Ourworld:Goblinoids and surrounds
The Goblin Lands and the Serpent Archipelago
The archipelago is what remains of the once mighty continent of “Bhendia” which sank into the sea over a thousand years ago. The culture was Indian/south east asian with a religion much like Hindu/Buddhism. They had rigid caste system which was as follows
Brahman :Priests
Kshatriya: ruler, warrior, landowner
Shudra: artisans, agriculturalists
Vaishya: merchants, servants
Harijan :"outside" the caste system
The Harijan was almost entirely made up of Goblinoid slaves of the Naga and Yuan’ti who formed the bulk of the society. When the continent sank into the sea, the Goblinoids were lead to freedom by a figure who became their first Emperor, and once free of the oppression of the snake peoples, promptly set about recreating the culture with the Hobgoblins as the Brahmin and Kshatriya , the bugbears as the agriculturalists and the goblins as the artisans, Vaishya and Harijan… It just sucks to be a Goblin.
The Goblinoids still come into frequent contact with the degenerate remnants of the snake peoples, however, slithering amongst the stone ruins of their once mighty temple cities. The most salient aspect of the Goblinoids is the Kshatriya caste’s approach to war, indeed to conflict of any kind. They spend huge amounts of time mastering the use of the composite shortbow which they use from the back of war chariots, and the various polearms that they use when the melee has begun.This focus means that the hobgoblins do not study the arts of stealth as their bretheren do, instead gaining feasome proficiency with their polearms. The range of weapons the Goblinoids favour is as follows Composite short bow,Sword gauntlet,Katar, Glaive,Trident,Ranseur,Trident, Nagamaki,Naginata andVajra. As for defensive measures, the goblin smiths craft various armours from small scales of laquered leather and iron, or from larger iron lames witch they form into various "laced" armours.
Goblins have very little in the way of decent metal in their lands, and have established rudimentary trade with the Dwarves to obtain high quality metal armours.
How the Goblins see other races
Goliaths : The Goblins pay the Goliaths little official heed, proclaiming boldly that any culture that has not mastered the use of the wheel deserves no notice. That being said they are very polite when crossing goliath lands to trade with the dwarves of the lonely mountain…
Dwarves: The goblinoids would dearly like to look down their collective noses at the stunted folk, but the dwarve’s craftmenship of weapons and mastery of metallurgy forces a certain dour respect from the islanders.
Lizardmen : The lizardmen have very little to do with the Goblins, but they remind the goblens just a little too much of their ancient enemies for the goblins to ever reguard them any more warmly than with paranoic hostility
Teleri : The Goblins histories say that when cursed Bvendia sank beneath the waves of the turquoise sea, it was the Teleri that ferried the Goblin folk to their new home in arcourdance with a pact made between the teleri and the first emperor , Jimmu. Weather this was actually the case or not, the Goblinoids regard the Teleri with a slightly simpering awe.
Other than these folk, the Goblinoids have vertualy no contact with any other peoples, being somewhat isolationist in outlook.
See Also
Ourworld | ||
Societies | Keltoi, Laideann, Ailokim, Teleri, Goliaths, Goblinoids_and_surrounds, Dwarves, Orcs, Ashlands |