Session 53

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Chapter 7

Random_Nerd: Okay, now, thoughts and such before the game?
Knockwood: let's see, we've decided to go and do the tour before the miracle contest, ne?
Knockwood: ... hang on, minor connection glitch. You still see me?
Etheric: Yes.
lazarus: yeah, you're still here.
BethE: Yep.
lazarus: and yes, that's what we had decided
BethE: And yep. And we need a prize still.
Knockwood: so, impressing your peers isn't enough?
BethE: With these guys? Okay, Shadows, yes, but still. Souvineers!
Knockwood: hm... betcha the castle gift shop has replicas of the Ark as jewelry boxes. :)
BethE: True...
BethE: Any other ideas?
Random_Nerd: Or give them some shiny pebbles, mabye.
Random_Nerd: Err, maybe.
lazarus: RN: This isn't Exalted, no need to give them shiny pebbles :p
Knockwood: "These are the exceptioonally rare Mabye Pebbles..."
lazarus: what's a "mabeye", anyway?
Random_Nerd: Yer mom.
Etheric: There are the gems and fruits that Carrie collected.
Knockwood: the eye of a mab, obviously
Random_Nerd: Alternatively, relics of the Typo Demon.
Etheric: Which were to be given out as party favors anyway.
Knockwood: the heart of the Typo Demon on a stick.
lazarus: The Power of Typos just loves us.
lazarus: this is not necessarily a readable thing :p
Random_Nerd: You know, I guess in Nobilis there /are/ typo demons.
Knockwood: let's see, a favor is probably too much...
Etheric: Typo spirits, at least.
Etheric: Talking about the prize, Knock?
Knockwood: yeah.
Random_Nerd: I'd suggest making it either something entirely symbolic, or something at least rather unique or interesting.
Knockwood: Maybe wqe should make something ourselves...
lazarus: one of the badges, maybe?
lazarus: with a slightly different enchantment, of course
Knockwood: we don't need no steenk.... naah, too easy. :)
Random_Nerd: Or you could give them a shiny purple seven or something. Or a hope that smells of rasberries.
Knockwood: or... a way to communicate with us?
Knockwood: ooh... one of those bouquets we gave the MPs
lazarus: my suggestion is a bouquet goes to everyone, with a badge that everyone knows is a prize for winning the Miracle Contest just by noticing it as the main prize :-P
Knockwood: then again, what would it take to make, say, a goblet that refills itself with fine wine?
Random_Nerd: Hmm...
Random_Nerd: Depends how you approached it.
lazarus: Realm Miracles stop working outside the Chancel, yes?
Random_Nerd: Unless you pump RMPs into them.
Random_Nerd: And that would get costly.
lazarus: oo! How about a plant that's goblet shaped, which secretes wine into the "bowl"?
Knockwood: Theresa could make wine with a Domain miracle
BethE: Very true. 200 proof...and yet with that perfect bouquet of aroma....
Knockwood: (200 proof is pure alcohol, IIRC. :)
lazarus: (x proof seems to be (x/2)% alcohol, based on numbers I've seen)
Knockwood: then again, that and the healing plant you made would be geed prizes
Knockwood: good
Knockwood: (sheesh)
Random_Nerd: She could /do/ that, though, with a Change.
Random_Nerd: Sure, there's no such thing in the world. That's what Changes are for.
Random_Nerd: For that matter, Brian could make a 200 proof eighteen.
lazarus: and then, make it never go away.
Knockwood: well, I suspect Nobles would be more impressed by taste than alcohol content
lazarus: all it takes is sufficient MPs :p
Random_Nerd: Hmm. What're some other weird impossible things you guys could make?
lazarus: what can we do, if we combined something from all our Domains?
Knockwood: a blade with an included LPres of Courage that its weilder will never falter in battle?
lazarus: a Potion of Hope and Courage, with infinite doses, contained within a plant-based container?
Etheric: There's a thought.
Random_Nerd: Well, for the blade to have that, you'd have to somehow imbue it with courage to begin with.
Knockwood: only thing is, we need to be wary of their potential uses, and what they could do to the world
Etheric: True.
Random_Nerd: Hmm. I'd go with something bizarre over something useful, if I were you.
lazarus: a 6-shaped container?
lazarus: or just a 6?
lazarus: "Here, have a physical manifestation of the number 124."
Random_Nerd: A tapdancing six!
Knockwood: maybe the something-from-everyone thing is the way to go...
Knockwood: we could start with Theresa making a replica of Aaron's rod...
lazarus: ...
BethE: Small question, but besides turning into a snake...what's so great about his rod?  :) Length?
Knockwood: hm... imbuing it with Hope and Courage would let its weilder impress the hell out of mortals, right?
Random_Nerd: So... how about that subtext, huh?
Knockwood: we're assuming she's not inclined to tell us the wonders of Random's Rod. :)
