Session 57

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Chapter 7

Theresa: Dante and Theresa just got back to everyone.
Random_Nerd: And Brian has already been there.

  • DanteE looks just a little tired.

Theresa: All we have left is the miracles contest and prizes?
Brian: this is after chatting with Message?
DanteE: yep
Random_Nerd: Yeah.
DanteE: (screwing up the universe is _hard!_ :)
Random_Nerd: It's Power of Blades Barbie!
Random_Nerd: Comes with sword, glass eye, and a car with an unnaturally large trunk!
DanteE: sword that looks like a cane, I might add. :)
Random_Nerd: Not to be confused with your cane that looks like a sword.
Random_Nerd: Ready to start?
Theresa: Ready! I think.
DanteE: suuuuuure...
Brian: sure
Random_Nerd: ________________START________________
Random_Nerd: The guests have arrived back at the Grove, as have the PCs.
Random_Nerd: Guest Nobles: *mill about*

  • Theresa pats her hair back in place.

DanteE: to his Familia: "So... any of you think up a miracle to show the guests?"
Theresa: "I'm not sure if we're to impress or what."
Brian: "most of my visible ones aren't too impressive. I mean ... tell time? Woo!"
DanteE: "Well, to be fair, we can't enter the competition. :)"
DanteE: "And we should probably ask them to stick to Ghosts..."
Theresa: "We need to make sure we have prizes as well."
Brian: "we have a Magic Badge Machine that can be used. with the minor alteration of "this is a trophy! this is a trophy!" being broadcast"
DanteE: quietly: "Then we need to check out that breakthrough further. I do not like her timing."
Random_Nerd: (Magic Badges only work on chancelfolk, though, and they only do one thing. You'd need to make something new for that.)

  • Theresa nods to Dante. "And I want to know if this is a first-visit or not."

Theresa: "I know Carrie had some prizes lined up and I had gathered some of the finest foods Amyra produces."
DanteE: (You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Kaerkoven? :)
Theresa: (A john with cheese?)
Brian: (first prize?)
DanteE: (movie reference)
DanteE: (they probably do call it a Royale with cheese)
Random_Nerd: (Has it ever been settled whether Amyra is metric?)
Theresa: (Uh...I don't think it had been settled. We're kinda European decent, though.)
Brian: (I assume it is)
Brian: (simply because I assume the Imperial System is an Excrucian infiltration on Measurements :p)

  • DanteE looks over the guests...

Random_Nerd: The guests have mostly gone to talking to each other or eating food.
Theresa: "You're the flashy person, Dante, you want to announce everything?"
Brian: (I had a bit of a "spooner" moment, there, flipped the verbs in the two clauses :eek:)

  • DanteE discreetly listens in to see if anyone's talking about the Breakthrough...

DanteE: "Huh? You want me to flash everyone? :) "
Random_Nerd: (The only one who knows about the breakthrough at the moment is Night.)
Random_Nerd: (Because Brian told him about it, whereas the rest of you rushed the others off and distracted them.)
Random_Nerd: (Night is looking distinctly more jumpy than others.)
Theresa: (We might wanna reassure him...)
DanteE: "Theresa, you could 'demo' the contest with an instant floral float. :)

  • Theresa grins at Dante, "I'm not sure this is that kind of crowd. But I thought you might like to be master of ceremonies."

Theresa: (The crowd comment is to the flash comment.)

  • DanteE takes a moment to straighten up...

Theresa: "True. Be bad if anyone had hayfever. But I thought we were sticking to ghost miracles for the contest?"

  • Theresa nudges Brian. "How about you tell Night that the unwanted guest is taken care of?"

DanteE: "We are. No sense having people discovering alligators in the sewers tomorrow...
DanteE: "especially ones playing bridge in French..."
DanteE: (What are we saying Carrie is doing?)
Brian: (didn't I already tell Night that?)
Random_Nerd: (You did.)
Random_Nerd: (Carrie is on assignment to Kudzu or something.)
Brian: to T: "Already done."
Random_Nerd: (Basically, those are some /safe horses/.)
DanteE: (Go ahead ... make my neigh. <rimshot>)
Theresa: (Brian - is the stage set up?)
Brian: (whatever prep needed doing is done)

  • DanteE gets up and heads to the stage...

