Mournland Scavenging Rules

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Rules for Mourning Scavenging

Article One. All Scavengers must purchase a Charter (cost 50gp per group) for free operation from Caer Shadowfast. These charters must be renewed yearly and be signed by the Governor or the Castellan.

Article Two. Scavengers are expected to aid any travelers in distress to be found in the Mournlands barring they be proved hostile or threatening to the group.

Article Three. Looting from fallen soldiery of Five Nations is forbidden and any recovered items are to be returned to the castle for delivery back to their respected nations.

Article Four. Items clearly belonging to one of the Dragonmarked Houses are to be similarly returned.

Article Five. Weapons recovered from the Mournland may not be sold or proliferated within the Castle limits. They must be registered and peace bonded within castle limits as well. Recovered weapons may, however, be kept for personal use.

Article Six. A ten percent tax is imposed upon all sales of Mournland recovered items within the castle walls. The extra four percent is to go to the benefit of Mournland survivors.

The penalties for breaking these Six Articles will range from confiscation of goods up to and including hanging.