Real Name: Bruce Wayne
Brawn 2 Agility 2 Mind 3
- Batarangs: Special Attack 4 [Limitation: Ammo Gadget, Enhancement: Variable] 4pts
- Grapple Gun: Swinging (8 squares) [Ammo Gadget] 1pt
- Smoke/Flash bombs- Confusion -4, Range 5, Radius 1 [limitation: Ammo Gadget] 3pts
- Utility Belt: Conjuring 3 [Limitation: Ammo Gadget] 2pts Note: The largest item he can conjure is a 3x3' cube.
Common Items Conjured Cutting Torch Rebreather: Immunity Suffocation Camera Audio Recorder
- Batcall (Summoning/Animation 2 [Only Bats, Stealable Gadget, 1pt)
- Cowl: Super Senses: Thermal Vision, Radio Hearing [Linked Powers, Fragile Gadget Hits 30] 3pts
- Keen Senses (Sight, 1pt)
- Martial Arts Mastery: Special Attack 3: +1 Hit, +2DM 3pts
- Attack Weak Point 2pts
- Skillful (3pts for 8 extra skills)
- Cape: Deflect 2 (x4 Defense) [Stealable Gadget] 1pt
- Body Armor: +2 Soak
Skills: Stealth+1/Hide, Escapology/Ropes, Driving+1/Cars, Athletics/Acrobatics, Science/Physics, Technology/Invention, Computers/Research, Investigation+2/Finding Clues, Security/Locks
Advantages: Appeal, Contacts Headquarters (Batcave), Resources, Super Vehicle (Batmobile), Gadgeteer
Disadvantages: Secret (Identity) Skills Athletics (Acrobatics, A), Performing Arts (Actor, A), Detective (Finding Clues, M), Technology (Invent, M), Military (Command, M), Science (M), Escapology (A), Driving (Cars, A), Society (Fashion, M), Outdoors (Tracking)
Mental Malfunction: Unquenched thirst for vengeance, flashbacks of parent's death, doesn't trust anybody.
100 Hits/x4 Soak