DanteE: "Theresa, you want to be first one up?"
Theresa: "Well, then..." *cascades of rose petals fall just outside of Dante's Auct. as he climbs the stage. Instant petals to walk on.*
Brian: (roll out the red carpet indeed :P)
DanteE: "ahem...
DanteE: "Ladies, gantlemen, and whatever else may be out there...

  • Theresa looks a little shocked and a bit shy about going first, especially before explanations.

DanteE: *gentlemen
DanteE: "Time to impress your friends, wow your neighbors, and hopfully not screw up our property values.
Random_Nerd: (You have rabbits for that.)
DanteE: (and it occurs to me I shoulda checked with our aides for protocol first... d'oh.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, shall we say that you did, and handling it this way is fine according to them?)
Theresa: (Sounds delightful to me.)
DanteE: (Kewl. Beats the hell out of 'Let's get er dooooooooooone!' anyway... :)
DanteE: "It is time for ... the Miracle Contest!
Random_Nerd: People perk up and start paying a bit more attention.
DanteE: "Or, as you call it in private, your chance to show off.
DanteE: "Basically, whoever impresses us the most with a Domain miracle--preferably a Ghost miracle, remember this is still a human country--
Random_Nerd: (Mostly, anyway.)
DanteE: "wins a prize of our choosing, one which we will endeavor to match to the recipient.
Random_Nerd: Shadows, to Duty: "Twenty bucks says it's a fruitcake."
Random_Nerd: Duty: "No bet."
DanteE: "Or, alternatively, this fine assortment of (whatever they collected beforehand)."
Brian: (joss to the gm)
DanteE: "And if it is a fruitcake, I assure you it will be an _excellent_ fruitcake. :)"
DanteE: "The rules:
Theresa: "Hey, the traditional Amyran fruitcake is highly flammable and not usually exported, thanks to various international weapon laws..."
DanteE: "No hurting each other...
DanteE: "No copying and tweaking someone else's miracle...
DanteE: "No frightening the horses...
Random_Nerd: Martyrs raises a hand.
DanteE: "And please confine the effects to the grove.
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Wait, you have horses here?"
DanteE: "Yes, Martyrs?"
Random_Nerd: "What about miracles that, rather than being a variation on a past miracle, work by playing off another miracle in some way?"

  • Theresa blinks at Shadows. "Is that...unusual?"

DanteE: "Hmm...
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Well, they crap all over and stuff."
DanteE: "I'll ... allow it. As long as the result is original."
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "I'm sure your horses are /perfectly fine/."
DanteE: "Now, my Familia and I are'nt eligible to win, of course, but here with a quick demonstration...
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "*mumble*stupidhorses*mumble*"
DanteE: "My Sister Celestis Theresa, Dominus Flora.
DanteE: "Theresa?"
Theresa: "Oh, Amyran's been a big mix of agricultural and urban for quite a while. Comes from transforming the desert into useable land. There are horse trails in many of the larger cities, even."
Random_Nerd: (I'm sure Shadows has no lingering resentment over being assigned to Horse Guarding Duty.)
DanteE: (Oops, that should have been Domina Flora)
Theresa: (Sure, get my sex wrong... <G>)
Random_Nerd: (Unless she has a secondary domain of Dude Looks Like A Lady.)
Random_Nerd: (Which... actually ties in thematically with plants.)

  • Theresa steps up to the stage, worrying her lip between her teeth as she tries to think fast.

DanteE: (your gander I remember, it's the Latin I glitched on)
DanteE: *gender
DanteE: (sheesh)

  • Theresa sits on the bare floor of the stage, tucking her legs under her dress and concentrating...