Knockwood: And Wikipedia has an article on the rod.
Knockwood: er... Aaron's. :)
Random_Nerd: I'd /hope/...
Random_Nerd: But if you're doing that, why not make a full-on fake Ark?
Knockwood: because that would be a pain to show off to other Nobles.
lazarus: oo! Fake rod, fake Ark, and fake goblet?
Knockwood: a rod they can carry around.
lazarus: winner gets first choice, 2nd gets 2nd, and 3rd gets 3rd?
Knockwood: each with their own powers?
lazarus: yep
lazarus: the Ark turns stuff to gold? (Numbers miracle on the number of protons in the atoms within the Ark ;))
Etheric: Wouldn't that require a Focus, though?
Random_Nerd: Probably.
Random_Nerd: You can't make a thing that can do miracles /itself/, like that.
lazarus: bah. Stupid mechanics, getting in the way of my Alchemy!
Etheric: I doubt you could make something do that with a Lesser Change of Numbers.
Knockwood: Aaron's rod sprouted. Maybe make super-fruits and/or healing leaves?
Random_Nerd: Well, you could do such transmutations /yourself/. Just not get a box to do them.
lazarus: I am the Full Metal Alchemist! ^_^ :-P
Random_Nerd: But it does fit with how we defined Numbers, given how it works with changing discrete amounts.
Knockwood: either that, or build one of something into the ark, and have an ongoing Numbers miracle that multiplies it.
BethE: (Laz - you're short?  :) )
lazarus: (not really. 5'10" ... so, kinda short compared to some folk)
lazarus: oo. There are always exactly three of anything that's in the box?
Random_Nerd: Make a hope... that /kills/ people! With a katana!
Knockwood: which would duplicate the power of The Triad, ne?
lazarus: no, Triad makes new things. This makes exactly three of something, without changing characteristics
lazarus: a cloning machine, rather than a sex replacement.
Random_Nerd: Here's an idea. After whoever wins, you guys could huddle together and come up with something topical for them.
Etheric: "Sex replacement..." That makes me think of something completely different than intended, you know. :P
Knockwood: so, put something in, close the lid, the box throws a 3 at it?
lazarus: put something in, pull three of it out.
BethE: I like the huddle idea.
lazarus: I like the huddle idea.
lazarus: "WHO HUDDLE!"
Random_Nerd: You just want the excuse to slap Theresa's butt.
lazarus: *cough* (Brian: "Who? Me? ...")
Knockwood: so we'll just say we'll give something valuable to the winner without specifying exactlky what?
lazarus: sure
Random_Nerd: I'd go with "interesting" over "valuable."
Knockwood: ... say, the blade that bisected the typo demon?
Random_Nerd: Nobles can pull valuable stuff from behind their ears, easily. Interesting stuff is harder to come by.
Etheric: Good point.
Knockwood: true.
lazarus: if it's what's-his-name the Dionyl who wins, he gets a mountain of food ^_^
Knockwood: Of course, we might need help with defining 'interesting'...
DanteE: (y'know, one dangerous route... we could ask the winner what he/she wants)
Theresa: (Very dangerous. Especially if they ask for a pony.)
Brian: transmutation box?
Random_Nerd: ______________START_______________
Random_Nerd: When we last left Our Intrepid Heroes, they were standing with a group of Nobles, who were beginning to travel to the collection of relics watched over by King John.
Random_Nerd: Two of their guests have already moved there, and for the rest, it's a matter of time.
Theresa: "Quite speedy."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Hmm..."
Random_Nerd: He waves a sleeve at the sky, and then the ground, and then starts walking uphill on the air.
DanteE: "Guess a limo doesn't impress them much..."
Theresa: "If you can walk between worlds with a flick of the wrist, even a tv and a bar in a stretch job will be yawn-worthy?"
Random_Nerd: He starts sprinting at about Aspect 2 speed, with audible breaths taken as he runs.
Carrie: (There's a limo?)
Random_Nerd: (There could be a limo.)
Theresa: (I thought Dante had summoned limos.)
Random_Nerd: (I don't recall that, but sure, it's fine.)
Carrie: (I don't remember that... Of course, by the end of last session I was only halfway here.)
Theresa: (*looks at Dante?*)
DanteE: (I created some DanteMobiles...)
DanteE: (well, one.)
Random_Nerd: (...what's a Dantemobile?)
Carrie: (With a Deep Realm Miracle?)
Brian: (ah. I had only thought that that we had talked about it)
DanteE: (ayep.
Carrie: (I don't even recall talking about it.)
DanteE: (It's, like, the Batmobile, only KEWLER!!!11!1!one!)
Theresa: (Large trunk space.)
DanteE: (After we talked to King John I used a Realm miracle to make, basically, a big red Hummer.)
Random_Nerd: (Okay.)
Brian: (ah, way back then.)
DanteE: (and we drove it to the forest to confront the Wolfman)
