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This list consists of the non-standard armors available in Trinity. Note that some armors are borrowed from here.

Light Armor

					Armor	Max			Speed
Armor			Cost (GP)	Bonus	DEX	ACP	ASF	30 ft.	20 ft.
Steelcloth Clothes	150		+1	+10	-0	 0%	30	20
Barkskin Armor		 12		+2	+7	-0	 5%	30	20
Steelcloth Armor	200		+2	+9	-1	 5%	30	20
Sharkskin Armor		 85		+3	+6	-1	10%	30	20
Spidersilk		250		+3	+8	-1	10%	30	20	
Leather Trenchcoat	200		+4	+6	-2	15%	30	20

Barkskin Armor

This armor is carefully built from strips of bark that are then applied to a padded armor base.

Leather Trenchcoat

Constructed similarly to standard leather armor, but full-length.

Sharkskin Armor

Sharkskin armor is similar to leather armor in appearance but is in fact slightly tougher. Developed by the selkies, it is treated so that the sharp scales covering the skin remain attached to the outer surface of the armor. Additionally, shark teeth are embedded along the forearms, shoulders, and legs, which count as armor spikes. Sharkskin armor provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks made when the armored individual is bound with ropes or similar easily cut materials.


This exotic armor feels light and soft to wear, yet is strong and resilient. It is often used by lunari.

Steelcloth Armor

Multiple layers of steelcloth are sewn together, creating a multi-layered padding that serves as better armor than standard padded armor.

Steelcloth Clothes

Designed for maximum comfort and concealmeant, steelcloth clothes appear to be rather normal clothing, aside from their grey color and slight sheen. Characters wearing steelcloth clothes get a +4 bonus on Disguise or other relevant checks to hide the fact that they are wearing armor.
Characters with class or racial abilities that rely on not wearing armor, such as ninjas, retain the use of those abilities while wearing steelcloth clothes.

Medium Armor

					Armor	Max			Speed
Armor			Cost (GP)	Bonus	DEX	ACP	ASF	30 ft.	20 ft.
Chitin Armor		 75		+4	+4	-3	30%	20	15
Wooden Armor		 45		+4	+2	-4	40%	20	15

Chitin Armor

One of the most bizarre looking of all the armor types, chitin armor is constructed from the shells of giant vermin or similar creatures. Chitin is flexible and can be rather comfortable to wear, especially when the inner surfaces are polished and fitted with padding.

Wooden Armor

Similar in appearance to plate, this armor is constructed of treated wooden plates in place of metal. Padding is included to prevent chafing.