DanteE: (Say hello to our new Sister Caelestis/mortal Enemy, Tpyo, Domina of Typos. (Ih!))
Theresa: (This is going to be a lot of typing, be warned.)
Random_Nerd: (Who could forget about her gander? Dang bird gets into everything.)

  • Theresa hums to herself, as a sapling starts to 'grow' out of the stage floor. It reaches toward the light (if any above), spiralling out in fast forward. Its leaves show it is an ash... It grows and grows until it towers above the regular trees and silently shimmers... (more)

Theresa: Little globes and cubes and pyramids and Klein bottles start to appear at various tips of the tree's branches, maybe above or near the guests' heads. If they look close, they might see fog and little tiny worlds... (more)
Theresa: The sapling then starts to shrink in size, but still maintaining its tiny grandure, until it can fit easily in Theresa's hand. She picks it up and tosses it. An ash seed floats to the ground to start it again.

  • Theresa bows.

Theresa: (How's that?)
Random_Nerd: People applaud politely.

  • DanteE leads the applause. "Nice one, Theresa!"

DanteE: "Now... who volunteers to be the first entry?"
Brian: (sorry, tangent: best picture ever (Link:
Random_Nerd: Shadows raises a hand. "I think I'll be next."

  • Theresa smiles, leaves the stage and watches eagerly.

Random_Nerd: Duty: "Thomas, if this has anything at all to do with ninjas, I swear to..."
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "No! Uh, I need a moment..."
Theresa: (Good thing you said it was a tangent, Laz, or if I thought it was a response to my attempt... :P )
Theresa: (I would like to give a bennie to RN for the ninjas comment.)
Brian: (also, it now has to deal with Pirates. Or maybe robot monkeys)
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Okay, how about this. Do you have a light source I could borrow for a moment?"
DanteE: (I presume we have portable 'party lamps' around, OK?)
Theresa: "Bio, electrical or chemical?"
Random_Nerd: "Shiny."

  • DanteE goes and grabs a lamp no one's using.

DanteE: "How's this?"
Random_Nerd: Shadows positions himself near it, and draws his rapier, which he puts in front of the light.
Random_Nerd: The shadow of the blade stretches out across the ground, like a dark crack, far darker than the lighting would explain.
Random_Nerd: It deepens, and widens, and he drops the sword into it, where it falls, a shiny silver line in the darkness.
Random_Nerd: It falls slowly, like a gleam of a line in a dark triangle, and then it looks like a gleam on something made of a dark but polished material.
Random_Nerd: Finally, he reaches over to the angular shadow, and picks it up, as a gleaming black sword.
Random_Nerd: He puts it in his scabbard again.

  • DanteE claps.

Theresa: "Oooo!" *claps*
Theresa: (And if any Noble thinks less of me for being forward with my approve/applause, I could always take the Easily Amused limit!)

  • Brian nods impressedly

DanteE: (are the guests clapping too, BTW? Brian can be a decibel meter and settle ties that way. :)
Brian: (... Theresa as blonde schoolgirl stereotype? My brain now hurts...)
Random_Nerd: (They are, to some degree. Shadows' family is the loudest. Physics is snapping his fingers, instead.)
DanteE: "Thank you! Shadows, ladies and gentlemen.
DanteE: "All right... who wants to go next?"
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "How about you?"
Theresa: (Oooo, he'sa callin' you out!  :) )
DanteE: "Wellll... if you in_sist_... :)
DanteE: "Can I borrow that blade of yours a moment?"
Random_Nerd: He shrugs, and hands it to Dante grip-first.

  • DanteE takes the blade, holds it point-up, concentrates a moment...