DanteE: "Actually, Brian, why don't you do your distance thing for us poor bastards who have to walk?"
Brian: "Sure. Done." (some amount of energy spent to allow other people to just take a step to get there)
Brian: (remember, Brian's going to stay to set up for the Miracle Contest)
DanteE: "All right... line up here, folks..."
Random_Nerd: (You guys could just drive the Dantemobile up the airpath, if you wanted to get everyone there fast without miracles.)
DanteE: "It's not quite a Journey of a Thousand Miles in a Single Step, but it's close. :)"
DanteE: (Yeah, but we want to impress them. :)
Random_Nerd: (Then use a Realm miracle to turn it into a /lowrider/ hummer.)
DanteE: (Well, if I do that, I might as well make it a starship._
Carrie: (So who's riding, who's walking, and who's already left?
Random_Nerd: (Three of your guests, Triad, Martyrs, and Shadows, have left. The rest are milling about.)
DanteE: (I'll guide everyone through Brian's thingy.)
Carrie: (How much room is in the car Dante just miracle'd up?)
DanteE: (I didn't)
Carrie: (Oh, thought you said you had.)
Carrie: (Regardless... Carrie will go through last, to make sure everyone gets there on time. :P )
DanteE: (No. RN wants me to, because he's about to spring a subtle trap that we'll need Realm MPs for. I'll just use Brian's thing.)
Theresa: (*grin*)
Carrie: (Ack... Speaking of MPs, how long has the Wiki been down? I have no way of knowing how many MPs I have left.)
Random_Nerd: (Since when are my traps subtle?)
Theresa: (Crud, I've forgotten to update the logs. I'm _so_ sorry...)
Brian: (Wiki's been down since at least Monday)
Brian: (I have no clue what happened, it just went kablooey.)
Brian: (ah, frak. I need my L5R character...)
DanteE: (How bad? Cuz, in a pinch, you could put it up on the RPGnet Wiki)
DanteE: "Anyway... thanks to my brother's machinations, the tour continues one step this direction.
Random_Nerd: (I'd say my "traps" tend more to be around the lines of leaving a pointy stick around and waiting for the PCs to poke themselves and each other in the eye with it.)
Brian: (um, Dante, I have a log on the gaming group forum, and otherwise just have the wiki... so I don't have a copy of it. I do have 4-5 hours tomorrow to figure it out, though)
Carrie: (I know I had all my AMPs and SMPs, and I was down four RMPs from the badge machine... I think I was also down a DMP or two, but I can't recall what I might have used one on.)
Brian: (oo, pointy stick! *pokes Dante's eye out*)
Carrie: (RN: LOL!)
Theresa: (I think I was down 4DMP, thanks to moving the trees to the moon.)
DanteE: (watches the stick bounce off his auctoritas, Sacrosanct, and/or crystal eye. :P )
Theresa: (So _that's_ how he lost it...)
Random_Nerd: (Why do you think Dante /needs/ the crystal eye?)
Random_Nerd: (Yep!)
Theresa: (So let's get moving!)
Theresa: "Right this way..."
Random_Nerd: (Okay, now, we've established that one-man distance-warp transit is a lesser change.)
Random_Nerd: (So were you planning on last-trumping a lot, or did you have something clever in mind?)
Brian: (The most clever thing I can think of is to cast the Miracle on a cobblestone to cause the next step East -?- to go straight to the Palace, for 10 minutes)
DanteE: (Can't you just say that, for now, the distance between this point and that point is this small number?)
Random_Nerd: (Could you explain how that works, conceptually, as a Numbers miracle?)
Carrie: (I thought it was distance, too.)
Brian: (the next step causes them to go however far in the appropriate direction - alters the length of stride, and direction slightly)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm.)
Random_Nerd: (You'll need Penetration, if you want it to work for other Nobles.)
DanteE: (I think mine would work better)
DanteE: (a tweak of Kaerkoven itself rather than the Nobles)
Brian: (I can't remember: did we decide I can do the distance modifying thing?)
Random_Nerd: (We decided that it doesn't /quite/ conceptually fit, but I decided to allow it anyway as a concession to coolness but not as a precedent for other stuff.)
Random_Nerd: (Right?)
Brian: (I thought that was it.)
Brian: (so, retcon) "Sorry, Dante. My movement trick seems to only work on me."
DanteE: "Ah... damn. In that case we'll use my 'movement trick', the one with the V-8. :)"
Random_Nerd: (Well, you could do it, but you'd need to account for Auctoritas for it to work on anyone else.)
Theresa: (Which a lot of Auctoritas.)
Brian: (and cast it on each person. So, really, that's a better answer ;))
Random_Nerd: (That might easily raise it to a level 10 miracle or so. I think Duty is a Inferno.)
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "What's a V8?"
DanteE: "Right over here, folks, plenty of room in my car."

