Steeljack PL10

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PL: 10, Identity: Carl* (Public ID), Age: 53, Gender: Male, Size: Medium.

INIT: +1, DEF: 17/16; Base Speed 30/60/120;

MELEE +13, RANGED +10, MENTAL +12.

SAVES: DMG +7, FORT +5, REF +1, WILL +5;

ABILITIES: STR 18 (+14), DEX 13 (+1), CON 20 (+5), INT 12 (+1), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 12 (+1)

SKILLS: Bluff +4/5, Climb +11, Diplomacy +3/0, Disguise +3/0, Innuendo +6/1, Intimidate +15/0, Jump +11, Knowledge (Astro City +5/4, Black Masks +5/4), Listen +4/1, Profession: P.I. +6/3, Search +6/5, Sense Motive +10/7, Spot +8/5, Swim +11, Taunt +3/0.

FEATS: Durability (Super) [Lethal dmg < = to dmg save is stun], Immunity (Super) [Cold, Critical Hits, Fire, Electricity, Kinetic, Pressure, Vibration], Infamy [+3 Cha if infamy is a benefit, -3 if not], Iron Will [+2 Will Saves], Rapid Strike [Extra melee attack @ -2], Toughness [+2 to Damage Saves].

POWERS: DENSITY CONTROL - STEEL JACKETED [+3] [SUPER SCIENCE], [Free] [Personal] [Innate] [save:N/A] Extras: Continuous, Innate; Flaws: Permanent, Increase Only SUPER-STRENGTH [+7] [SUPER SCIENCE], [None] [Personal] [Permanent] [save:N/A] Extras: Protection, Immunities; Power Stunt: Lethal.

WEAKNESS: Disturbing [Min] - -2 Bluff / Diplomacy; Quirk [Mod]- Won't do anything illegal, Quirk [Min]- Can't abandon Kiefer Square.

COST: abilities 31, combat 39, skills 17, feats 10, powers 62, weakness -9, total 150.