DanteE: then tosses it upward with a somewhat odd spin...
DanteE: When it hits about 15 feet up, it (seems to) BURST into a huge shower of daggers, stilettos and such, which fly outward...
DanteE: Some of which >THUNK< into trees, posts and the ground, some of which miss guests by inches... one of which nails the roast...
DanteE: and all of them seem to take a bit of light with them, until only a sliver of darkness is left above them...
DanteE: ...which falls into Dante's outstreched hand as he catches Shadows' rapier by the blade.
DanteE: "Yours, I believe?" (handing it back.)
Random_Nerd: He takes it back, and smiles.
DanteE: BTW, the ghost-blades have vanished, with nothing the worse for wear.
Random_Nerd: Consequences: "Well done. In fact, that roast looks rather good, I think I'll have a slice."
Random_Nerd: He goes over and cuts himself a slice of roast, and eats it.
DanteE: "Certainly, there are several real blades floating around."
Random_Nerd: Then, he begins to cough and choke.
Random_Nerd: He falls to the ground, writhing in pain.

  • Theresa blinks.
  • DanteE checks out both Conseq and the roast with The Sight...

Random_Nerd: After a few moments of this, he screams loudly, coughs convulsively, and a dark blade comes out through his skin and shirt.
Random_Nerd: He lies on the ground, and bleeds. Then, shadowy figures take him up, and carry him to where suddenly there's a grave.
Random_Nerd: They lower him in, and toss handfuls of dirt, while a vague widow and orphan cry.
DanteE: (It's his entr, isn't it.)
DanteE: *entry
Random_Nerd: Then, he stands up, and all of this fades away.
Random_Nerd: (Yep.)
Random_Nerd: (It's all ghosts.)
Random_Nerd: (Well, the coughing and such were real.)
Random_Nerd: (He was trying to sell it.)
Random_Nerd: Eclipses punches Consequences in the arm, pretty hard.
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "Jerk."

  • Theresa smiles. "Had me going for a while! Glad you weren't hurt."
  • DanteE claps good-naturedly.

DanteE: "If I wasn't who I was you might have gone and spooked me. :)"
Random_Nerd: (Let's just assume a moderate amount of applause each time, so I don't have to copypaste generic stuff in all the time.)
DanteE: "Who's next?"
Random_Nerd: Martyrs: "I believe I have an idea. I assume all of you are familiar with honeybees?"
DanteE: "Oh lord yes..."
Random_Nerd: She waves a flayed hand, and a bee appears.
Random_Nerd: And then, around it, a slice of hive, teeming with bees.
Random_Nerd: "When a wasp comes to such a hive, as they sometimes do, for the two are competing creatures..."
Random_Nerd: Cue wasp, with ominous music, entering the enlarged hive.
Random_Nerd: The bees swarm all over it and try to sting it, but fail.
Random_Nerd: "Their stingers are just not enough to penetrate the wasp's thicker exoskeleton, you see. But it's come to invade their home, so they have to do something."
Random_Nerd: The bees swarm all over the wasp, and rub it while wriggling madly.
Random_Nerd: "You see, a wasp can't survive too much heat, and friction causes heat. Enough of that, and that's it. The wasp fights..."
Random_Nerd: And it implales several bees on its stinger, in the mad moshing of death.
Random_Nerd: "But ultimately, it falls, because the heat is too much for it. But the thing is, it's too much for the bees, too, the close ones around the wasp."
Random_Nerd: And the wasp and the twenty bees pressed up against it closest slowly stop moving.
Random_Nerd: A sad marching tune plays for a moment as it all fades out of view.
Theresa: (Darn it, I have no comment that can outdo mad moshpit of insects...)
DanteE: ("As the bees protect the hive from the wasp, so Mutual of Omaha protects you from the trials of life. Join us next week on Wild Kingdom!")

  • Theresa claps. "I never knew that before!"
  • DanteE claps. "I wondered where Martyrdom came into play. Nice one!"

Random_Nerd: Martyrs shrugs, and says "I like bees."
DanteE: "Who's next?"
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint: "I have an idea, if someone could play a musical instrument for a short time."
DanteE: (should give her a nice wooden beehive. :)
DanteE: "Preference for instrument or music style?"
Random_Nerd: "Doesn't matter. Something that can play a tune with some sort of emotional resonance, and keep it up without changing."
Theresa: "Hmm, I think I can provide that."

  • Theresa lesser Creates a wooden flute and uses Aspect 2 to play better than David Carradine.