  • Theresa _does not_ create the drink....does not...

Random_Nerd: Triad, shouting from the airpath: "That's the vegetable juice thing, right?"
DanteE: "An automotive engine, one of the more powerful ones."
DanteE: to Triad: "That too."
Random_Nerd: CT, shouting: "Shows what you know, mister I Know Earth So Well..."
Random_Nerd: CT: "Err..."
Theresa: "Actually, Dante, I think I'll join our guest on the airwalk. I could use a chance to stretch my legs." *zips up the stairwell/path and heads toward Triad* "Race you there!"
Theresa: (Aspect 2 running)
Random_Nerd: It looks like air, but it's got the feel of a paved road.
DanteE: (How'd they do that?_
Random_Nerd: Goes along roughly the path leaped by Shadows.
Brian: (pavement is less blue than air?)
Random_Nerd: (Lesser Creation of the Triad. It made something with some properties of the air, and some of the road.)
Brian: (ah)

  • Theresa laughs as she runs.

DanteE: (how far are we taling about?)
DanteE: *talking
Random_Nerd: (Couple miles, I believe.)

  • DanteE leads the stragglers into the car.

Random_Nerd: They get in.

  • Carrie gets in after the others.
  • DanteE drives them to the museum.
  • Theresa will try to pass Triad...

Random_Nerd: (Triad's running at the same speed as Theresa, and has a head start.)
Brian: (amps?_
Random_Nerd: (You'll need to spend at least one AMP to do that, or else do something clever.)
DanteE: (hm... does the path go up, then down?
Brian: (sadly, Nobilis doesn't have any jumping rules... some games you can jump faster than you can run)
Theresa: (*tries to think clever* How fast can Theresa as a plant go?)
DanteE: (cuz, you could make a wooden skateboard. :)
Carrie: (Creeping vine?)
Random_Nerd: (Plants are not known for their running speed.)
Theresa: (Feh, I could cause a tangle of vines that race fast and surf down the vines in a classic curl style...)
Random_Nerd: (Path's basically a low parabola.)
Theresa: (I cheat and burn an AMP because I can't be clever on only apple cider.)
DanteE: (or turn into a tumbleweed. :)
Random_Nerd: Theresa relatively quickly overtakes the running three-piece suit.
Random_Nerd: (Incidentially, he's apparantly barefoot.)
Random_Nerd: (At least, not wearing shoes.)
Theresa: (I can't help with shoes unless he'd want Birkenstocks...)
Theresa: (I don't see a tumbleweed going faster than Aspect 2 without some sort of storm behind it..)

  • Theresa cheers Triad on!
  • DanteE arrives at the museum...

Random_Nerd: (And everyone has now arrived.)

  • DanteE drops everyone off at the front door.

