence was experiencing a riot, and the mayor contacted the Air Constabulary for assistance. They sent one Air Marshal. When the mayor asked him why they didn't send any other men with him, the Air Marshal asked, "How many riots do you have?" The may responded, "Just one." The Air Marshal replied, "Then you only need one Air Marshal..."
- This is a stub for Air Marshal character background information for the Air Marshals and Sky Pirates campaign.