Theresa: (I'm thinking playing something sad or calming...a ballad or lullaby or such.)
Random_Nerd: Conceptual Tint moves an arm, and the tune's sadness amplifies. Vague images of tears, and half-filled bottles, and clouds drift around.
DanteE: (alternatively, something from The Magic Flute)
Random_Nerd: Then, without the tune changing, suddenly it seems bright, cheery. The sun breaks through the clouds. Things gleam.
Random_Nerd: The gleaming takes on a red hue, and the tune begins to have a harsh, martial feel to it. Things look like they're seen by firelight, and a smell of hot iron fills the air.
Random_Nerd: Finally, it moves to more of a melancholy tone, like the funeral of a king, with sadness and celebration of greatness combined. The red glow lightens to gold.
Random_Nerd: Then, it fades, and the tune which never changed sounds sad again.

  • Theresa blows the final note and bows to CT. "Beautiful."
  • DanteE claps. "Excellent!"

DanteE: "Who's next?"
Random_Nerd: The Triad reaches down, and in an invisible hand holds a leaf, on which an ant walks.
Random_Nerd: He waves a sleeve over it, and as it passes, suddenly there's a second ant, larger, slower, with green tufts at the places where its plates meet.
Random_Nerd: He hums a note, and passes a sleeve across it again, and there's a third ant, but one that drifts in the air and vibrates, half translucent and shape wavering.
Random_Nerd: Finally, he reaches for the light that Shadows used, waves it over the drifting green ant shape, and an even hazier green light appears, floating through the air like a will'o'wisp.
Random_Nerd: He sets the light back down, but none of the things he created fade.
Theresa: "Hmm, what do they eat, Triad?"
DanteE: "Now that.. helps me understand you a bit more. Nice one."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Which ones?"
DanteE: (who's left?)
Random_Nerd: "Most of them should photosynthesize, and the last one can feed off his own light as long as the air's not fully still."
Random_Nerd: (About half of them, perhaps a bit more.)
DanteE: "All right, who's next?"
Random_Nerd: (That seems to be most of the people who had something to contribute, though.)
Random_Nerd: (Nobody else seems to be standing forth.)
DanteE: "Anyone?"
Theresa: "Interesting. I was wondering in case they would like to stay here and if here might be a good home for them."
Random_Nerd: Triad: "Here should do. This place was a good place for all the things that made them up, at least."
Random_Nerd: People shuffle around.
Theresa: (A possibly stupid question...since they photozynthesize...are they Mine?)
DanteE: "All right then... let me just confer with my Familia to decide who wins!"
Theresa: "If there are no other contenders, then please feel free to munch and talk some more while the judges decide..."
Random_Nerd: (Hmm. Probably some count to some degree.)
Random_Nerd: The lamp, which Triad had most recently used, starts to shift color slightly.
Random_Nerd: The air around it chills, and something about the way it flows seems off.
DanteE: (uhoh)
Random_Nerd: After a moment, it freezes, in a hard but still almost seethrough shell around the lamp.
Random_Nerd: The light flickers, and then changes color back, and the air metls.
Random_Nerd: (Err, melts.)
Random_Nerd: Physics: "That was me."
Brian: "Impressive."
DanteE: "Nice subtle effect."
Theresa: (Would it be rude to comment that his beverage must always be cold for him?)
DanteE: "All right, really... any other entries?"
Random_Nerd: No response.
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "Well..."
Random_Nerd: She holds her hand up, towards the sun, blocking it.
Random_Nerd: In a way that seems dependant on camera trickey, it blocks it from everyone's point of view.
Random_Nerd: The Grove is cast in shadow.
Random_Nerd: Then, her hand starts to let light pass through, while remaining opaque.
Random_Nerd: It's not like something translucent, but like if you look at a light with one eye and block it from your other one, where you see the light and the blocking at the same time.
Random_Nerd: Then, the sun, too, suddenly can be seen through. And what's on the other side is nothing, not even the absence of light, but the absence of space, and shape.
Random_Nerd: Then she lowers her hand and everything looks right again.
Theresa: "Wow, that bit at the end..."
Random_Nerd: Eclipses: "That's what it looks behind the..."
Random_Nerd: Consequences looks at her quickly.
Random_Nerd: E: "Err, what I imagine it looks like behind the sky."
DanteE: (hm!)
Brian: "Behind the sky?"
Random_Nerd: E: "Ah... on the other side, so to speak."
Random_Nerd: E: "Not the atmosphere, I mean, the /sky/. Even the night sky."