Random_Nerd: Martyrs is perched on top of a street lamp in front of the palace. Shadows is leaning against the external wall.
Theresa: (Teenagers...)

  • Carrie emerges from the car.
  • Theresa will arrive _with_ Triad, not necessarily ahead of him.

DanteE: "So, this here is (standard spiel about the collection)"
Random_Nerd: (Have we established whether you guys told John about the party beforehand?)
DanteE: (I thought we did?)
Theresa: (I thought we had told John about the party...but didn't ask permission to bring the tour group through?)
Brian: (we decided we did)
Brian: (we retconned mentioning the tour)
Random_Nerd: (Okay, what did you tell him?)
Brian: ("We're going to give a tour of the museum to the Nobles while they're here.")
Theresa: (And we'll try to keep them from poking at the main Artifacts?)
DanteE: (several folks like us, who control broad swaths of reality and could change it with a thought, would like to come by and gawk at your stuff. :)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs jumps off the top of the streetlight and lands next to the Dantemobile.
DanteE: "Hello again."
Theresa: (Do Triad and I get there too?)
Random_Nerd: (Yes. Everyone's there.)
Random_Nerd: (And just a heads-up, I think about half an hour more of play will be about my limit tonight.)

  • Theresa will try not to gasp for air after the run. Trying hard.

Brian: (just enough time for the tour ^_^)
DanteE: (considering you'd need to describe everything we see...)
Carrie: (Can we just gloss past the description and get to any problems that might arise?)
Theresa: (Because there will be problems...)
Carrie: (I don't mean no description, but don't spend extra time on it.)
Random_Nerd: (Cut to the group, inside, looking at some assorted relics, while John stands slightly nervously in the near background?)
Theresa: (Sounds good. Poor John. Poor poor John.)
Brian: (sounds amusing)
DanteE: (Sure. "So, this here is a metaphysical a-bomb, much like yourselves..."_
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "So, you humans venerate these bits of bone and wood and so on?"
Random_Nerd: Shadows paces around.
Random_Nerd: John, to CT: "That's not exactly how it works..."
Random_Nerd: CT doesn't seem to notice the response.
DanteE: "Most of these are the only remnants of great heroes...
DanteE: "aside from stories, of course."

  • Carrie nods. "It's not the items themselves so much as what they symbolize."

Theresa: *smile* "Like Courage or Hope."
Random_Nerd: Martyrs scrutinizes some of them. She points, with a finger of exposed bone, at a skull.
Random_Nerd: "That one's fake."
Theresa: "Duty, sacrifice...many...oh, really?"
Random_Nerd: John, nervous sounding: "Oh, surely not. We've had that here for centuries."
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "It's fake. I have the real one at home."
Theresa: "John, this is the (title) Martyrs."

  • Carrie raises her eyebrows. "You'd be in a position to know."

Random_Nerd: John: "Ah... you've an interest in the caretaking of holy relics as well?"
Theresa: (It's a hobby.)
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "After a fashion, although not for the same reasons as you..."
Random_Nerd: The two start talking hagiology/archaeology minutia.
Carrie: ( :D )
DanteE: (is it an actual skull, just someone else's, or a fake skull?)
Theresa: (*whew*)
Random_Nerd: Once they get talking, it seems to slip John's mind that she's a skinless freak.
Random_Nerd: (It's a real skull. It's just apparantly not the /right/ skull.)
Theresa: (You know how it is, after a few decades, they all look the same, eye sockets, jaw, sword-cleaved hole in the top...)
Random_Nerd: Shadows looks at Eclipses for a moment, who sighs.
Random_Nerd: CT looks closely at various relics.
DanteE: (whose skull was it, supposedly?)
Random_Nerd: The Triad looks at a skeletal hand, and then at his own invisible hand, as if trying to figure out how bones work.
Random_Nerd: (Some random martyred saint that I'm not going to make up a name for.)
DanteE: (Saint Not-Appearing-In-This-Game, gotcha)
Random_Nerd: Most of Night's family talk amongst themselves, excepting only Martyrs.
DanteE: (did we get to the big-name stuff yet?)
Theresa: "We're still seeing what has changed in religion and the rest of the world with the removal of some of our artifacts from the outside world."
Random_Nerd: (You mean the Big Three, or the important non-Three ones?)
DanteE: (either)
Random_Nerd: Duty: "Oh? I'd be interested to hear about that."
DanteE: "Well, since our Imperator did it, we're assuming they were removed 'cleanly'..."
DanteE: (branephart)
Theresa: "Well, we've been able to determine that the Ark has been considered lost, although a popular movie was made about finding it. Something about how it kills Nazis. And the entire history of Amyra and Prester John has been relegated to Crusade era myth outside of the borders."
Theresa: ("History drinks. A _lot_. Thanks to Imperators, especially Wild ones.")
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "So /that's/ what happened to Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth."
Theresa: (*snort*)
Random_Nerd: "I don't suppose you know where I could get a copy of the old version?"
Brian: (woot!)
DanteE: "We should have some in Kaerkoven's video stores..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Ah, good."
Theresa: "VHS or DVD?"
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "I mean, the new one's fine, I guess. But the scene with the Nazi choosing wrong with the two fountains is a classic."
Theresa: (Man, we got Raiders but also Last Crusade mixed? Huh...)
Theresa: (*cries out* Is Harrison Ford still Indy? And hot?)
Brian: (T: Indy was all about John's treasures ^_^)
DanteE: (makes sense, since it involved the Holy Grail...)
Random_Nerd: (Grail's in Amyra too.)
Theresa: "We can get you the whole set."
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "I mean, the second one's the only one that stays the same, and it's not even any good in comparison."
Theresa: *sigh* "Yeah..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "At least they still kept Sean Connery."
Random_Nerd: Eclipses clears her throat and looks intently at the relics.
Theresa: "He came through Amyra once to visit John. Kissed John's ring and everything. I remember watching it on the television...he was a good James Bond too."
DanteE: "I believe this place has been called the World's Largest Reliquary.... when it was part of the World, anyway..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Bah. I still prefer Pierce Brosnan."
Random_Nerd: John & Martys: "Relic relic relic, bork bork bork."
DanteE: (You're going to cook the relics?!? :)
Random_Nerd: Triad wanders off.
Theresa: "Oh come on, the old school Bond was three _times_ as cool as Brosnan. The best Brosnan can say is that he has a lot more sophisticated gadgets and his women actually live through a movie! I hear they CGIed his _stubble_..."
Random_Nerd: Blue Shock looks at some of the spines of the books on the nearby bookshelf.

  • DanteE subtly keeps an eye on Triad

Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Nonsense. Connery had no style. He's done some good stuff, but he's hardly the best Bond."
Random_Nerd: (Triad's wandered off to another part of the palace/museum. You'd have to either follow him, or track him with divinations of some sort.)
Random_Nerd: (Or I guess use high Aspect hearing to track the sound of his footfalls. Of which he is the only of the Dionyl to produce.)
DanteE: (which way did he go?)
Theresa: "Well, true, I said he was a good Bond, not the _best_. The best was Dalton."
Random_Nerd: (Well, okay, there are lots of ways you could track him. Towards the Strategic Scale Relics, he went.)
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Haven't seen any of his."
DanteE: "Anyway, I believe it's about time to see the next room... (SSR)"
Random_Nerd: (...SSR?)

  • Carrie will head in the same general direction as Triad by another path and trust in fate to let her find Triad at the right time.

Random_Nerd: (Strange Sandwich Relish?)
DanteE: (Strategis Scale Relics)
Random_Nerd: (Ah.)
Brian: (TYPOS!)
Carrie: (Didn't we agree they *weren't* going to see those?)
Theresa: "He was Bond during the 1980s...License to Kill and all that. I saw License in the theaters with my husband when it first came out..."
Carrie: (I mean, *we* haven't seen them.)
Theresa: (Ahh, but this is _Dante_...)
Random_Nerd: Carrie intercepts Triad before Dante moves the group.
Random_Nerd: Triad looks at the thick and rather bankvaultish door.
Random_Nerd: Triad, to Carrie: "So there's where you keep the interesting stuff?"
Random_Nerd: (Around now, Dante and group arrive.)
Carrie: (to Triad) "That's where we keep the relics with miraculous power. Well, to be frank they're older than the Enchancelment here. I haven't seen them, personally. Many more interesting and less risky things to see."
Theresa: (Nobles are curious like radioactive cats...)
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Mind if I take a look? I've always wanted to see signs of effacious human religion."
DanteE: (ignore that Smiling GM Warning klaxon.)
Brian: (Brian looks up ... "What was that boom I just heard?")
Random_Nerd: John: "Ah, I don't think you should be... doing that..."
Random_Nerd: Triad shows no sign of hearing him.