  • Theresa looks down at her ash seed. "Out beyond...haven't been out there yet."

DanteE: "Good one! Now, is that the last of the entries?"
Random_Nerd: Consequences: "I don't recommend it."
Random_Nerd: People look around, but nobody says anything.
Random_Nerd: (And yes, that's the last.)

  • Theresa grins. "I'd like to get to see the Ash close up. A tree like that..." *happy shiver*

Random_Nerd: Shadows: "You've never even been up-Ash yet?"
Brian: (.... o_O)
Random_Nerd: Shadows: "Two words. Road trip. Trust me on this one."
DanteE: "All right! Folks, please have some more of Theresa's Delicious Miracle Pies while we determine the winner!"

  • Theresa smiles. "You've got years of being a Noble on me, Shadows. So far I've lived in Amyra all my life and visted California to help Brian with his problem. Oh and Australia for rabbits and Chicago for a little bit. Haven't left Earth yet, but I'm glad you give it such a recommendation!"

Random_Nerd: Shadows: "You really should, when you have the time."

  • Theresa nods. "I hope to." *looks up at the sky* "Something like that..." *trails off*

Brian: (ya know... I would try making a joke here, but it's all too easy. And kinda scary.)
DanteE: (OK, shall we decide on the winner IC or OOC?)
Brian: "My vote's on Physics."
Random_Nerd: (Your call, although I'd prefer IC.)
Brian: "Runner up Conceptual Tin, and 3rd Triad"
Theresa: (OOC maybe since they can probably all hear us...)
Random_Nerd: (Well, but your characters have to decide too, right?)
Theresa: (True. Never mind. IC, then.)
Theresa: "Hmm..." *thinks*
DanteE: "Let's see... you could argue Eclipses' was too easy... she's Eclipses, after all. Was impressive, though.
Theresa: "All of them were 'easy', though, Dante. That's what ghosts are."
DanteE: "True.
Theresa: "My votes would be Tint first, Shadows and....I think Triad."
Brian: "Physics was unexpected. Tint was a view into a world we've never seen. And Triad was just plain cool."
DanteE: "Tint seems to be in the lead... question is, what do we give him"

  • Theresa thinks. "How about we ask Sam what he thinks would be good?"

DanteE: "Good idea..."
Random_Nerd: (The Aides are standing a bit away, but you could easily catch their eye.)
DanteE: (he's around, right?)

  • DanteE motions the Aides over.

Random_Nerd: They come.
DanteE: "By the way, Brian, who did they clap the loudest at?"
Random_Nerd: W: "Is there something we can help you with?"
Brian: (um, GM, can that question be answered?)
Random_Nerd: (Applause, or fingersnapping in the case of Physics, was pretty comperable for most of them, with differences being mostly based on who had the loudest Familia.)
Brian: "It was even all around."
DanteE: "Sam, it looks like we were most impressed by Conceptual Tint, which opens up the question of what do we give him as a prize. Any ideas?"
DanteE: (Hello?)
Random_Nerd: (Thinking.)
Random_Nerd: Sam: "Hell if I know."
Random_Nerd: S: "A pony?"
Random_Nerd: W: "Horses are... perhaps not the best gift. Some Nobles have unpleasant memories of them."
Theresa: (Note to self - don't give Shadows a pony.)
DanteE: "can we get our hands on a calliope?"
Theresa: "There's probably at least one or two in Amyra."
Theresa: (Question is, can we get it here _quick_.)
Random_Nerd: (I'm sure you can, just tell me how you're doing it, if you want to do it.)
Brian: (someone with aspect runs to get it?)
Theresa: (Hmm, Realm div of calliopes, then send William to get it. Small speech about how Calliope is the muse of epic song and the leader of the inspirations and so forth.)
DanteE: "William... as I recall, the Grand Amyran Spectacle was last on the south side of town. Medium-sized circus. I never heard anything about them packing up once the 'plague' hit.
Theresa: (It might be a bit hard to carry...)
DanteE: "Call them, see if they'll sell their calliope.
DanteE: "Brian... can you miraculously tune it?"
Brian: "Don't see why not"
Theresa: "So, who are your votes for, Dante, and should we have any other prizes?"
DanteE: "Might also give a few others prizes as well, though.
DanteE: "Can you put together a beehive for Martyrs to smooth over the little contretemps we had?"
Random_Nerd: (Could we finish in 15 minutes or less? I'm getting tired.)