  • Carrie spends 4 AMP to sound extremely convincing. "I would say it's not on the planned tour. If you'd like, there are several relics over here that might be very interesting..."

Random_Nerd: Everyone else looks around in an uncertain way.
DanteE: "These are the ones _we_ haven't seen...
Carrie: (That's only Aspect 4, since I'm of Moral Form. If he's an Exemplar he doesn't even need to spend MPs to shrug it off.)
Random_Nerd: (He's Aspect 2.)
Carrie: (*coughs* Of *Mortal* Form.)
Random_Nerd: "Triad: "Oh, are you sure? That stuff sounds interesting."
Brian: (so, you're saying Carrie's amoral?  ;))
Carrie: (She is moral, that's just not on her character sheet.)
DanteE: (no, she _was_. The enNobling made her seem Moral. :)
Random_Nerd: Night: "I, ah, think I'll go for a walk. Meet you back at the place where the gathering was?"
Theresa: "Oh, they are, but unpredictable, even by Noble standards, I think. One of these can turn a country into a wasteland if there is an impure thought around. How's that for mind police?"
Random_Nerd: John: "I really do think you shouldn't be going near there."

  • Carrie quietly nods to Night.

DanteE: (how did Night sound? Spooked, sneaky, or just bored?)
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. What Aspect is Dante?)
DanteE: (2)
Random_Nerd: (Bored mostly, but with a slight undertone of concealed sneakiness.)
DanteE: (It's a trap. Get an axe.)
Theresa: (This is the equivalent of poking at something because you're bored and told not to.)
DanteE: "But anyway... they have faithful replicas of these over here, I believe."
Carrie: "Please respect the sanctity of this place. We don't lightly set limits on our guests, but this, I believe, is one of those things where we must make our own hopes clear."
Random_Nerd: John, to Carrie: "Could you explain it to, err, the floating suit. I don't think I'm communicating well."
Random_Nerd: (And do you mind if we stop here?)
Carrie: (Not at all.)
DanteE: (That's OK)
Carrie: (Gives us time to get the Wiki back online.)
Brian: (Don't mind. I should be getting to bed soon, anyway, but I'm going to rip some albums first)
Theresa: (It's okay with me. I'm trying to figure out what the reactions will be...)
Brian: (and Carrie, don't expect it back for a while...)
Carrie: (So I know how many MPs I have to deal with Problems.)
Random_Nerd: _______________STOP_________________
Random_Nerd: Okay, thoughts?

      • You are now known as BethE.

Carrie: (Ah, in that case... I may have to improvise.)
BethE: I'll try to get the logs up somewhere, Etheric, for checking.
Etheric: I think it was a decent session, though it did drag in the beginning.
Etheric: That'd be appreciated, Beth. Mine are on different computers and all in one long textfile so it'd be rather hard to check.
BethE: I'm just wondering how Triad will take being called a floating suit.
Knockwood: it took us an hour to go 2 sodding miles. :)
BethE: Usually it would only take me about a half-hour, Knock...

      • Brian is now known as lazarus.

Etheric: I was going to Lesser Realm Preserve the Silence before he said the word "Floating Suit," but I couldn't figure out how to word it in time. I also wasn't sure if that'd be justified, even with Perfect Timing.
BethE: Interesting session and I like getting to see more of the personalities. Like Martyrs getting along with John (maybe because he's had to give up on a normal life because he's the king?)
BethE: (And why am I getting along okay with the teenager?)
Random_Nerd: Mmm... yes, you can do that, with Perfect Timing.
Etheric: Yeah, that should really be Carrie.
Random_Nerd: After all, it's Automatic, so can be used in conjunction with another miracle.
BethE: I keep looking at Theresa and saying "But you're old!" And she says back, "I know! And I work better with kindergardeners!"
Knockwood: (BTW... effacious?)
Etheric: Even though he's already said it? I'd have to do it in an instant, between when the sound waves reach Carrie (I'm assuming she's closer as John was talking to her) and when they reach Triad.
Random_Nerd: (I'm pretty sure that's how it's spelled, right?)
Knockwood: (tending to erase?)
Random_Nerd: (No...)
Etheric: Efficacious, I'm pretty sure.
Random_Nerd: (Like... functional. Capable of accomplishing things.
Knockwood: (effective.)
Random_Nerd: Oh, yes, you're right.
Random_Nerd: Efficacious.
Knockwood: what's Triad's Code?
Random_Nerd: Domination.
Etheric: Interesting. I would have guessed Splintering, were it one of those two.
Random_Nerd: Oh? Why?
Random_Nerd: All Beings Should Share A Common Perceptual Universe. When Faced With Alternative Perspectives, Contest Against Them Until There Is A Victor. Remain Yourself.
BethE: *ponders this* What are the Splintering views?
Random_Nerd: I don't have a full formulation of them yet, sorry.
Knockwood: .... which means tangible proof of one religion at the expense of all others would be right up his alley.
Random_Nerd: The first one is Everyone Should Have His Own Universe, if that helps.
Knockwood: Or did I just violate Rule Zero?
Random_Nerd: Really, he doesn't think much in terms of human religion as being "really" religion.
Etheric: I'm guessing that beings creating via the Triad would be more likely to have different and new perspectives.
Random_Nerd: Dionyl religion is oriented a lot around shared perceptions of the world, with groups of people cooperatively sustaining something like the Mythic Perspective or so on on a smaller scale.
Etheric: Thus, Splintering.
Random_Nerd: Ah, but things created by the Triad are a midpoint between two previous things. The Triad can often be used to bridge gaps and find common ground.
Knockwood: BTW, who/what is Jehovah in the Nobilis-verse?
Random_Nerd: It's hard to say you have nothing in common with someone else when there's a physical manifestation of the midpoint, after all.
Etheric: Good point. I guess I forgot to take that into account.
Random_Nerd: There are shadowy indications of a creator figure.
Knockwood: so, it's a view of Cneph?
Random_Nerd: Pretty much. Cneph's God, to the extent that there is a God in Nobilis.
Random_Nerd: Christianity and Buddhism are specifically mentioned in the corebook as being neither proven nor disproven.
Knockwood: (probably to keep the books from being burned...)
BethE: Because no-one really knows much about the whole Jesus and Buddha things...
Etheric: Well, night all.
Random_Nerd: (Either that, or to leave open more options on using religion.)
Knockwood: oyasumi-nasai
lazarus: 'night Ether
Random_Nerd: (Ambiguity is useful.)

      • Etheric has signed off IRC (Disintegrated: Destiny is choice.).

Random_Nerd: G'night.
Random_Nerd: Err, missed him.
BethE: Me too. *sigh*
Random_Nerd: Do you guys want me to come up with a full Code of Splintering by next week?
Knockwood: isn't it in the literature?
Random_Nerd: What literature?
BethE: Nah, RN's flying by the seat of his chair.  :)
Random_Nerd: The fact that there is a split on Dionyl between Splintering and Domination is mentioned in the book, once. No explanation is given on what these mean, beyond that it's hard to explain to non-Dionyl.
Random_Nerd: It's on page 38.
Random_Nerd: That paragraph is, I believe, all the GWB says about Dionyl.
BethE: *looks over your shoulder*
Random_Nerd: So, what do you think of my version of Dionyl?
lazarus: they're very interesting
BethE: I like them, but then again, you've fleshed out a single paragraph in the GWB. So to speak.
Knockwood: you mean clothed out. :)
Random_Nerd: Heh.
Random_Nerd: Do I involve them too much in the game?
BethE: Nah. I feel a little guilty about not doing much with Consequence's family and Night's for the most part.
Knockwood: Me too, really, we've been ignoring the guy who first helped us...
lazarus: They're not used too much. I say more Dionyl!
lazarus: also, apparently Elves created the A-Bomb. ?_?.
Knockwood: huh?
BethE: We only handle Amyra's Otherkin, Laz...
Knockwood: and even then we still need to actually build the thing...
Random_Nerd: Yeah, by putting Lesson in charge of handling them. Elf-hater!
BethE: Why do I think that Lesson will not be the most sympathetic of listners to Otherkin?
lazarus: In Nobilis, the Otherkin are RIGHT!
BethE: Scary...then again...Wild Chancel.
Random_Nerd: Well, /some/ otherkin are right.
Random_Nerd: Some aren't.
Knockwood: some flakes know deep truths, and some deep thinkers are flakes.
Random_Nerd: Yep.

Chapter 7