  • Theresa thinks a little bit. "Yeees, I believe so. Straw, wood...would that be a gift, though?"

Theresa: (Sure, RN.)
DanteE: "... good point."
Brian: "... they all deserve gifts, for they all gave us a gift of a miracle display"
DanteE: "Would the bouquets of our flowers count?"
Brian: "of course"
Theresa: "Okay, that's easy to do."
Random_Nerd: (Should we stop here and handle the gifts and send people on their way next week? You guys seem low on momentum.)
Theresa: "So, anything for 2nd? Best in Show? Dominus Congeniality?"
Theresa: (That might be best.)
Brian: (agree)
DanteE: (OK.)
Random_Nerd: _____________STOP___________
Random_Nerd: Thoughts?

      • Brian is now known as Lazarus.

DanteE: Nice miracles, RN.

      • You are now known as BethE.
      • DanteE is now known as Knockwood.

BethE: I agree. Very good job on the miracles and the number of them.
Lazarus: neat
Lazarus: but sorry for being a little low on energy

Random_Nerd: I'm amused that somehow, by some twist of stupidity, it hadn't dawned on me until this session that the contest meant that I myself would have to come up with at least half a dozen creative miracles.
Random_Nerd: I have no idea how I missed that.
Knockwood: a-heh. :)
BethE: I had figured that you had them planned out a long time ago... *looks at you*
Knockwood: You've been improvising the whole game, HAVEN'T YOU? >:>
BethE: What was your favorite miracle, RN?
Lazarus: RN, how the hell did you miss that?
Random_Nerd: *shrug*
Random_Nerd: I can't really judge my work that way. For some reason it just doesn't work.
Random_Nerd: I have no clue, Laz.
Random_Nerd: No clue at all.
BethE: Well, I've never found his notes, Knock...  :) But I think he works things out more than I do with my GMing and I'm very "Ooops, gotta come up with this _now_."
Lazarus: I mean, I'm at least aware that I have to think up some more God Weapons for Sunday :-P
Lazarus: not that I /will/ but I oughta
Knockwood: maybe I'll start something... once I figure out how to suck less :/
Lazarus: at least I know what they're going to need to do :-P "You must find that within yourself that you cannot give [? damnit, I knew the word I was looking for the other day] on your own"
BethE: "to others" ?
Random_Nerd: "Your mom."
BethE: "consentually"?
Lazarus: I meant that "give" isn't the word I wanted.
BethE: Ah.
BethE: (offer?)
Lazarus: that might've been it.
Lazarus: offer or provide.
Lazarus: anyway. A puzzle meant to get them working as a group :p
BethE: Knock - if my brain was working better, I would give you a line that was a parody of Yoda, involving GMing and sucking and so forth...
Knockwood: "There is no suck, there is only roll or not roll"?
Lazarus: and kwd, the style of GMing I've found fits me is "look! A thing attacking you!"
Lazarus: and then let the players figure out what's going on.
BethE: Knock - not quite that, but somewhat along those lines. "GM or not, there is no true suckage as long as there is game."